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Last week we concluded by realizing the best way to rid ourselves of difficult or sick feelings was to Laugh It Off in order that we can live our abundant life smiling at the future with Him.

This week I’d like to share about discovering some peaceable fruit.

Today I sat somewhat reveling in something that took place that came on the heels of an uncomfortable encounter I had. Actually it was all a bit embarrassing, nevertheless, like everything else God uses it for good. So asking the Lord if this was something He would like me to share as a living lesson, and if so, please give me a title— He gave me “peaceable fruit” that comes from a well-loved promise, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

When I read it this time I hadn’t remembered those words I bolded “trained” by “discipline.” Most associate discipline and even training in a negative way. But discipline doesn’t mean punishment, just as I say in A Wise Woman when referring to when we discipline or train children. Discipline means to practice or train to do things the right way and that’s what brings about “peaceable fruit.” 

So let me tell you the embarrassing thing that happened, but first, let me begin by explaining what I have dealt with very often while I was enjoying my lovely outdoor area. I love laying in the shade and taking a wonderful peaceful nap in the afternoon after an intense (but always glorious) workday. 

Each afternoon I bask remembering and thanking Him for amazing blessings—things I never imagined I could ever have or ever do (take a nap in the shade by my pool and lake). So of course, the enemy is keen to steal that gratitude due Him and do his best to rob us of that peaceable fruit that comes from being His bride.

More than once, much more often than I can count, the pool man (who is actually a neighbor of the homeowner) just barges in to do something on the pool and it seems like he comes only when I am outside taking a nap. And since I don't spend all day, every day, outside (as much as I'd like to) I do spend most afternoons enjoying the fresh air and this Vacation Rental Resort during the off season because I won’t always be here.

Very often I've asked him to please just come in the morning or evenings and I do know that, as a tenant, I could enforce that “right” and talk to the homeowner about it because she asked if I was okay leaving the screen door unlocked for him. And because, as brides, we are naturally and readily agreeable, I said “no problem” but had become a problem.

Each and every time it happened, I talked to the Lord and followed whatever He said to do. This fateful day it was no different.

Everything was going so well with my pool guy. I’d see him stop by while I was working in the mornings, but today it all came to an embarrassing end. As I mentioned in the previous Living Lesson, I had a couple visiting so with all the busyness that comes from having guests, and all the late nights and the emotional drain battling that emotional attack, I was exhausted. I’d eaten lunch, then laid down on a chaise whereupon I fell into a deep, deep sleep. All of a sudden I heard a bang! 

I immediately sat bolt upright in shock, my heart pounding. I didn't know where I was— as a matter of fact I thought I was asleep in my bed! But there he was, my pool guy who’d  come in the screen door and let it close behind with a huge bang. 

My natural inclination was to sneak off and kind of hide away at being caught —clearly looking dazed (you know that silly look when you’re just waking up). But this time I felt Him holding me there, wanting me to stay put and allow the pool man to see me in my shock. When he finally noticed me, he apologized and excused his breaking our agreement by being there in the afternoon, and then he quickly left. 

After he left, I instinctively asked the Lord “All right, what would you have me do, Darling”  and immediately I envisioned a solution that just seemed so so easy but oh so peaceable!!! I envisioned simply locking the screen door when I come out for lunch and unlocking it when I go back in! So simple, so Peaceable and just so God!! I also asked Him to remind me and of course, since it's His solution and His plan it has worked out perfectly! 

Why didn’t my Heavenly Husband show me this “peaceable” method when I first moved in here? Well, it’s because this is our Abundant Life Journey, and our Heavenly Husband enjoys us taking the scenic route!

What about you? Are there situations in your life where you could practice producing some peaceable fruit? The only way to know is to talk to Him about it. Ask Him and ask Him to remind you when He wants you to practice it. Live your life abundantly, dear bride, feasting on peaceable fruit, smiling and laughing at the future with Him by your side.

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1 thought on “wLL 67 “Peaceable Fruit””

  1. Love that He speaks to us regarding seemingly simple things. I’m more and more excited each time I read a new lesson! 😉

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