4 thoughts on ““The Line in the Sand”- Yvonne’s RJN-Chapter 7”

  1. Yvonne as always I can relate to almost everything you shared, I see so much of my own journey in yours. I also always though that when a crisis hit, Kevin was supposed to be there to fix it, especially with both of us working shifts. Then I would be angry at him for not being there to fix it!

    Can’t wait for the second part of your journey, your new life, after the line was drawn.

  2. Wow, my dear your life is far from uninteresting. It is just amazig the amount of things that the Lord let us go through so we can later be an ope letter like you are now to us!! Each of these experiences molded us to become later His Brides and to give hope!! Thank you!!!

  3. Yvonne you are such an awesome writer! Like Isabella said your life is far from uninteresting I found it to be a very interesting read. It’s funny how we can look back and see how much our thought pattern has changed. Thank you for being so real because I can relate to a lot of what you shared!!

  4. Yvonne, love, love, love. I was captivated as always, and I respect you so much for your honesty of how most of us felt when our husbands cheated on us.
    As we mentioned, we do want to follow the protocol He led us to whereby we don’t have anything posted in TWO places. Therefore, I removed the chapter and left just the link to the chapter that is on https://narrowroadpublishinghouse.com/rjn-yvonne/

    Adina, I was looking for prior chapters using the tag https://loveatlast.org/tag/rjn/ and discovered most if not all are the same, a copy here when it should be just the link. Knowing you’re so busy, just ask Him to help you because getting it right means no one will follow the wrong path.

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