I Am Guilty…

"Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it." E2:9

After reading Living The Abundant Life, Chapter 11 I thought back to the hundreds of times I made my own little plans and wanted to help our Beloved Lord because I was impatient. But it's a very big fact that the Lord does not need our help! He's not going to let us help Him so we can be boast about what we got right, when He deserves all the glory.

And when I think back now, my own little plans only made a bigger mess, from my finances to even my marriage. I remember when I called the other woman and asked her to please leave my husband alone (yes I know it's terrible). Not only did I look desperate, it put her in a better light and along with that his family was mad at me because she was working for my sister in law and I had no right to do that. My point is, I should have just left everything to our precious Lord, who knew much better how to sort it out. Or like the time I made two loans into one to reduce my instalment, but after all these years I'm still paying them off, again my own plans, instead of asking for our precious Beloved Lord's help (which of course I did after my mess and I believe one of these days He will help me sort it out).

So precious woman I want to encourage you to trust the Lord, He knows exactly what He is doing. You don't need to come behind Him with all your little plans, you can trust Him to do it all on His Own!

8 thoughts on “I Am Guilty…”

  1. Shalom shalom. Janine woow your post came at just the right time. While I made a huge blunder in taking out a credit I find myself in a purple zone. I made many projects but I realize in the end that I relied on me and not God today I understand better the verse proverbs 3. 5.6

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    New International Version
    5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
    6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Kateleen, but isn’t our Darling Lord’s grace so wonderful, because now when we admit and give it to Him, He takes it over and sorts in out, all for His glory.

      “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” P16:9 https://biblehub.com/proverbs/16-9.htm
      “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” R8:28 https://biblehub.com/romans/8-28.htm

      1. He makes everything good in its time…. thank you JANNINE Our GOD is admirable

  2. Thank you Janine for this very important reminder. I also made my own plans expecting HIM to bless them or diverting my trust towards what HE guided me to do and not directly to HIM, both situations lead to failure.

    Certainly God does not need our help, we cannot make our plans and expect HIM to bless them, the order is to ask HIM for help and follow his plan, that is, he will bring blessing. Thanks for Remember!

    1. Yes you are so right precious Anastasia, the order is to ask our Darling Lord for His help and follow His plan and His plans are just the best ever.

  3. Thank you Janine, it was such a relief to learn that we do not have to try to solve our problems, that we can just surrender it to the only One who is willing and capable to do something about our situations.
    Previously I also tried so many things to solve my problems, only to end up in more trouble…. my plans seemed great in the moment, only to realize later on what a huge mistake it was!

    1. It is really a huge relief precious Adina. Sometimes I still struggle to surrender it all from the start, but His grace and patience is just indescribable and our Darling Lord is the One to remind me give over now!

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