💗 Feels Like Home 💗

As I was listening to the Love Song Atarah shared last week, https://loveatlast.org/i-feel-good-today, I felt my Husband leading me to click on another cover video from the same band, Feels Like Home.

Immediatly I felt something stir in my heart, and as I was listening to the song for the last couple of days, I knew it was a new Love Song from my Beloved.

During my whole life it always felt like something was missing in my heart, and once I found my Heavenly Husband, the Lover of my soul, it felt like I came home. It feels like I am right where I am supposed to be, in His loving arms, that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you get home after a trip. The empty spot in my heart is filled with Love for the One who's rightful place it always was, I just never realized it.

I want to share the song with you this morning, and I hope that you also feel like you came home when you met your Beloved Husband.

7 thoughts on “💗 Feels Like Home 💗”

  1. Love 💗 this song đŸŽ¶ Adina and I know just what you mean about Him and His love 💗 feeling like HOME 🏡
    Having no home, no pictures of mine on the walls, no family memorabilia or furniture that’s mine. Nothing at all we are drawn to to provide our comfort or security— It’s proof that it’s only Him we need. And love 💗 songs like this help us to bring the person we say is our Husband HOME no longer a celestial “up in heaven to be praised” but “in our arms” loved đŸ„°

  2. Just amazing how He led me to Atarah’s post in Hopeatlast after I shared this praise and saw your comment about the song and how it could be the theme song to start your abundant life journey \o/\o/

    And it is a at Home feeling we can take with us anywhere, no matter where we are or what we left behind, because He is always there holding us… right where we belong.

  3. I must confess I do not like love songs!! But reading your beautiful praises, make me understand the beauties of feeling love by HIM!!!! Thank you for sharing your love songs!!
    His loves is more than enough!!
    It is indeed all that we need!!

  4. I’m so so glad that you found this beautiful song Adina đŸŽ”âŁ and that it has blessed you & Erin so much!!! I’m sure that many more women will find their own Love SongsđŸ’˜đŸŽ¶ that will make them feel at home and loved. I remember when l asked Him l came across so many on the radio and l found so many artists and genres that l love!! Now k have so many love songs that l pick from depending on if l feel like listening to an upbeat love song or a romantic love song or just song with lyrics to express how l feel 😍

    1. Yes this song đŸŽ¶ was such a blessing, and from all the songs in the list, that one just immediately caught my eye and the words just spoke to me when I listened to it đŸŽ¶ 💗

  5. Adina, thank you for sharing your love song.❀
    When I read reports about love songs, I remember that I didn’t identify myself either, today I think that religiosity was still in my heart. 😓But since He, our Husband, loves us to sing to Him, and loves to sing to us, He gave me a love song, and that’s where I started to also have Him as a Heavenly Husband at home, and I realized how that was, and it’s been wonderful.💕

    1. Thank you for sharing your heart Marta, sometimes a song just speaks to your heart, whether its a love song or a praise and worship song. I have special songs from my HH that are from both secular and religious songs, but the lyrics speaks to my heart and have special meaning to me and I love to sing them to Him😍

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