Viviendo con mi amado!!❤️

Pensé que sin la vida que yo quería y oraba tan fuerte no podría vivir, pensaba, oraba y pedía a gritos no me la quites.

Y se que su voluntad no es que tengamos vida de amargura o que nos ahorramos a cosas o personas pensando que es todo lo que tenemos, no, no, el quiere darnos más, y aquí estoy encontrando y viviendo la vida que solo él puede dar.

He leído este curso en otras ocasiones, pero esta vez sí quiero tener esa luna de miel con mi amado y decir que se haga tu voluntad señor 😍 💞

I thought that without the life that I wanted and prayed so hard I couldn't live, I thought, prayed and cried out, don't take it away from me.

And I know that his will is not that we have a life of bitterness or that we spare things or people thinking that is all we have, no, no, he wants to give us more, and here I am finding and living the life that only he can give .

I have read this course (Finding the Abundant Life) on other occasions, but this time I do want to have that honeymoon with my beloved and say that your will be done Lord 😍 💞


3 thoughts on “Viviendo con mi amado!!❤️”

  1. Gracias por compartir Nelly querida. Nuestro Amado tiene planes tan lindos para nosotras❤️ Una vida que nunca imaginamos que fuera posible. Somos tan amadas y tan escogidas que es un futuro maravilloso.

    Thank you for sharing my dear Nelly. Our Beloved has lovely plans for us ❤️ A life that we never imagine that could be possible. We are so loved and so chosen that is a wonderful future.

  2. I also thought that precious Nelly and I was so wrong. I really thought it’s all about marriage restoration and the life my Darling Lord gave me is far more better than I could have ever imagined.

  3. Thank you my dearest Nelly, I also tried to hold on to the life I had for dear life because I was SO scared of losing it. I thought life after divorce would be empty and filled with sadness… I was so incredibly wrong because I gained so much more than what I lost. I gained my Beloved Husband AND the Abundant Life, and nothing that I lost can compare to that.

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