NarrowRoad Book Club – Finding the Abundant Life Chapter 5 – It is SO Worth the Wait

"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay." H23

Here are the links and my thoughts on Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5 It's SO Worth the Wait

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Something really significant stood out for me in this chapter. It is something that I will have to talk to my Husband about some more. The author says: "God has given you a vision for your future that is so tremendously incredible that you literally shudder, thinking that it may be true."

My problem goes much deeper than this. When I think of my future, I see myself enjoying it with my Husband, but I never dare to think that He has something big planned for me to do for Him. Why would He, when there are so many other people that are so much more talented than I am? I know I should not think about it this way and never really realized that I was thinking this way until after I read this chapter.

I will need to talk to Him some more this week about this and then I will let you know what He says.

Let me know what He has told you about this chapter in the comment section.

If you want to join the Whatsapp group where I will communicate our Fellowships, please let me know in the comment section and I will send you an email with the link. The group will be closed for talking as we want to only talk to Him and then we can fellowship together on Zoom once a week where we can talk about how wonderful it is to be His bride.

4 thoughts on “NarrowRoad Book Club – Finding the Abundant Life Chapter 5 – It is SO Worth the Wait”

  1. Waiting in the Lord is just so worth it. This last couple of months the Lord gave me this promise to speak life to my children:
    He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and “calls into being things that were not.” (Rom. 4:17), this refers to the fact that our Beloved can speak of things that do not exist yet, as if they do exist, as his Word never returns void but accomplishes that to which He sent it to do. So reading this reminds me of that. We should have faith and believe in the great things that He will do in our lives, to change our mindsets and enjoy the wait!

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Yvonne, years ago I would have never thought that I would say it is so worth the wait because I was so very very impatient, I wanted a quick fix but today I can say with my whole heart, IT IS SO WORTH THE WAIT! Yes of course I wish I could say that I wish that I had enjoyed my time more with my Darling, but I know everything that I went through my Darling Had prepared me to be where I am now, embracing the fact that He is all I need and if I have Him I have everything. I really did not know how to do the waiting properly and did more wrong than right but now I understand that the wait really did me so good.

  3. It’s true that waiting is one of the hardest parts of the Christian walk (at least for me). I actually always thought of myself as a patient person until the Lord started asking me to wait and “be still”. That’s when I realized how impatient I really am.
    Writing down the vision and reading it often can help us to remain focused and patient as we wait. One of my visions is my eh being saved and being clean from drugs and becoming the spiritual leader of our home. Teaching our boys that if God can save and heal him then anything is possible with God! It’s been a vision of mine for years and I am still waiting. This was a great lesson to renew my strength.

    When we get ahead of God, we often end up paying for it later. We need to learn to trust in God’s plan and to endure to the end. After my 3 miscarriages (before birthing any children) I couldn’t understand why He would not give me these blessings. I always wanted children and I knew of friends who had abortions or got into drugs and lost custody of their children. My human mind could not understand how my desire for children was not coming to pass. During the first 3 miscarriages I was not married to my eh at that time. We eventually got married and I was pregnant again, this time I got on my knees and thanked God and prayed that He would give me this blessing now that I was married. He did just that 3x.

    If we could only learn to wait for God’s promises and to trust in His timing, we would avoid many of the problems that we face today. We would be able to live in peace and harmony with one another, and we would experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from knowing that we are doing God’s will.

  4. Solo el Señor sabe el.proposito que tiene para mi vida. Amado Mio ayudame a esperar y se que esta prueba , que has traido, va a traer Gloria no solo para mi sino.para el et.
    Tus propositos estan llenos de sabiduria y recordar el dolor y sufrimiento de mi Esposo , trae alivio , porque cuando cae una prueba dificil, El nos da la fuerza para llegar al final y ver Su proposito en nuestra vida.

    Only the Lord knows the purpose he has for my life. My Beloved, help me wait and I know that this test, which you have brought, will bring Glory not only for me but for the et.(earthly husband)
    Your purposes are full of wisdom and remembering the pain and suffering of my Husband brings relief, because when a difficult trial falls, He gives us the strength to reach the end and see His purpose in our lives.

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