“He Alone is Enough for Me”

Dear Brides, I want to share what Gioia shared in her journal (FAL, Ch 3 "The Love of My Life"):

"One of things I regret not learning earlier (meaning before I got married) is that I don't need a earthly man to meet my needs. If only I have gotten to know Him as my HH and understand that my needs could only be met thru Him, not anyone else. Then the moment I heard about EH wanting a divorce, I would not be so afraid but rest assured in the Lord that my needs and my children's needs would be met still because we have Him. It's not too late. Now that I have found my HH. I can rest in His arms and be loved because He is my everything and He alone is enough for me."

As women we want security, acceptance and love from a man. Maybe that is the way we were taught, or the idea we got from movies or novels. But human love is not perfect, it's conditional and selfish. We think finding love will make us happy, only to be left empty and disillusioned. Sometimes we open ourselves up to so much hurt and pain because we are so desperate to get and hold on to the kind of love we think we need.

There is only one kind of love that can fill the void we have deep inside, pure and perfect love that only the Lord can give us. Once we open our hearts (because He is knocking, just waiting for us) to find our Heavenly Husband and become His bride, our hearts will soar and we will not be looking for human love to make us happy or to fulfil us, because our hearts will be overflowing with His love. And then, instead of needing love, we will be able to give love, His love, to others who desperately needs to also experience His love.


4 thoughts on ““He Alone is Enough for Me””

  1. What Gioia said is so beautiful and true, I too wish I had learned it from a young age, before ever getting married. We rely too much on a human-being to make us happy and to fulfill us and that is why so many of us, like me, walk with a emptiness in our hearts that only the Lord our HH can fill and wants to fill. Thank you for sharing Adina and yes only He can fill that void.

    1. I am so grateful that He led us to this ministry, where we also have https://homegrownministries.com/ to teach our children everything we wish we knew from a young age. I wished I had all the resources years ago, but now we can teach them to our children and make a difference in their lives.

  2. Real wisdom here!! I think we all wanted to have this knowledge before, but His plans are always perfect for us and now we get to share this with our children and lead them in their journeys!!

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