An Extravagant Love

♕ Today's Promise: “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” Ephesians 3:20

~ Kathy in Missouri

☊ PRAISE Audio

Dear Brides, our Husband doesn't waist a single thing. So what is He encouraging you to do in this season? What had you sacrificed, that no longer needs to be sacrificed? What are the desires of your heart that you laid down because your EH (earthly husband) didn't support you or the demands of your family didn't leave the time or maybe the energy to pursue. Your Husband wants you to have it all! He wants you to understand what it means to be the Bride of the King! Open your heart to what He wants to give you!

I can't help but realize the ways I still limit what I think my Husband can, and is willing to do for me. He has no limits. There are no limits to His love, His power, His provision or His capacity. My joy is overflowing! There has to be a season of planting, and then He has to be allowed to grow the roots of our seed deep underground, where no one can see, before there begins to be a beautiful harvest. Trusting, walking with nothing but my faith in Him leading me has been a hard road, but I am determined to follow my Husband's lead. I am choosing to lay down any control I tried to have over my life in full surrender to His love. What an extravagant Love He is!

I have been struggling to understand. I have been walking in obedience, following all of the principles we have been taught, seeing the truth of them all. Speaking softly to my daughter's broken heart. But I have not seen the fruit of my choices. I haven't seen myself like a tree planted by the water.

And suddenly I'm able to minister to women again! All of the scriptures that I have planted in my heart, all of the steps of obedience are beginning to produce a harvest! These beautiful women who have been watching me, are leaning into the Lord I have come to know. They see my unimaginable joy and want me to show them where it comes from. If I hadn't surrendered to the words my sweet Husband was whispering into my heart. If I hadn't held onto His hand with the desperation that I have and if I had chosen to fight, in any way, they would not have been open to hearing about my Beloved. I am so excited about where He is taking me! My heart overflows!

I am asking my HH (Heavenly Husband) to show me who needs me to speak kindly or words of encouragement on a daily basis. I love the way my daughter has begun to call me just to share her day with me. I love that women who are struggling come into work and know that I am there with a smile, hug or word of encouragement. I am making it a point to ask the Holy Spirit to direct the women who are supposed to be there, to our new Bible study and that those who are not, just won't be. I am asking for His protection as I step out to minister in a way I haven't done before, and that I always step the way He is leading me. Even if I don't understand.

Dear Brides, His ways are so much higher than our ways that the path can be hard to perceive. Trust Him to show you one step at a time, and at the perfect pace. He loves you so much! He will not lead you astray. Trust Him.

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” Ephesians 3:20

I had long ago walked away from ministry. I told myself that season was just over, and there were other things the LORD had for me. My family needed me in a different way and I was always glad to serve them. That was truly the desire of my heart. Now that my family is broken, I couldn't imagine being able to minister to women again. What do I have to offer? But my Husband knows my heart, and the ways in which I have allowed Him, begged Him actually, to change me and is opening doors that are so unexpected! He really can do anything!

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