Chapter 6
Living Lesson 6


“For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.”
—Revelation 12:10


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Last living lesson I promised to share a second example of the unnecessary pain and suffering brought on by not simply going to our Heavenly Father or Heavenly Husband to confess our sins and be embraced by His forgiveness and love.

This time it was a dear friend who I met for the first time face-to-face in ZA "South Africa." We had known each other for many years and worked together in RMI so I was extremely excited to meet her. Since I arrived on an early flight, she suggested we have a South African breakfast at the posh airport hotel. I just couldn’t believe I was there in ZA and the maitre'd didn’t help me remain calm because he was decked out in a tribal headdress and authentic robes. 🙂

Yet as excited as I was, I could sense some foreboding feelings hovering over our table. Like all of us often do, rather than realizing that often it’s not about “us”, I thought perhaps she was disappointed in meeting me or maybe she really hadn’t wanted me to come.

Thankfully she decided to “fess up” while I was enjoying the scenery as we drove to her home. Suddenly, she turned to me and almost yelled, “You know, don’t you!! I could tell you knew and it’s been killing me!!!”

The funny thing is, I had no idea what she thought I “knew”, and at this moment I still can’t remember what she finally “fessed up” to. What I can tell you is that whatever she said she did, didn’t need to be confessed because what she was confessing to wasn’t wrong at all. That’s right, what she had been carrying around, afraid that I would dismiss her if I knew, was nothing at all. Just now I believe I remember it being something about her divorce. That it wasn’t her husband who filed, but she had done filed because he told her to. But would care either way because who of us hasn’t done something wrong? We all have “fallen short of the glory of God” and it’s why we all need a Savior.

Soon after I explained this to her, she was elated, giddy almost, like she could walk on air. I found out that the enemy had been taunting her from the moment I told her I was coming to South Africa to visit, lying to her that I would find out and that would be the end of our friendship and I’d kick her out of the ministry.

Thankfully she didn’t wait for me to “find out” and blurted it out, as I said, almost yelling, and my reaction, I believed, was that I laughed, which diffused the charged atmosphere immediately. Had she not “fessed up”—can you imagine how my time with her would have been? Exactly, strained, uncomfortable and far from enjoyable. Yet by refusing to continue feeling "guilty" for it, which led to feeling condemned and accused, which led to her shame, which led to her hiding it from me—she and I were set free to enjoy the weeks I had visiting her and exploring ZA.

Just recently there was another minister who confessed in a praise report when she said, “I recently had to repent to the Lord because He was not first in my tithing. I have since understood to pay Him first before I pay any of my bills. I also did not realize that the Lord was trying to show me this sin and I have been very moody, irritated, and have been very short and mean to others because I was in sin.” This confirmed that this is an epidemic. This is what is ailing many of you and it is a very real issue that must be uncovered.

Let me continue along this same topic, to share something interesting that also occurred recently. Soon after the Lord led us to ask all of our Ministers and Ministers in Training to finish and submit missing lessons, we noticed some calmly moved forward, no doubt after talking to their HH, which is why they were calm. While others rushed to finish, some in a panic. This, again, is something that should be discussed and taken to our HH because He’s never in a hurry. Though most of us would like to fly to our destination, completing our Restoration Journey asap, to get to our destination sooner, He has other plans for our journey.

Know that I know Him as I do, I prefer to do things more slowly so I can enjoy the journey with Him! While traveling all over the world, on an extended HH Honeymoon, I know now He prefers to have me travel the slower speed of a train, rather than a plane, so we have time to look out the window, sit back and enjoy the scenery. Yes, I am using this figuratively or metaphorically but also literally.

Interestingly, what surfaced for one minister who was asked to complete missing lessons, was anger— when she had the feeling like she was called a “liar” and panic ensued.  

Most of us have some sort of trigger, something that sets us off. Which will be our topic next. In the meantime, be sure to stop and Selah, in other words, meditate on what you’ve learned. AND be sure that you just don’t think about what you’ve learned, but you set up a date with your Husband to be alone with Him and ask Him to share with you how this message applies to you. 🙂

Read PRAISE đŸ™ŒđŸŒ that Encouraging Women post on our Encourager about having a Heavenly Father #HF.

Theri Testimonies

⏰ Quick 2-minute read

Kathleen in México: Oh, my darlings! What a valuable lesson for all of us who, at some point in our journey, stopped to listen to the voice of the enemy, that voice that filled us with despair, other times with terrible fear, or sometimes filled us with self-pity or much resentment.

I was there, and I allowed the enemy to gain too much ground in my mind. My sins and their consequences had me trapped in a deep hole from which it was very difficult to get out on my own. Although I wanted to be out, it was a slippery place, in which, in my efforts, I only managed to slip and get dirtier and dirtier, becoming discouraged.Thanks to His divine intervention and this wonderful ministry, I began to follow His guidance again and listen to His voice, the truth about what He thinks about me, and so little by little the voice of the enemy began to diminish, as I equipped myself with that spiritual armor with which He equips each and every one of His beautiful and beloved ones.A broken faith is an easy target to attack, a condemned soul feeling guilty of receiving His compassion and forgiveness is also an easy target to launch His flaming darts, because there is no shield or armor that can deflect them and prevent them from penetrating, without a sword (His spirit within), it leaves us defenseless, without a powerful weapon to attack and scare away the one who only wants to kill, steal and destroy.

Dear, surrender to Him every sin that He exposes, it is not revealed and shown for condemnation but for salvation. Confess it, He does not condemn you, He loves you with compassionate, merciful, and kind love. - 2 Corinthians 7:9-10

Do NOT let that sin gain power inside you, by letting it out it can be destroyed, do not hide or be ashamed, He already knows it and wants to get you out of that prison where the enemy has taken you captive, with lies. You do not have to pay for anything you have done consciously or unconsciously, He already paid everything for you, EVERYTHING.

He wants you free, He paid for you to be free. Choose to believe Him, don't keep listening and getting lost in the lies of the cynics.

Happy is the man who relies on the Lord, who does not listen to the cynics, nor gets lost in their lies. - Psalm 40:4

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Unleashing the TRUTH

2 thoughts on “wLL 6 “Accuser””

  1. ya había leído esta lección y siempre me conmueve al leer donde la ministra le dice a Erin lo que ella había hecho y como el enemigo la acusaba, y ver la reacción de Erin es tan reconfortante, a veces pienso que así también nuestro señor al nosotros llevar por tanto tiempo cargas que el quiere y puede quitar con tan solo aceptar su perdón y amor, nuestro amado al momento de decirle lo que estamos cargando sonriera y dirå lo se, todo esta bien, te amo, ya te perdone.

  2. l have come back to read this lesson many times because l have struggled with the accusations of the enemy sooo many times and a lot of the times its sins that l may have asked for forgivesness a number of times because itd something l have struggled with and continually adked Him to help me to get rid of. So many times the accuser had told me that l should not bother asking for forgiveness because l had asked so many times and this led me to feel so accused and l would not feel worthy of my relationship and being close to Him.

    What l learned that made all the difference is that it was the opposite, that it did not matter how many times l stumbled the most important thing was to speak to Him about my sin and my struggles and ask for his help as his word says that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and a righteous man falls many times but gets right up again.

    The enemy loves making us feel guilty because He knows when we feel guilty and terrible that this will keep us from a loving God and Husband who wants to help us. A lot of the time we fail to remember that this is a journey where He wants to reach out to us to help us. Another important thing l learned is that God does not accuse us its the enemy because our Heavenly Father wants to help us and He is encouraging us and cheering us on. So if you have feelings of guilt recognize where it comes from and immediately throw yourself into His loving arms so that HE can help you đŸ€—

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