I don’t want to have religious rules

“So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.” L1433

I have meditated on this message LL76 "Do Nothing” all weekend, I have talked about it with my Beloved, searching in my life for those moments in which I have done dead works. I am so clear about my inability to do something on my own that I always feel doubt about everything I should do, it is difficult for me to make decisions most of the time with simple things because I do not want to get off track, I must confess that anxiety often to conclude and move forward leads me to act on what I think I should do without confirmation, I just take a step of faith (that's what I think I do), because at the beginning I got stuck with many things for fear of failing and not have confirmation of every detail, but at that time my Beloved spoke to me about having faith, since anxiety did not let me hear it.

I feel like I have to please my authority and that if I don't move "I'm wasting my time" and I think I have to be productive! Taking a break is not something I like to do, except for the day my Beloved gave me to rest. I try my best to ask my Beloved about everything but many times I find myself asking him if I asked him before I did what he was going to do. It relates a lot to my perfectionist mind.

While I was meditating my Beloved spoke to me:

–“So you cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own.” Luke 14:33 NLT

–What did he possess before I became a disciple? A profession, my understanding, my reasoning... my plans, my family, my desires... have I let go of it all? While watching the movie of the Gospel of Luke I noticed that you said that you should do as it was written about you, and seeing the day of the little donkey I thought "That day the Father told you in your prayer time, 'today is the day of the little donkey' Using Zechariah 9:9?” Maybe it was what you read that day in the Bible and thought this is his plan for me today, so you sent for the donkey and did what the Bible said the Messiah should do. I thought, is it like that with me? Do you have every day of my life written like a plan? Am I following your agenda? Does having a routine help me follow your schedule? I don't completely understand it, Beloved. Please guide me.

–I know very well what I have planned for you, says the LORD, they are plans for your well-being, not for your evil. They are plans to give them a future and hope. Jeremiah 29:11 PDT “Give us the food we need today.” Matthew 6:11 TLAI

–So the word He gave me today is the word I need to apply on this day specifically.

–'Instead of which you should say: If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that. ' James 4:15

After that I was guided to read: “God is a God of order and routine” is what Erin says in W@H, so it's okay to have a routine, what El pointed out to me today when I reread the chapters about routines in W@H is that I need to ask you What is His plan for me on that day. I do not want to have “religious” rules, that is why I ask my Beloved to help me do what He wants me to do out of conviction, desire, and pleasure, because I am born to do it, not in my strength, but relying on HIM under His grace without necessarily taking things as something more on the “list” of things to do so that I feel good about what I have done. I don't want to fall into religiosity and in fact, I need Him to help me with this religiosity thing to be clearer about it. I don't want to fall into it and that's why I feel it guides me to go deeper into the dangers of falling into being a Pharisee again.

I praise Him because I love how HE continues to guide me and free me from the many forms of wrong thinking in my mind so that I can live more abundantly.

10 thoughts on “I don’t want to have religious rules”

  1. Thank you for oppening your heart Anastasia❣️ I really needed to read “God is a God of order and routine” , sometimes I feel I am a failure as I am trying and trying to make and keep things the way I want them to be, but they are not exactly how I wanted, so I can feel the peace leaving me, but as you said, and I agree 💯 with what you wrote here: “I love how HE continues to guide me and free me from the many forms of wrong thinking in my mind so that I can live more abundantly.”
    I agree in praying with you that He is leading all of us to live more abundantly by His side 🙏

    1. Amen! Thank you, Paula, Is nice to know that I am not the only one, but so many ladies are trying to keep things in the correct place but we need to know that we can not be perfect, just our intentions need to be perfect.

  2. In Matthew 11:28, Our Beloved calls to us, saying, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
    He desires us to slow down and find a few tranquil moments with Him.
    I learned that surrendering my daily routines to the Lord changes everything!
    He taught me the importance of having a rhythm and not a fixed routine because sometimes He will change my plans for His glory!
    I keep asking for the most important 5 things I have to do in a day and to enlarge my time so I can do everything!
    Thank you for being so honest!

    1. I really loved what you wrote here Isabella: “He taught me the importance of having a rhythm and not a fixed routine because sometimes He will change my plans for His glory!” – it helped me a lot and made me remember of: “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.
      He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley,[a] I will fear no evil, for you are with me P2324

  3. Querida Anastasia, me identifico tanto con lo que dices, soy tan indecisa. Por miedo a no hacer lo correcto o desobedecer a mi Esposo
    Celestial. Que precisamente ayer que tuve una situacion, le decia que me.iluminara y se me vienen versiculos a la mente y digo si es lo que debo hacer. Pero queda esa duda. Y si no estoy haciendo nada,siento que estoy perdiendo tiempo. Le pido que me guie cada dia, que El es quien sabe y dirige todo.

    Dear Anastasia, I identify so much with what you say, I am so indecisive. For fear of not doing the right thing or disobeying my Husband
    Heavenly. Just yesterday when I had a situation, I told him to enlighten me and verses come to mind and I say if it’s what I should do. But that doubt remains. And if I’m not doing anything, I feel like I’m wasting time. I ask Him to guide me every day, that He is the one who knows and directs everything.

    1. Thank you Isabella, the verse you share with me encourages me a lot, I needed it precisely today. Your comment reminds me that I should not break down when something goes out of routine because I can trust that my Beloved is in control and that whatever He calls me to do is for something He requires, I have learned this with this impromptu trip to Colombia changes my routine, but it allows me to live closer to Him by supporting His plan for me.

  4. Anastasia I can identify with what you shared about being scared to make a decision or do something because I was so scared that I would make a mistake. But one thing I have learned is to talk to Him about everything, then wait for Him to give you a clear answer or show you the way because then you can move forward without fear. Another thing He taught me is to be flexible with my days and to not get upset if something doesn’t go according to my plans or my way. It was difficult in the beginning because I wanted things to go my way, but the burden was so heavy to carry. There is so much peace in following His plans for your days, opening each new day as a gift from your Heavenly Husband, seeing where and how He will lead.

    1. Thanks for sharing Adina. In my case I feel that my own anxiety and fear do not let me hear it clearly and that is why it is difficult for me to make decisions quickly. I think I tend to be “slow” and that I delay things, which brings me more anxiety… But I have been learning to calm down and trust that HE will solve it even if I delay, surely He knows me and tells me things with anticipation to prepare myself and if I make a mistake He can solve it, I can trust in His love and let go of fear.

  5. Dear Anastasia,

    first of all I would like to respond to the last thing you wrote “that you praise Him for how He continually guides you and sets you free from the many forms of wrong thinking so that you can even more live the abundant life.”

    This is what I believe it is all about when we surrender to Him. Renewing our thinking. Surrendering everything we thought we had to do this way because we learned it that way or still relied and relied too much on our own insights, when we did not yet realize that everything we did was not done by us but by Him.
    Now that we have learned that everything was made for Him and through Him. We too were made for Him and through Him. That is why it is so beautiful to realize that without Him we can do nothing. He lets us know not only so that we will give Him all the glory for what we can do, when I am sure He should get more than our praise and honor, but also to let us know that whatever we will do. It is as His Word says: “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13)

    I recently received deliverance after being taught https://loveatlast.org/living-lessons/week-3-he-leads-me/ of all the religious rules and laws I grew up with in the church. I felt constantly judged and nothing I did made me feel worthy to serve Him. Letting go of things created by humans was so liberating. When I opened my heart and honestly told Him about the tight and condemned feeling I had. Has He taught me that He would not love me less if I made a decision that might not be the right one? That He will also no longer love me if I have done all kinds of things for Him during the day.
    What He wants is you and me in His presence. That you involve Him in everything you do. Tell Him what is on your heart so He can guide you. A love relationship between Groom and Bride. And when you feel like you need to do something, He will lead you to do it.

    Being afraid of making mistakes is of course a cunning action by the enemy, not to make any more mistakes is a desire that has also led me astray. In not making decisions. Sweet Anastasia, our Heavenly Man speaks in many ways. For me, mainly through feeling or His Word, but because He made us and knows what desires are in our hearts. If you have made a mistake, He will always use it for your good. You can be assured of this in His love for you.

    Nice to read that you have taken the step to work more according to a routine and conviction than a pre-planned to-do list. This will give you the opportunity to be more flexible in working for Him for His Glory.

    1. Oh Kristine, thank you very much for taking the time to share all this with me, it has helped me a lot, especially to see that there is a blind spot of doubt about my ability to hear it and that this doubt keeps me, as HE says, “from one side to the other like the waves of the sea” in the midst of indecision, so now I understand where He wants to direct me. 🙂

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