âThe thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have LIFE, and might have it ABUNDANTLYâ!!!
This is BOOK 4 in the Abundant Life 4 Book Series! Start with FINDING the Abundant Life.
Dear Bride,
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Be sure to first READ the Chapter and then stop to ponderâ letting the Lord speak to you. Ask Him questions, tell Him how you feel, ask Him what He wants to teach you and what He wants you to take away from reading the chapter. Then pour your heart into your Journal, coming away with all He has for youâhelping you experience Him and His Abundant Life to the fullest!
Lastly, maybe even the following day, CLICK ON the #MM under each chapter to read how the chapters ministered to other women, like you!
To prepare your heart and in order to really feel how close your Heavenly Husband is to you, we'd encourage you to download this MP3 file of a song that you can sing to your HH and do this each time you come in to read a chapter or anything throughout the day.Â
Why was "Thatâs All" Chosen for Moving Mountains? Begin by reading through the lyrics and notice how itâs Him singing to you, explaining what He can give you if only you give Him, and thatâs adoring Him forever. So read along as you sing, envisioning Him singing this to you.
Take a moment to read HH #LOVE SONGS PRAISE â
Submit your own LOVE SONGÂ PRAISE!
Testimonies of Discovering HH LOVE Songs  â â â â â
If this chapter or singing this song to your HH has blessed you, we'd encourage you to submit PRAISE to Encourage other women to experience her HH too!
Since this FREE Course was provided by our partners,
we ask that conclude this course by writing a short thank you note:
Be an Encouraging Woman
Be sure to share the Abundant Life Series with your friends, family, and coworkers. Begin sharing our first book FINDING the Abundant Life, and our second book, Living the Abundant Lifeâthen the Poverty Mentality, and help them with Moving Mountains in their life too!