How do I enjoy the Wait?

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. " I4031

After reading this lesson "Tarry" I was strongly reminded of how to wait for HIm. It doesnt matter how hard the wait get, we must wait in faith knowing that he doesn't fail, and if He allows it is because a great blessing is coming from it.

A couple weeks ago I made a decision, a financial one that hit me hard. and it all was because of disobedience, I  didn't wait for His response, and I ignored when He wispered to me, and so I fail, depending on my own knowledge and strenght. MAYBE IF i HAD LISTEN THINGS WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER LESS STRESS ( my thoughts)  but he showed me I am nothing without Him, that my strenght is nothing but weakness if it's not from Him. And even so He blessed me with His grace and with a double portion. The money I spent He is blessing me with works to make it back, He is providing me all around in all manner and I am very thankful, that even though I didnt listen, I didn't wait HE still loves me and blesses me.

Dear brides our Beloved is the most caring and loving  Husband, enjoy the wait with Him during this time I turtured my self mentally till I let it go to HIm and felt HIs peace that He shared a love song with me and guess the name : "Wait on you!!" While we wait lets praise Him let's enjoy our time get stronger with HIM, WAIT IT IS WORTH IT!!!

4 thoughts on “How do I enjoy the Wait?”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Jewel, we are really nothing without our Darling Lord. My wait was always so stressful and my Darling is really teaching me to enjoy the wait with Him and the moment I praise Him in my wait, He fills me with a joy and peace that surpasses all understanding, that is just Who He is and He really is the best ever Heavenly Husband!

  2. Our Beloved´s Love is everything!
    “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit…” John 15:5
    Last year I had a really hard waiting season, I mean, I was all over the place, feeling worthless and down. My world came crumbling down and I was scared. But it was the best waiting season ever, it was like the scale on my eyes was clean and I understood that I was not abiding in my Beloved but on me!
    Pondering in His love, gave a me new life!
    Thank you for sharing what you learned my sweet Jewel!

  3. I actually always thought of myself as a patient person until the Lord started asking me to wait and “be still”. That’s when I realized how impatient I really am.

    While waiting is never easy, it is a necessary part of the Christian walk. It is in those moments of stillness and surrender that we encounter the Lord in a deeper way and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. As we learn to wait on the Lord with a patient heart, we discover the true meaning of faith and the transformative power of His love.

  4. Thank you dear Jewel, after a couple of hard lessons I learned in the past, He taught me to first ask Him and then wait for His answer. Although waiting is not easy and I do still get impatient, I learned that waiting for His answer is the best option!

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