“Hopelessly in Need of Him”🏡W@H/💰PM Fellowship Lesson

“One thing I have asked—To behold the beauty of the LORD”— P274

"Though we cringe at first, it is only when we are in this place of being hopelessly in need of Him when we will really see Him face-to-face! It is when we are backed to the Red Sea, or in the grave for three days and beginning to stink when we truly see the glory of God, right? Then why do we try everything we can to not get ourselves into situations like this and try, in vain, to get ourselves out of these predicaments?"

So many times when we are backed against the Red Sea in our finances or any other situation, we first try "one last thing" or "one more time" before we surrender everything over to our Beloved and realise that we are hopelessly in need of Him.

"If you’re in the midst of being hopelessly in need of Him—you’re in a perfect place for a miracle."

Please read this lesson, share your thoughts in the comment section below or join us for our 🏡W@H/💰PM Fellowship tonight to share what you have learned and any praises yu have regarding this lesson.


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4 thoughts on ““Hopelessly in Need of Him”🏡W@H/💰PM Fellowship Lesson”

  1. Good morning, Adina, thank you for sharing this, I am so grateful this morning to be able to wake up, spend my time with HH and read posts from other women who are doing the same, and pouring out what God has given them for the readers. Those times that we are at a crossroads, when the enemy is chasing behind us, and we get to the place where it seems that there is no way out, God opens the red sea for us, when there seems to be no way.
    I have seen these types of things in my life so often, much more now than before, and I am reminded of the verse, James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” I am also taken to the bible verse:
    Psalm 131:2 “Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned from his mother, my soul is even as a weaned child.” A weaned child, though she may want something, must quiet herself if her mother has said that it should be.
    When I think of that verse, I think of all my complaints before the lord, and how I have asked him to teach me to have a meek and quiet spirit. There comes a point where there is no use complaining that there is no use to murmur or rant to the Lord, but to accept Gods perfect work in our lives, to bring forth the beautiful character He wants. In my own experience, he does this to take away the 2-year-old baby that I used to be, that stomped her feet and had a complete tantrum unto God. In my own experience, God has been using these situations to teach me quietness, to teach me Gods sovereignty. To place my complete trust in God and to quiet myself.
    This is our intimate time with God, where He knows us and we know Him. Sometimes it takes a lot of things we would rather not have to deal with, but in his sovereignty, if we have asked him to make us perfect…if we have asked him to bring about the meek and quiet spirit we want, we have to die to self, and trust God.”

    1. Thank you so much for sharing Azaria, I’ve seen how He opened the Red Sea so many times on this journey, but in the beginning I first used to get to the point of trying one last thing to get myself out of the mess. But my attempts didn’t do any good, it was only after I was completely drained and out of options that I “gave up” and surrendered. And slowly He started to build my faith, baby steps, until I can now wait in anticipation of what He is going to do. He also took away the 2-year old in me that used to throw tantrums when things didn’t go my way.

  2. Just love it says “If you’re in the midst of being hopelessly in need of Him—you’re in a perfect place for a miracle.”

    It takes faith to surrender. A lot of times I find myself struggling to let go just because I want to prove I could do it. But in fact I can’t. The self-righteousness got to go. By acknowledging the fact that I don’t have any control whatsoever, I give it to the HH whom I can trust more than myself/anyone.
    “Blessed is one who trust in the Lord, and whose trust is the Lord.” (Jeremiah 17:7)

    1. Thank you Gioia, yes I’ve seen it a lot of times on my journey where He steps in just in time, when you reached the place of surrender and “giving up” trying in the flesh, when you realise only He can do the impossible.

      For me letting go of anything was difficult, once I gave it to my HH, telling Him that I can’t do it, I can’t let go (because in the flesh I tried everything) and that He must please help me let go, or do it in me, I was able to let go and surrender.

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