restoration fellowship's
Church without Walls
an internet Fellowship—
just for WOMEN
to find your true
Love at Last!


Erin's Living Lessons will help you to understand more fully what it means to be His bride and live a life you never dreamed existed. Follow the #LL in the Encourager and experience all the amazing Living Lessons you've missed. 

One way the Lord led us to help women who wanted more of Him and truly understood becoming His bride was to have Erin provide awe-inspiring Living Lessons.

Living Lessons Reviews ★★★★★ 

★★★★★ Alabama

I am always so enamored by God and how He gives Erin the perfect words to use. I try to be careful when writing a pr because I never want to brag or be vague... I feel any pr I have read on RMIEW is encouraging. However, I am a Christian coming to RMIEW. Never thought through an unsaved perspective and how it may appear. A very powerful issue addressed, something I will ever keep present in my heart.

It is something the devil tries to put in our hearts. Fear of leaving your church is fear of leaving everything you have ever known! The truth is we need to get closer to Jesus. In order to do that we have to get deeper in His word and not heed advice from the outside, even those who we feel have our best interest in mind, may not know what it says in the bible about marriage.

This weekly message made me step back and think about how serious it is to press closer to our HH. The enemy never subsides, relentless in his tactics. I see myself doing the very things Erin warns about. Trying to be so discreet because what I am trying to avoid, yet inching closer to the other ditch. Stay close to Him, meditate with Him and listen!

If it is on your heart He is trying to tell you something. I was so afraid to let go of the church I loved. My HH kept putting things in my mind of why I needed to- all the material was telling me what I needed to do and He would validate it. I called my church so they would not worry, because my church is full of great people. A close friend answered and proceeded to tell me how my kids would suffer. Funny how Jesus provides when it is not His will people are trying to promote. The enemy had given my friend those words, to try to stop me from fulfilling what my HH knew I needed to do. He gave me a lesson that talked about all the things people will say. My children are closer to my HH than they have ever been. Not only do they pray more and do a devotion every day of the week (not just Sunday), they see me changing. They know mommy reads and prays first thing when I wake up and before we go to bed. I also talk to my children about praying and we listen to praise and worship music most of the time. Sometimes we may listen to a song with lyrics I approve of first. Our life is filled more with Him than ever before, we now just wait for our spiritual leader to come and take His place in our home. Glory to Jesus!

★★★★★ Texas

I truly loved this week's message "Useless Ditch" It touched home for me in so many ways. Being reminded of the tricks of the enemy helped me to come to an answer! "seek and you will find" When I read the praise report that was shared It truly helped me to see that I was not alone in an area that I was dealing with. I was able to find my answers praise God!

★★★★★ Brazil

This lesson really taught me a lot of things and spoke to my heart. I was listening to the lies of the enemy, letting fear grows in my mind about what others would think about my situation and trying to apply the principle of discretion, I felt caught in a lie, living wearing a mask, holding a story that is not true. So after reading the first lesson that talked about the side of the ditch, I realized that it was the Lord's answer I'd been seeking. I surrendered it to the Lord and asked Him to guide me when people asked where I was living, or about my husband. In an attempt to be discreet, I just sometimes had lied and had held me in an illusion.

So He showed me that this would keep happening until I heard His advice about it, what He wanted me to do. So I surrendered everything to Him asking Him to show me what to do because I could not stand to live like this. He told me once again that He is always in control of everything and only the people that He wants to know the truth, are the people He places in my path and I must be honest about me. I should not be afraid of my reputation and even try to defend myself, but just be honest with discretion and always trust Him.

And I was tested after He taught me that and I followed the path that He has guided me through. I felt so much peace and quiet and I was released from a burden, a situation that I had been struggling for a long time. I still need discernment to not fall into the traps of the enemy but I know He guides me by the hand and covers me with His love, making me dependent on Him so I can walk in the way that leads to life.

Dear bride, Please SG to know what is His plans for your life. He brought you here to learn about His truths in a new level of intimacy. Just keep trusting Him and ask Him to show you how much He loves you, ask Him for wisdom and see how much you have been learning here, how many new principles you have never heard before. Just trust He loves you so much that He wants to change your life and teach you a new and everlasting lifestyle. You will find the real meaning of what love is 🙂

★★★★★ Slovakia

I love this weekly message, but the reason I choose to write just review is, that I was dealing with this kind of problem long time ago at the beginning of my restoration journey and with the help of the Lord I was able to overcome it.

So this lesson reminded me, that we will never get there-to the place where the enemy will leave us alone, we always have to keep our eyes on Jesus and guard our mind and thoughts.

I read the 1 Cor. 6:18 in MSG and it was a blessing for me to see that we are one with our Creator, and we should never try to avoid commitment and intimacy because we will feel even more alone. This is a good reminder for everybody why sex outside of marriage is bad for our own sake.

Even though I did not let go of my church physically (because I live at home and am honoring my mother and father) I continue to encourage women to do so. I always tell them what I learn-Jesus desire us, our souls, our hearts in intimacy, relationship. And we will understand this just when we will give Him what He wants us in our room, in secret.

★★★★★ California

I have to say that I am guilty of being too discreet at times. I thought I should not say anything to shame my EH but my HH is taking me to another level. I am learning that I have gone through these trials so that I can relate to more women and help bring them to know God as their HH in the future. He is teaching me to discern when and who to talk about my situation to. It is often women who are going through similar circumstances. I can discern when they are hurting and looking for information and I can share with them how my HH is taking care of me. I often say that my EH still does everything for me and it is not because I think he is any better than their husbands. I know that my HH is taking care of me through my EH.

I have been encountering a lot of women who are angry with their EH's. Most really don't want any help and only seek to get rid of their EH's and start over. I am SG on what He wants me to share with these women because I know you can't help someone who is still fighting. I feel Him telling me that it is by them knowing my circumstance and seeing the peace and joy that comes with depending on my HH is what will motivate them in the future.

Thankfully I haven't struggled with being attracted to another man during this time. I feel it is because I know that no man can compare to my HH. There are times that the enemy comes in and wants me to be envious of good marriages or wants me to think I married the wrong man. I know these are ploys from the enemy. Overall I am happy with my relationship with my HH. No man will ever compare.

I honestly did not want to let go of church when the principle was first introduced. I thought if I figured out a way to go to church and not tell my EH then it would be ok to continue going. See when I first started this RJ I had only set out to get my EH back. How foolish I was. I was afraid that I would miss out on fellowship and that I "needed" to go in order to grow closer to God.

I have to tell you that I have a greater fellowship with this group of women than I ever did attending a mega church. I have grown closer by leaps and bounds in this last year to God than I ever had in the last 5 years I attended church.

Don't be afraid to Let Go Ladies. He is there ready and willing to take care of you:).

I honestly did not want to let go of church when the principle was first introduced. I thought if I figured out a way to go to church and not tell my EH then it would be ok to continue going. See when I first started this RJ I had only set out to get my EH back. How foolish I was. I was afraid that I would miss out on fellowship and that I "needed" to go in order to grow closer to God.

I have to tell you that I have a greater fellowship with this group of women than I ever did attending a megachurch. I have grown closer by leaps and bounds in this last year to God than I ever had in the last 5 years I attended church.

Don't be afraid to Let Go Ladies. He is there ready and willing to take care of you:).

★★★★★ South Africa

This lesson has renewed my mind about humility, about the love that I should have for others. It is very easy to reject, accuse, judge others when we know the truth of the Lord. But when I look at myself and I see everything wrong and evil in me, I also see that He did not judge me and do not give up on me. But loved me to the point of wanting to improve myself and give me a new life. I ask Him to make me feel this way about others also, looking at every person through His eyes, with His compassion and His mercy. A verse that got my attention while reading the Bible was when Jesus says He wants compassion and mercy and not sacrifice, once again confirming the power of love. It is wonderful to know that we don't need to reject anyone or make comparisons or accusations, which only brings bitterness to the victim of our judgment and to who is judging. But you can love these people, being patient, humble and affectionate with each of them, and even ask Him for them, so they are also reached by His grace.

I am very grateful to Him for taking the plank out of my eye, because of my bitter heart, I did not know His love for me, I was insecure, judgmental and very slanderous, always judging and condemning people who were different from me, people I thought was better or worse than me. Today I can see that I was much worse than them, because I considered myself a Christian, despite of not knowing the love for Him and for others. Only His love can heal and transform me into a more patient, more compassionate, more understanding person. When I see my actions today, the way I talk, the way I react and interact with others, I am very happy because I see that nothing is impossible for Him. How good it is to see His Spirit dwelling in me and making me more like Him. Knowing that everything I do is to please Him, which results in blessing for the people around me and to me too, for whom give love, receive love. Thank you Dear Lord!

★★★★★ North Carolina

When I read this lesson is so helped me to really see how so many times I was preachy and was not really turning anyone toward the Lord in love.

I remember a time when my Pastor at the time would tell us we needed to go out and witness and I never heard about speaking to anyone in love or allowing your inner light to shine it was always like we had to attack the person and tell them they were going to hell. I remember many times sitting in church and thinking up how I was going to let certain people know in no uncertain terms how they were not measuring up.

I remember a time when my family used to say they hated to see me coming now as I walk in love and many times never say a word I see they are drawn towards me and not away.

I am so grateful this lesson it helps to remind me to really allow my HH to teach me to walk in his ways which means walking in love.

Truly enjoyed this lesson.

I would say take it to him and allow him to direct you in the right direction. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I was happy to leave the church because I knew there was something else a road to the truth and I am so grateful he loved me so much he leads me in the right direction.

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