Perder para ganar!!😍

Cuando sentimos que todo nuestro mundo se está cayendo, tratamos de detenerlo, jacos y decimos pero nada hace que eso que no queremos que suceda, no suceda.

Pero cuando realmente nos rendimos y comenzamos a buscar en intimidad con él, en esos momentos él nos habla y nos dice que todo está bien, que solo confiemos en él y que él tiene el control.

Perder para ganar, no muchas veces lo entendemos, hasta que no estamos en este punto de nuestro viaje, no lo entendemos, ahora donde yo veo que tuve que perder lo yo necesitaba, pero no me llenaba, ahora puedo decir que al perder gané, gané encontrar la vida abundante que solo se encuentra y de vive cuando nuestro corazón es completamente de él y queremos su voluntad y no la nuestra.

Gracias mi amado porque estoy sentada aquí en mi sala contemplando el amanecer y hablando desde mi corazón con él único que me ama y con siempre ganaré.

Gracias ado mío, porque gané, gané ser tuya y tú mío❤️


When we feel like our whole world is falling down, we try to stop it, yell and say, but nothing stops what we don't want to happen from happening.

But when we really give in and start seeking intimacy with Him, in those moments He speaks to us and tells us that everything is okay, to just trust Him and that He is in control.

Losing to win, not many times we understand it, until we are at this point in our journey, we do not understand it, now where I see that I had to lose what I needed, but it did not fulfill me, now I can say that by losing I won, I gained to find the Abundant Life that is only found and lived when our heart is completely His and we want His will and not ours.

Thank you my Beloved because I am sitting here in my living room contemplating the sunrise and speaking from my heart to the only One who loves me and I will always win.

Thank you, my Darling, because I won, I won to be Yours and You mine❤️

2 thoughts on “Perder para ganar!!😍”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Nelly, I remember wanting a restored marriage so badly that it became an obsession. And yes I did receive a restored marriage, but still felt so empty and had to loose it again (by the way I had said I can loose my husband again, but not the Lord and I meant what I said), to find the abundant life with my Darling Lord, a life that I will exchange for nothing.

  2. Hermoso Nelly. Hemos perdido la vida que no nos llenaba, que viviamos vacias y ahora lo hemos encontrado a El.Y poco a poco , nuestro corazon le pertenece.

    Beautiful Nelly. We have lost the life that did not fill us, that we lived empty and now we have found Him. And little by little, our heart belongs to Him.

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