Sometimes, I´m Tired!

Hello my dear brides, I just came here to share how blessed I feel for the blessing of having four children!! Actually, 4 daughters that I am raising to become little Wise Women!

When I came to this ministry my eyes were open and my vision of my role as a female changed for good!! I understood the beauty of housekeeping, cooking, homeschooling, and more!

But I can´t lie, there are days in which I feel tired!! My day did not go as planned. My daughter Bethia could be mad at something again, you know she is 16!! The twins don´t want to read again or pick up their toys 😅 , and my sweet Alicia out of the blue throws a poop party that leaves me speechless!!

And the list can go on!! On those days the enemy attacks me a lot, trying to convince me that motherhood is to hard, that I am a terrible mom and that I am doing everything wrong!! That is when I choose to run to my HH and hide under HIS WINGS!!

Yes, my sweet ladies, those days made me understand one truth: I can´t do it all! Not a single mom on this planet can take everything with grace and perfection and that is okay!

My Beloved told me and keeps reminding me that I depend on Him, that He designed each one of us with specific gifts and purposes to accomplish the tasks that are set before us! He is our strength our source for everything and we are never alone in this journey!! We have Him forever!!

Listen to how He helped me to find hope to overcome my mom's guilt!

8 thoughts on “Sometimes, I´m Tired!”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this Isabella. My Husband knows that I needed to hear that this morning. This encouraged me so much to know first that I’m not alone in feeling like this on some days and reminded me that all I need to do is run to my HH.

    1. Yes my sweet Elda, running to Him is the best feeling ever! He is just a prayer away!! I am so happy I am never alone in a motherhood journey!

  2. I can totally relate Isabella, some days are hard and then I need to get alone with my Heavenly Husband to give me the strength and wisdom to get through the day. Some days things just don’t go according to “my” plan. previously this unsettled me, but He is teaching me to use it for good and to follow His lead. And it always feels like the children are “out of control” when I am tired or everything that can go wrong, goes wrong at the same time, but when things spiral downwards, I’ve learned to get alone with my HH, even just for 5min, just to call out to Him to help me, and it always helps.

    1. Yes my dear, focusing on Him at least for 5 minutes gives us perspective!! The enemy wants to destroy our children through our anger and lack of self-control, that is why we need Him always!

      1. “The enemy wants to destroy our children through our anger and lack of self-control.”

        Thank you, Isabella, for this reminder of who is at work behind all that negativity that causes me to lash out. I certainly do get tired and my vision for my children’s future gets weak. It’s in these moments I am tempted to lecture and rant, spewing words that I KNOW can cut deep and leave lifelong insecurities for them. I do not want to be that voice in their life, amplifying the enemy’s lies. Instead I want to speak the truth over them, remembering who my HH says they are and trusting Him to do that perfect work in them as He is in me. And when I am too tired to speak kindly, I would much rather my presence be marked with peace and gentleness, love without words…and while this is a worthy goal, I know only my HH can bring it into reality. Thank you for encouraging me to run to Him.

        1. Yes, my dear, the enemy wants to destroy our children´s hearts and faith through us. And praise the Lord we know his schemes, because we can start speaking life to them, and when we make mistakes we can go to Our Beloved for healing and guidance, and for His amazing mercies to pull us back together and love even more!

  3. Thank you dear lsabella im so glad l came to listen to your podcast l needed to hear that beautiful scripture you shared and this encouragement for me as a mom because a lot of the time l feel like im failing my kids in teaching them what they need to be taught💗💞💖 This is a beautiful message 😍 Thank you!

    1. All glory to Him, who has been helping to navigate through my guilts so I can share!! I want Him to direct me in my motherhood journey! And to point my children to Him, who is perfect, and love them even more than I do!

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