💗 “Je t’aime Maman” 💗 FAL – Chapter 11 🎤📖

Hello beautiful brides, I am Adina in south Africa and I want to share what I have learned in chapter “Chapter 11 “Je t’aime Maman”

I love the name of this chapter and how it came about after the author surrendered her children’s education and how He stepped in and provided the most amazing ways to continue home schooling her children.

In the previous chapter the author wrote about “surrender”. In this chapter she also shares what happens after we decide to lay down our will and accept His will for us.

After we lay down our will for His will, there is always a period of waiting before He begins to move. This is a period of testing, resting and trusting, but we will also be tempted to do something in the flesh when we see nothing happening. We will be tempted to give up, or just do “something” to help the Lord. But we should resist the temptation and completely rely on our Heavenly Husband, and acknowledge the fact that we are helpless and hopeless without Him.

After I surrendered and was willing to let my children go, there were times I wanted to do something, especially when I was told by family and friends that I should have fought harder for my children or when the enemy attacked me with “what ifs”. But I resisted because I knew He called me to a higher obedience, always relying on Him to not go and do something in the flesh, because He gave me the strength and the peace to remain still so He could fight for me.

For more than a year, while I waited, I experienced so many blessings, He taught me so much and I experienced His love in ways I never did before. It was a waiting season I will never exchange for anything else, a year that could have broken me, but with Him by my side, I experienced joy and peace while I waited, knowing that He will move at the appointed time. Yes, there were ups and downs, valleys and green pastures, but He was there leading me through each one of them. And now He suddenly started to move and things are changing, when He gave me the story of Abraham and Isaac, I knew He would also provide a way out, just like He provided after Abraham’s obedience and willingness to let go of his received promise.

I want to quote this passage from the chapter:

Surrender means freedom from worry, pain, confusion, and loneliness. It is a place of rest while you watch miracles happen right before your eyes. It sets you free so that you can spend more time and enjoy greater intimacy with the Lord, which is what He wants from us! He longs to spend time with us, not discussing our needs and troubles, no more than that kind of discussion would foster intimacy in a marriage between a husband and a wife!

2 thoughts on “💗 “Je t’aime Maman” 💗 FAL – Chapter 11 🎤📖”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Adina. I love the meaning of surrender and yes like so many I have to admit I don’t like waiting but when I look back on my life it was in the waiting period that I also experienced so many blessing and I learned so much and I felt the quicker I just surrender, they easier the waiting becomes and a testimony always comes out of it.

  2. Surrender is just such a powerful principle and like you shared about the green pastures thats what He wants us to do 🙂 To just rest in HIM as we lay in those green pastures!! and while we rest He sorts it everything out for us and its just so very peaceful!! :))

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