My Life Was Changed

I am amazed at how my life was changed by my Heavenly Husband, sometimes there are ups and down but I felt the peace and joy of the Lord. When I think back on my life where I was, I couldn't express what my Darling Lord has done in my life now, in this abundant life I lived in with Him.

Not every day of my life goes smoothly as I want it, there are times that I went through difficulties in my journey. And the only helper that I called on for help is my Lord, my Heavenly Husband. And there are reasons for such trials because '' For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under Heaven'' Ecclesiastes 3 v 1. And The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.

I go to Him in my closet which is my room to talk with Him. Every time I am in His presence, I felt His touch in my heart because I went to Him by faith that He is waiting there for me. Sometimes when I am and was in His presence I feel loved, cherished and peaceful.

I am so blessed and thankful to have the Lord as my Heavenly Husband, the one who dwells in my heart. I am also thankful I open my heart to Him as His church. I could not explain how faithful He is and what He has done in my life. He taught me how to be in love with Him as I desired to take place in my heart. I am so in love with the Lord, the lover of my soul and I don't want to let go of Him, He is my beloved and He is mine. Whom I found where my soul l loves, for I am wonderfully 'lovesick''

So Dear radiant brides, hold on to Him and not let go, and be clothed with the love of our Father. Have the desire to remain in love and faithful to Him......God bless.

Koleti in New Zealand

1 thought on “My Life Was Changed”

  1. Thank you for the beautiful praise Koleti. May your Heavenly Husband bless you so much for being an encouraging women.

    I agree with Koleti wholeheartedly, it is still not all easy, but even when we go through hard times, we know who we can hold on to and more than that, we can sit with Him and tell Him everything and we know that it all matters, because we are His, He has called each of us by name. 😍

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