They See Their Cup Half Empty

I wanted to share a short praise about how My Heavenly Husband has transformed my way of thinking and acting towards other people who need Him. Before I had a relationship with my Beloved I always had a negative attitude, I was continuously complaining and even gossiping at work about other people and their problems. I was definitely a very contentious woman and I was never content. I can see some of my old self in some of the people that I work with at my new job now. Their cup seems to always be half empty. They think and live like this because they do not have the relationship that they need with the Lord and they are trying to do things on their own and in their own strength, like I use to. But now I know why my Love has me there, and it is to be that lamp to provide light to these people that need it. I have an obligation to live the truth openly and spread the Good News! I love to be the one now who goes in and shows them kindness, compassion, a positive attitude and even a smile. My Heavenly Love fills me with Him so that I can go and spread that to others. I am so grateful to my Husband for turning my life around and showing me that love is the best way to minister to others.

“Does anyone bring a lamp home and put it under a bucket or beneath the bed? Don’t you put it up on a table or on the mantel? We’re not keeping secrets, we’re telling them; we’re not hiding things, we’re bringing them out into the open. Mark 4: 21-22

6 thoughts on “They See Their Cup Half Empty”

  1. Thank you for sharing Liora. I love how He just shows us how much we changed. There are times when I would say or do something that I am so embarrassed about and then I wonder, did I really change? He takes me back and show me who I was and I am always so relieved and I take heart that He will finish the good work He started.

  2. Yes, Liora, thank you for reminding us how it’s our intimacy with Him, with Him pouring His love over us, bathing in His goodness, is what allows us and prompts us to exhibit His love towards others and share HIS Good News that this is available and waiting for EVERYONE!

  3. My cup is full!!
    Living the abundant life is wonderful !!! When I read this post together with the announcement of MLA my beloved whispered to me that he planned this time for both of us and it was only yesterday when I snuggled in his arms asking and crying out for Him more, because I felt so thirsty in my soul for Him, the desire not to stagnate but to love Him much more, so I feel so loved when I know that mi Husband has arranged for us to have more time together in this month. As you shared Liora, we fought in the flesh trying to change us without knowing that all we need is to spend time with Him, but now that we know how light is our walk with him 🥰

  4. Thank you Liora for bringing back things that it is so easy to forget during our journey. He always amazes me of how much I can see my old me in others and how ugly that part was but as you perfectly said the main reason is because we do not know Him, we do not have that relationship with Him and we do not work in creating that intimacy with Him. The easiest way for most people seems to be negative and blame others however, when I look around and I see the few people who look happy I later realized that it is because they are grateful with God for every single thing. As Anastasia shared, My Cup is Full and trusting him it will overflows to touch others.

    1. I agree with you both!! As I was reading I started thinking of and how I had to begin this therapy after I was on the phone with the family member. It seemed like for hours they went through every horrible detail of how they had been mistreated by someone I love dearly. Agreement and help and them to realize that I had to have experienced something similar so I totally understood, negative feelings didn’t just pop up and become real about this person, but my whole entire outlook suffered. I’m always always always happy because I’m always always always so thankful— how couldn’t I be?!?!
      So like everything else I spoke to my husband and he reminded me of thankfulness therapy the only and I mean ONLY therapy I not only agree with but promote. It doesn’t have to be formal unless you’re really really really struggling. It’s just stopping and looking at everything around you that’s good. And it’s always Wise to begin by asking your husband to point those things out to you and bring every good thing back into your remembrance.

  5. Yes Liora I was also like that, always complaining, gossiping and seeing the negative in everything. But learning how to count our blessings, being thankful and praising Him for everything, can make a half empty cup suddenly overflow!

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