A question we receive of often is about ePartners or Prayer Partners. I want to share some information and resources when you feel like you need a ePartner or PAryer Partner:
The Power of Prayer
- ePartner
- Help me l need a Accountability / Prayer / E-partner
- RF:
Prayer (submit a prayer request)
Have you found yourself in a sudden crisis? Or do you just find yourself down, crying a lot and are just depressed?
I would like to recommend reading and meditating on Crisis Corner with promises you can listen to help calm you down in times of crisis.
"When a crisis hits, now that you know WHERE the crisis is coming from: DON’T MOVE, DON’T CALL or TALK TO ANYONE and NEVER MAKE ANY DECISIONS until you are calm and there are NO EMOTIONS attached to the event.
How can there be no emotions attached to it?
Go to your prayer closet (anywhere that is quiet where you can be alone: a restroom or loo, your car, a closet, your bedroom or office). Establish a "prayer closet" at home and at work, then go THERE and pray until the anxious feeling you are experiencing are gone and you are instead flooded with HIS peace."
Dear brides,
The best prayer partner you can have is the Holy Spirit. I am so glad with Him. He knows the heart of the Father. He knows what is happening and why. I have hoped and asked many times for a prayer partner because every now and then I thought it would have been nice to have someone to walk with on your recovery journey. but how glad I am that He my Heavenly Husband knows me better than I do. All the resources you find here, the lessons, the daily encouraging testimonials and the daily dedication got me through it. In times of crisis, the promises I wrote down and received in the lessons here have been my comfort. What I am most grateful for is that He Himself taught me to pray Psalm 32:8 is His promise ” I teach and instruct you in the way that you should go; I counsel you; my eye is upon you.”
Hey Adina, do we still have the prayer team? I enjoyed being part of the prayer warriors but I haven’t received the newsletter or password since March. Thanks.
Hey Hope, this is what Erin shared regarding the Prayer Team:
“Dear Hope, so glad you asked. The prayer team was built on a MailChimp newsletter, and wufoo reports. We are currently letting go of one and let go of another. But we do need to make sure that prayers are prayed for so JOIN US in trusting Him to will show us His plan.”