When I Lost My Life…

"If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." M10:39

When I lost my life, it was when my life made sense for the first time ever.

I never ever in a millions years would have thought that I would come and write this as a praise. Let me explain.

All I ever wanted was to be married to my school love and when he left me for this beautiful lady, my whole world fell apart. And then all I ever wanted was a restored marriage. It didn't matter (let me put it that way: my sin didn't matter) that I became pregnant with our second son while he was married to the lady he left me for, because marriage restoration became an obsession. I got on a rollercoaster ride, because that is how my life felt.

Fast forward a whole lot of years: the lady left him and I got a restored marriage. Things again didn't work out but this time it felt as if I lost my life. 

I live with my parents and my life is not the life I planned, but I live for my Darling Husband and after all these years my life makes sense and today I am grateful I lost the life I always wanted.

Dear precious bride I want to encourage you to let go of the life you think you want, and to give your life over to our Darling Lord and I promise you, your life will start to make sense and you will find your life. A life with our Darling Lord is so worth it!!!

"Into Your hands I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O LORD, God of truth." P31:5

6 thoughts on “When I Lost My Life…”

  1. How good it was to read your praise, dear Janine. When we begin a new life, full of peace and love, not living according to circumstances, but rather according to faith in Him who every day tells us about the truth, and this is because He leads us to live His standard and that is great and too special! We were chosen to be next to the Best, the Beloved of Our Souls, and this truly moves me, especially because we are privileged by the unique gift of having Him as our Husband, our Everything.
    Thank you for reminding me that He wants me to not lose my peace and joy even when things don’t go as I planned. Always remember that He has the best for me and if I’m here it’s because He is helping me build a new life, a new version of myself, firm on the rock that is Him. I lack words to thank Him. May I always remember to take EVERYTHING to Him.
    Much love to you.

    1. Thank you precious Marta, it is really special to live a life with our Darling Lord leading us. May we all always remember to take everything to our Darling Lord.

  2. gracias Janine por compartir con nosotras como te enamoras de nuestro amado y das la gloria que solo él merece.
    No hace poco comparti un TA titulado PERDER PARA GANAR, y al igual que a ti después de aferrarme y orar tanto para no perder lo que yo entendía era mi vida, tuve que dejar ir, y les puedo decir que le doy gracias a mi amado por haber permitido todo esto en mi vida, ahora sí tengo la vida y al esposo que siempre quise.
    un abrazo 🤗

    Thank you Janine for sharing with us how you fall in love with our beloved and give the glory that only he deserves.
    Not recently I shared a PR titled LOSE TO WIN, and just like you after holding on and praying so much not to lose what I understood was my life, I had to let go, and I can tell you that I thank my beloved for having allowed all this in my life, now I do have the life and the husband I always wanted.
    A hug 🤗

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Nelly. I also thank my Darling Husband for allowing the trials in my life, because it all brought me closer to Him.

  4. Dear Janine, when I lost my life I thought I would never be “happy” again and lost all hope, BUT the Lord, now my Beloved Husband, stepped in and changed everything; He pulled me out of the pit of despair and into a new life, an Abundant Life.

    What I have learned on this journey is that a surrendered life, trusting in Him for your future and for everything, is a life worth living. Doing life with the best Husband ever is worth more than what I lost.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, I agree a surrendered life (surrendered to Him) is really a life worth living. I also gained much much more having my Darling Lord as my Heavenly Husband.

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