God says, “I'll blow them away in all directions” (Jeremiah 49:36). The dandelion is a weed, yet GOD says He will use every weed for your good. Your pain can be blown away—leaving you a testimony to share with others who need to hear the GOOD NEWS.

Over close to seven decades, I’ve faced countless injuries and diseases. Thankfully, through the example of my mother (who didn’t trust doctors) and witnessing the shameful way doctors failed to respect the failing health of my father, my Husband, who’s a Physician, has continued to heal me and use many ailments for my benefit.

Everyone seeks their healing from doctors who are mere men, while there is a Creator who doesn’t just “treat” your symptoms but is more than able to completely heal you in an instant. And when He doesn’t, He’ll take your hand and lead you through a journey of awe and wonder.

"...I am the LORD that healeth thee."

"...I, the Lord, am your Healer.”

"I am the Lord who heals you.”

"I am the Eternal, your Healer."

Exodus 15:26 

“Erin, thank you for this book that instilled in my heart that I am truly married to a Physician. Not any physician either, unlike in the doctors' offices where they only try to get rid of the symptoms we have for a reason. Or where they only guess what they are doing and pretend they know everything. I couldn’t be happier to be married to the best and most wonderful Physician who truly heals! Oh, how wonderful is He!! 

~ Ruby HEALING in California

"When we think we KNOW what to do, then comes His Word so amazingly shared in this book, to bring everything to light. He loves us and is ready to turn all things for good. Come with an open heart to finally experience TRUE healing and learn how to take health off the sinking sand and placed on the ROCK. I choose to have TRUE healing and not superficial healing. 

~ Lota HEALING in Miami, USA

"Even when you think you no longer can take the suffering, He makes a way for you to find a way to be joyful. He makes you see the beauty in all the little details. This is the only medicine that works: His word and principles in a book! If you are in fear due to health issues, please read this life-saving and life-changing book at its promises. You will feel new!” 

 ~ ValÊrie HEALING in Quebec, Canada

Dear Bride,

This book is something I've worked on for a few years.  For years, I've wanted to finish it and add it to our website, so rather than wait, withholding even one chapter that had the potential to encourage someone who is currently suffering—I am excited to share it with you now.

“There is one who scatters and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want.” Proverbs 11:24

Assuming you've read How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, you will again notice that I began this book using the RYM as the foundation—primarily due to all the healing scriptures and their truths.

Much love to you all!!


Dear Brides,
If you are in fear, please read these life-saving and life-changing promises. You will feel new! This is the only medicine that works: His word and principles in a book! Even when you think you can no longer take the suffering, He makes a way for you to find a way to be joyful. He makes you see the beauty in all the little details.
~Valerie in New York

Dear Brides,
Great book full big the word of God, which is what we all need to be healed. God truly cares about you, you can trust him for your healing. Just Believe until you receive it. ~ Naomi in the UK

Dear Brides,
It may be that you came to this ministry for something specific, but I want to share that your HH wants to restore every area of your life to bless you so you can bless others. When it comes to our health, we are bombarded with information and experts. BUT!!! There is ONE who has all the answers and the ABILITY to heal. Come with an open heart to read this book and never be the same. He wants to bring healing and give you abundant life in every area of your life. Read how His word will bring forth freedom, joy, and peace that can only come from Him.

There is no longer the need to walk this journey alone. Come and read to that you can discover the TRUTH of God's heart for you and your life. Come and read how there is purpose in the trials and in brokenness, He will make something beautiful. Come with an expectant heart to receive in such an overflowing way that you will have no other choice but to GIVE out of the abundance of knowledge and faith you will receive from reading this book." ~ Lota in Florida


The Author is still writing this life-changing new book. Please check back periodically for new chapters AND while you wait, consider submitting your praise to encourage her to continue!

Do you feel you "have everything"? Do you really have Him to the point that if He removed everyone and everything your heart would still burst with joy? If not, be sure to read each of the Abundant Life books.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us...” Ephesians 3:20

“The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” John 10:10


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