He Worked it Out Again

I want to share how my Heavenly Husband came through for me again and answered my prayers, actually for my brother, but it was something I gave to my HH as well because I knew He was the only One who could act in the situation.

A couple of months ago my brother got an amazing job after being unemployed for almost 3 yrs, (đŸ„łAnother Huge Answered Prayer). I know my brother is currently under a lot of pressure to complete a project that should have been completed last year, but the guy working on the project resigned.

This past Sunday, he phoned me and told me his resignation letter is written and he is going to resign on Monday. The situation with the project just became unbearable and the guy he is working with on the project, didn't show up to test the system last week, resulting in them missing the deadline and getting into trouble with the company CEO. The deadline was moved to Monday, but my brother wasn't able to get hold of the guy to continue testing and integrating the system. But he said He gave the situation to the Lord and had peace that whatever is going to happen, will be for good. I said that it's fine, if he gave it to the Lord then it will work out for good, no matter what happens, but for a moment my flesh wanted to stress because it's not easy to find employment these days, but my HH told me to just leave it in His hands and relax. So, I did just that.

Yesterday afternoon my brother send me a message, he did not resign, the guy he had to wait for to test the system, contacted him Sunday evening and they were able to test the system (he is an IT specialist so they can do all their work online, testing the systems etc). They were able to get the system to work, but there were still some small things outstanding. Yesterday when he got to work, the meeting in which they had to present the project was cancelled and moved to today, so they were able to work on the system some more and finish it. So, my HH worked it out for good again and my brother didn't resign 🙂

When I read my brother's message yesterday, I just saw my HH's hand in the situation, and I could just smile and thank Him for working it out for good.


4 thoughts on “He Worked it Out Again”

  1. Amazing. He is so good and it has to be exciting seeing Him working in your families lives as well 💕

  2. Oh wow Adina thank you for coming to share this wonderful praise obo your brother I just love how when we leave things in His hand and surrender how He works it out for GOOD!! \o/ Like you I have a smile on my face knowing how He just sorts it all out over and over again even when we doubt 🙂

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