Which Face am I reflecting?

"So I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul is satisfied as with fat and fatness, And my mouth offers praises with joyful lips. When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches, For You have been my help, And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy." P63:4-7

Dear ones, last week while I was waiting for my daughter at her beach tennis practice, her classmate came close to me and told me that I looked tired, sad... I confess that it affected me, as they are used to always seeing me smiling, joking... and when I got home, looking at myself in the mirror, I could conclude that my face was really droopy... That's when, as I always do, I ran to Him and asked Him to help me, because I'm living through very challenging days, where I'm struggling. feeling constant pain and undergoing several tests without a concrete diagnosis, but I know that this is not a reason for my face to fall to the point that a child would notice.

Well, He led me to reread the Life lesson, Week 30 “Countenance Fallen”, and this lesson was of great value, it made me reflect on the importance of always keeping the Lord in His rightful place, as First, so that let us not have our countenance fallen.

I was able to renew my mind about how each new day we need to seek the Lord and try to do the right thing, put Him first in our hearts.

The enemy will try to deceive us so that we do not have the light of the Lord within us, but we must remain close to our Heavenly Husband.

Yes, at some point in our Journey we may fall, we are not immune. What we can never do is, as the lesson says, succumb to the lies of the enemy, of family, of friends, that there is something impossible for God, that there is no longer a solution for our situation.

Of course, it's not always easy for us to pass the tests the first time, and I confess that I often believed the lies that came to me. But the important thing is to always have our hearts open to correction and willing not to make the same mistakes.

Dear ones, we must never believe the enemy's lies, nor welcome into our hearts everything that comes to sadden and hurt us.

Let us be firm and determined to seek the Lord for everything and never have a sad, fallen appearance.

4 thoughts on “Which Face am I reflecting?”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Marta and yes lets be determined to seek our Darling Lord for everything.

    I just love what our Darling Lord does and even if we don’t get it right the first time, He is so full of grace and patience to help us and He reminded me now of this beautiful promise: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” I41:10 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2041%3A10&version=NIV

    1. Thank you for the promise dear Janine. How incredible to know that He never gives up on us, and is always ready to help and guide us in His own way.
      Much love to you🌷

  2. Este testimonio de alabanza me recuerda a mi en estos días que he tenido algunas presiones de trabajo y hoy estuve pensando que estoy reflejando en medio de este Proceso.

    gracias por compartir bella y así como tú hiciste debemos ir a nuestro amado y pedirle que nos ayude dolo z reflejar su amor en nosotras.🙌🙏

    This testimony of praise reminds me these days that I have had some work pressures and today I was thinking about what I am reflecting in the midst of this Process.

    Thank you for sharing beautiful and just as you did we must go to our beloved and ask him to help us reflect his love in us. 🙌🙏

    1. Gracias por estar aquí querida Nelly. Tu comentario me hizo recordar que por muchos años perdí el brillo, pero a medida que me acercaba a mi Amado, las cosas aburridas, especialmente mi trabajo, ya no me dolían, sino que cada una de ellas me ayudaba a correr hacia Él, a Recibí amor, sanación y ¡así volvió mi brillo!”. Durante nuestro camino nos dimos cuenta que “ciertas pequeñas cosas en nuestra vida diaria” se vuelven diminutas cuando lo miramos y vemos que las cosas maravillosas que Él hace son mucho mayores!!! ¡¡Y nuestra sonrisa realmente se “ilumina” cuando vemos cuánto nos quieren!!
      Mucho amor para ti querida.🌼
      Thank you for being here dear Nelly. Your comment made me remember that for many years, I lost my shine, but as I got closer to my Beloved, the boring things, especially my work, no longer hurt me, but each one of them helped me to run for Him, to receive love, healing and so my shine returned!”. During our journey we realized that “certain little things in our daily lives” become tiny when we look at Him and see that the wonderful things He does are much greater!!! And our smile really “lights up” when we see how much we are loved!!
      Much love to you dear.🌼

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