Finding the Abundant Life – Chapter 2 đŸŽ€đŸ“–

Today I want to share what I have learned from Finding the Abundant Life Chapter 2 "Finding Your Life".

When I came to RMI I was desperately trying to cling to my live as I knew it, and after starting with the courses, I was desperate for a closer relationship with the Lord. But like the author shared, when crisis hits, we want that closer relationship with the Lord for what He can do for us and that is exactly what I wanted, what He could do for me.

But as time passed things started to change inside me, I wanted a closer relationship with the Lord for Him, to be His companion, to be with Him, for His glory. I always knew something significant was going to happen in my 40’s, but in my worldly thoughts it would be success and riches. I never dreamt my life would fall apart and I would lose everything I worked for and even my family. But now I understand, I had to lose my life in order to find a life where I started to live for His glory and a life where I could be His bride. I never imagined I would be where I am now 10 years ago!

When what I tried to desperately keep but lost, came so close to returning, my heart was turned towards my Heavenly Husband and I didn’t want it that much anymore, and I lost it again, but this time without me trying to hold on. I found a greater love and something I never experienced before, love I never experienced before, peace I never experienced before. He opened doors I never thought would open for me, I had a career and a beautiful family, ministry never ever crossed my mind.

But instead that is what He wanted for me, and now for this season, I am mostly alone, even without my children, but I know this is exactly where He wants me to be now. Alone and at a place where He is all I have, all I want and need to survive. A place where I can be with Him alone, living a surrendered live and be His companion. And whatever He has planned for me for the future, I know it will be for His ultimate glory. I know I came home, maybe not to a house full of earthly possessions or a family, but I am home. The longing and the searching I had all my life when I had everything is gone, I now have an Abundant Life full of things money can’t buy and nobody can give you. A life full of His love, peace and joy!

2 thoughts on “Finding the Abundant Life – Chapter 2 đŸŽ€đŸ“–”

  1. Dear Adina, thank you for sharing. Isn’t it the best ever, to have a life full of peace, love and joy.

  2. About an hour ago l made a call to a company to let them know that l would not be coming for an interview.. My hope and trust like you is in Him to be my provider. I also never thought 10 years ago l would be here because 10 yrs ago l was studying… and working in a job that l knew could further my career…

    This FAL chapter and the whole book was such a blessing it’s where my abundant life started and I’m so so grateful and so happy to live this life đŸ™ŒđŸŸ

    Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. M10:39

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