Today I am sharing Chapter 7 of my Custody Loss Novel. I want to share it on Loveatlast as well is because I would not have been able to get through this part of my journey if it wasn't for my Heavenly Husband and grabbing on to Him tightly.
To read Chapter 6, please go to: RJN âMy Custody Lossâ Chapter 7
To read all the chapters, please go to:
Thank you Adina, I read it on HomeGrown and enjoyed it so much. I see you are sharing your last chapter, I loved it so much, cannot believe it is ending.
Yes Yvonne, I will see how He leads me in the next chapter. Maybe He will lead me to start my whole RJN and then combine it or do it separately.
Thank you dear Adina, yes it made me sad about not having your kids in the week but I swe so much peace in you and it is a peace everybody wants and all because of our HH and I know your life is already busy touching so many other women to move closer and closer to our HH to have the peace you have.
Thank you Janine, I hope and pray that my story will touch and help other ladies who have to facing a trail like this!
This is a powerful testimony on how much our minds andcharacter are changed when we obey Him and trust Him!!
This is a true example of winning without a word
and the beauties of setting an example to our children!!
Thank you so much for sharing!!
Yes my dear, if I didn’t have a HH, I would have probable done everything wrong and maybe ended up losing my children completely. But because I held on to Him and allowed Him to change me, things turned out better than I thought in the beginning.