Do You Feel Like Giving Up…

"As for me, I look to the LORD for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me." M7:7


I have to admit I gave up countless times. I was a sad and depressed person, but not anymore and today I want to encourage sad and depressed women, because we don't have to live that way. Our Darling Lord has a future planned out for us and He is our Hope.

I remember when my work sent me to our work counselor and all I wanted to talk about was my former husband. The counselor said this guy must be made of gold (so if the counselor said that, you can just think what an idol I made him and by the way the counselor couldn't help me). It's terrible but all my hope was in a earthly man, if he wanted me, I was happy and if he didn't want me, I was sad and depressed.

And all the time our Darling Lord was waiting patiently for me to turn back to Him. If only I had put all my trust and focus in our Darling Lord but I know He allowed me to give up so many times, so that I can encourage you to not give up, to keep all your focus on our Darling Lord.

If you feel it is getting to much to handle, remember our Darling Lord will carry you. Remember precious bride it is through the "carrying me" crises that we are really changed the most dramatically. I just have to say it again DON'T GIVE UP, only give up what is worthless and cling to the most Precious One!!!

"Therefore, this is what the LORD says: “If you return, then I will restore you— You will stand before Me; And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They, for their part, may turn to you, But as for you, you are not to turn to them." J15:19

12 thoughts on “Do You Feel Like Giving Up…”

  1. Janine je te remercie du fond du coeur car tombe au bon moment. J’avais abandonné oui Janine j’ai abandonné ce combat et je suis retombé dans la cigarette qui ne me console en rien.
    Je sais que le Seigneur a permis que tu fasses ce blog en toute hate je pense que beaucoup d’entre nous commence a abandonner je benis le Seigneur pour cette parole.
    Je voudrai de l’aide concernant ma dependance au tabac.. Je voudrais retrouver mon amour….
    Janine I thank you from the bottom of my heart because it comes at the right time. I had given up, yes Janine, I gave up this fight and I fell back into cigarettes which do not console me in any way.
    I know the Lord has allowed you to do this blog in all haste I think many of us are starting to give up I bless the Lord for this word.
    I would like help with my tobacco addiction.. I would like to find my love….

    1. Dear precious Kateleen, I am so grateful that you admitted it.
      “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1J1:9

      Dear precious Kateleen, I believe our Darling Lord is going to free you from tobacco, rely totally on Him, because apart from Him we can do nothing. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” J15:5

      Just now I was posting this beautiful promise on and I also want to share it with you:
      “After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.” 1K19:12 Listen to our Darling Lord’s gentle whisper of how He loves you!

      Precious Kateleen sit with our Darling Lord, tell Him He is all you want, He all you need and if you have Him you have everything. I looked at everybody here at RMI and thought how are they doing it (I read this pages over and over – and first it was really just word but then it got engraved deep in my heart and I can honestly say our Darling Lord is my Heavenly Husband). I sitting here all teared up, because precious Kateleen I know our Darling Lord led you to read this post at the right time because He has an appointment with you!

  2. Janine, thank you for reminding me that no matter how hard and impossible He takes our burdens. Sometimes we feel like we can’t take it anymore, but we have to surrender to Him. It is His mercy that has us here, He came and waited for us to give us new life. I join you, we must not give up, let us leave behind and continue the race until His call

    1. Yes precious Liza and I it was all my Darling Husband that put it on my heart to share because I gave up so many times, just to start all over again and it is really only Him that fills me with this peace that surpasses all understanding.

      I cried so much when I heard the words: ” I know you haven’t made up your mind yet” of this lovesong – Lets keep our focus on our Darling Lord.

  3. Seigneur tu es tout ce que je voudrais dans ma vie… Abandonné n’est pas une solution… Je ferais de toi mes delices…

    Oh Janine je te remercie du fond du coeur… Je retiens toutes ton encouragement et aussi je vais passer du temps notre HH pour lui deverser mon cœur… Je sais qu’il n’y a que lui qui pourra me delivrer de cette chose… Oui je ne l’appelle plus par son nom mais chose car il ne fait pas partit de la creation.

    Merci JANINE rien qu”en lisant ton blog j’imagine que tu es une personne tres douce.

    Sois benis
    Lord you are all I would want in my life… Abandoned is not a solution… I would delight in you…

    Oh Janine I thank you from the bottom of my heart… I remember all your encouragement and also I am going to spend time with our HH to pour out my heart to him… I know that it is only him who can deliver me from this thing… Yes I no longer call it by its name but thing because it is not part of creation.

    Thank you JANINE just by reading your blog I imagine that you are a very sweet person.

    Be blessed

    1. Aaahhh thank you so much precious Kateleen, I am nothing without Him, I can’t do anything without His grace and love, I am even a terrible person without my Darling Lord and still I make mistakes, but again that is why He need Him so much more.

  4. Sólo tengo que decirlo de nuevo ¡¡¡NO TE RINDAS, sólo renuncia a lo que no tiene valor y aférrate al Más Precioso!!!
    Gracias Janine, Cuánta verdad hay en tus palabras , No es necesario rendirnos, lo que debemos hacer es renunciar y dejar ir lo vil que hay en nuestra vida, TODO es vil, y Él es Precioso, Teniendo te a Tí nada quiero en la tierra.
    I just have to say it again DON’T GIVE UP, just give up what is worthless and hold on to the Most Precious!!!
    Thank you Janine, How much truth there is in your words, It is not necessary to give up, what we must do is give up and let go of the vile that is in our life, EVERYTHING is vile, and He is Precious, Having You I want nothing on earth .

    1. Our Darling Lord is for sure Precious Esperanza and yes we just have to give everything over to Him.

    2. Gracias Esperanza por compartirme estas palabras, Gracias Janine por escribirlas, siento que me hablan directamente a mí, porque si he estado triste por las cosas terrenales que no tengo, siendo que todo todo en Su Reino, ahora que lo pienso, es tan frustrante la rendición, pero cada levantada por El ha venido acompañada de esperanza.
      Thank you Esperanza for sharing these words with me, Thank you Janine for writing them, I feel like they speak directly to me, because if I have been sad about the earthly things that I do not have, being that everything is in His Kingdom, now that I think about it, it is so frustrating surrender, but each one raised by Him has been accompanied by hope.

      1. Precious Magdalena our Darling Lord is really our Hope, just hold on to Him.

        “But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.: I40:31

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, I agree, I know in my own life I gave up so many time because I tried to carry that burden on my own and yes He is the Only One that can carry it for us.

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