Lord, You're ALL I Want
Lord, You're ALL I Need
With You, I have EVERYTHING!
Have you looked to the wrong source for what you need, what you want, what you live for?
Women long to be loved. It's our nature as women and denying this truth has brought about an epidemic of heartbreak.
In our desperation, we turn to every sort of useless remedy. We give our bodies to one man after another to use and abuse. To deaden the pain we turn to alcohol, drugs, self-harm, more men, and suicide.
Once we marry, we foolishly expect our husbands to fix all our hurts along with filling the emptiness we feel so deeply it's unbearable. Unfortunately, the neediness that consumes us, along with our demands and ultimatums, ends the same way every single time—our husband, fiance, or boyfriend doesn't have what we need, so he just goes to look for someone new. Soon we're left alone and abandoned.
After my husband left, abandoning me with four small children, clearing out all the furniture in our house, and completely disappeared so I didn't know if he was dead or alive (but hoped he was dead I was so distraught), I discovered there was Someone who did love me, desired me, and this Someone would never ever leave or forsake me!
Even though I'd known this special Someone practically all my life, if I was ever heartbroken or rejected or suffered any other sort of unfairness, I went to the wrong source for my recompense my reward for my suffering. Like you, I wanted and needed to feel loved, I wanted his help, and I needed so many things that my husband failed to give me. What every husband, every man will fail to give you.
Chapter 1 of Finding the Abundant Life.
To answer my question many years later and what got my attention was when I began to see the women whose marriages were restored but were living lives of struggles, pain, and heartache, and this motivated me to move from where I had settled in after my marriage was restored. I had settled on "this side of the Jordan." This side of the Jordan is just next to the desert but sits on the banks of the river. It appears green with abundant water but is not the Promised Land.
Honestly, I had no idea what I was searching for, but God was calling me to come higher and to again set off for new and unchartered territory in order to bless His daughters who He had entrusted to me when He led them to this ministry.
- What I found was the fountain of youth, the inner peace, the true meaning of life, the secret of life, and why we were created—all in an instance.
I found it in this promise below that the Lord had given me more than ten years ago but had baffled and confounded me.
“Therefore, thus says the LORD, ‘If you return, then I will restore you—Before Me you will stand; And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, But as for you, you must not turn to them.”
It took me so many years to discover what I really knew in my head, but I had to discover it in my heart. Ladies . . .
He is precious—everything else is worthless!
The abundant life is a life that is surrendered and entrusted to the Lord. A life that is surrendered to all the wants that we think will make us happy and all the control that we think we need to have in our lives (and the lives of all the people around us). I, like you, thought that this was the life that I was living. I had made Him Lord of my life, but I never really contemplated finding the life that I was created for, which I finally began living!
The first reason we are all created is to fellowship with God. When I began to yearn deep in my soul to walk with God in the “cool of the day” like Adam did, to walk with God as Enoch did, and to see Him face to face as Moses did, I had no idea how to do it. So I asked God to show me how, since all wisdom is from above, and He will give wisdom to anyone who asks.
In my search, my heart began to change toward what motivated me to find out how to have this type of intimacy with the Lord. Instead of wanting it for what intimacy would do for me, I found that I soon wanted deep intimacy for Him, my Beloved. I wanted, above all to be the woman He created me to be—His companion! I wanted to be so close that we could fellowship together and be as deeply in love with Him (because He deserved that) as He was with me.
This Little Girl was Dying
The discovery of what's precious and worthless was ultimately found when a missionary visited our church and told a story of a little girl that he had found who was living on the streets and dying. The missionary was called to leave India to come to the States. He had to say goodbye to this little girl, knowing it would be the last time he would see her alive.
When he hugged her, he was so broken and sad when she said, “You do not need to be sad for me, because I have the Lord and HE is all I need. HE is everything. I have everything that I need.”
I'd heard this story once before but this time it changed my life forever!
That day I began to tell the Lord that He was all I wanted, He was all that I needed, and that if I had Him I had everything I needed!
The more I said it, the more He became the love of my life.
What I was speaking became what was in my heart!
When anyone or anything came against me, I would tell the Lord that He was all I wanted and all I needed. Immediately, whatever came against me no longer mattered, and it lost its sting and its effect over me.
This new mindset changed my heart to be able to not just endure difficulties. It is in the midst of several kinds of unspeakable and unimaginable crises that came against me, I was able to live a life of joy and live life more abundantly, more blessed, than if that horrible thing had never happened to me. If you would simply embrace this truth, I promise that you will be brought to heights of joy that become unspeakable!
You need have Him as this little dying girl had Him and how I have Him! If that were not joy enough, He also promises that “all these things will be added unto you.” That little girl that was dying was healed, whole, and healthy when the missionary returned. She said she had the Lord and HE was all she needed to live.
Though I was not dying, though my husband divorced me, through I became a single mother of six. I, too, had the Lord, therefore I had, I have a Heavenly Husband and He is all that I need to live the abundant life!
I hope reading this has increased your thirst and desire to have more of HIM—to know Him intimately as He becomes everything you want and you need. You do not need to let go of anything but simply do what God led me to do.
- Begin right now to tell the Lord that He is all you want, He is all you need and with Him, you have everything.
- Then when each trial comes against you say these words over and over again until what is happening (or what has happened) no longer matters.
Lord, You're ALL I Want
Lord, You're ALL I Need
With You, I have EVERYTHING!
- Say these words when you wake up every morning.
- Say them when you lay your head down on your pillow at night.
- Say them out loud, in your heart.
- Say them each time you go into your prayer closet.
When your head knowledge becomes a heart condition, nothing will hurt, nothing will bring you to fall apart, and nothing will shake you.
If you are hurting, if you are falling apart, if you are shaken or trembling, then you need more of Him.
Precious one, more of Him is not found in reading about Him in your Bible, quoting Scriptures, or rebuking the devil. It is found by having an intimate relationship with Him.
This does not mean that you no longer read your Bible. What's in the Bible are your love letters and your promises from Him and I would recommend you PS123. You can easily read through the Bible even if you are afraid or intimidated by it like I was. The PS123 is a method I discovered that makes it easy and enjoyable!!
Another approach that doesn't work is quoting His promises. Yes, quoting His promises will renew your mind so you think as He does but it won't bring about the intimacy you crave.
Finally, it does not mean you need to pray longer or beg Him louder. Rather than "praying," begin to talk to Him, sharing your heart and hurts but leaving what should be done to Him!
If you want to read what I told a close friend, read The Brokenhearted Heiress and Share the Good News with your friends. A
s far as the kind of praying that I used to do (the spiritual warfare kind), I have discovered that with the Lord as my Husband He loves to fight my battles for me. My position is by His side, as His bride, to focus on my love and cherish Him as He longs to be cherished.
If you are a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit and a wife who has been rejected, your Heavenly Husband is calling you to become His bride! Will you? Will you leave it all behind (the worries, the pain, the questions, and all the burdensome relationships) and pursue Him alone?
“For the LORD has called you, Like a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, Even like a wife of one’s youth when she is rejected,’ Says your God… For your Husband is your Maker, Whose name is the LORD of hosts; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth’” (Isaiah 54:6–5).

Love Songs By singing Love Songs, it will also help you to travel along joyfully, as you begin understanding that your Husband is right there—right next to you!
You’ll understand that He is not far away, looking down from heaven, but instead, He's right with you!!
“Instead of your shame you will have a DOUBLE, and instead of humiliation, you will shout for joy... "You will possess a DOUBLE portion.. and I will faithfully give you your reward."
A Matter of Life or Death