After leaving Paradise, back up north, I woke up the next morning and I found myself again thanking Him, when I thought to ask, “Why was it different there? Darling, it actually feels different there than it does here. While down south, I felt so at peace, so different than I do here. It’s really not the feel of the city at all, though snowbirds do flock there more than they fly down here.” Then He said, “Because here, you’re at war.” Well, gosh, I can tell you it sure has felt like that. Being shut up, not going out, after He explained we were at war, it all began to make sense. And for some reason, calling me to live up north meant He’d called me to go to the frontlines of the battle.
That morning while having our coffee with just the light of the streetlights coming in the window, I began to see myself in Spain and remembered being so blessed when He led me to take a tour bus to the Rock of Gibraltar on my way to Tangier, the northern tip of Africa. While there, we were able to tour the tunnels used in WWII where General Eisenhower set up his headquarters (he later became and was the President when I was born—which gives away my age, so now you know I finally am an older wise woman :).
Churchill had Eisenhower set up his headquarters “in a small chamber, in a tunnel in the heart of the Rock.” In his memoirs General Eisenhower wrote, “The subterranean passages under the Rock provided the sole available office space, and in them was located the signal equipment by which we expected to keep in touch with the commanders of the three assault forces. The eternal darkness of the tunnels...did not noticeably respond to the clattering efforts of electric fans...faithfully but drearily [we] ticked off the seconds of the almost unendurable, wait which always occurs between completion of a military plan and the moment action begins.” I was amazed when I later read this account because so much was happening in my life—even the fans I keep going due to the noise!
How I came to discover what was said by this General then President, and most wonderfully where I had actually been and experienced years before, could have come from no one but God. How I had been shut up, waiting, planning with my Ministry Team Members to carry out His plan for our new ministry year.
“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.’” Isaiah 55:8–9
And again it says in the Message bible, “I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work. For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.”
Think of it, these headquarters were IN the Rock, not just building on the Rock. Maybe this is a symbol of how we as wise women, who have become His bride, should make our way inside the tunnel of the Rock and make our headquarters inside whenever there’s a battle raging that He will fight for us!
“Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today..." Exodus 14:13
“You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf . . . Do not fear or be dismayed . . . the Lord is with you.” 2 Chronicles 20:17
At the time I wrote this, I had no idea, none of us did, what “hidden” battle was about to break out around the world. COVID-19. Yet HE knew, and HE made sure we were all prepared. We were safely IN the Rock, many workers@home and the rest yearning to be a workers@home and using this for good to make that happen.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
Unleashing the TRUTH
“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.’” Isaiah 55:8–9
This lesson is so good!!! While reading it and remembering the pandemic, I remember that year was the best of my family’s lives!! The Lord sheltered us in ways beyond our wildest dreams! Here in Costa Rica, we didn´t suffer the effects of the virus as other countries! We had COVID-19 several times with no real symptoms! That year we bought a car, and new appliances for our home, traveled around the country, enjoyed our children, and got closer as a family and to the Lord!
That was the year that prayer became more real to me and making room for prayer became an essential part of my life!!
J516, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Creating a secret place to meet the Lord in prayer is how we begin to make quiet time a life-changing priority. It changed our family´s dynamic! I taught my kids that spending quiet time before bed, reading, singing praises, and studying their Bible lessons is a game changer!!
We are not letting the enemy steal what we have!
Smoothly and seamlessly, the enemy tricks us by planting worldly, negative, harmful ideas in our minds: “This is too hard; I can’t do it anymore.” “These kids are driving me crazy.” “I’m bored.” We blindly receive these unbiblical ideas as “normal.” After all, they match with most other people’s thoughts. But did you know that those sweet people are under attack too? Instead, we should ask ourselves, “Do my thoughts and feelings align with Scripture?”
As a mom and a wife, Our Beloved calling is for us to love our family well, with soft eyes, kind words, and servant leadership. On the other hand, the enemy is doing everything he can to keep you from fulfilling that. The battle is real!
This battle plan is directly from The Lord’s Word. J47 says, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” P29 says that the name of The Lord is above every name. Finally, Paul says in E610-17, immediately after talking about family relationships, that we are to clothe ourselves in the full armor of The Lord every day. Wearing the armor, we’ll be able to stand firm, resist the devil, and be victorious against all his attacks.
Friend, your family is a battlefield, and if you are not aware of it, then you can’t even fight. Be alert. Arm yourself. And be encouraged that you can win the battle against the enemy!
My sweet Friend, this ministry is a huge blessing because it provides you with the tools to get closer to the Lord and to know Him as your everything!!
It is time to fight back!! Read the daily devotionals, the courses, and lessons and meditate on them!! Your life will never be the same!
‘For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize Him. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls upon people as they lie down. He whispers in their ears and terrifies them with warnings. He turns them away from their evil deeds; He does not let them fall into pride. He protects them from the grave, from crossing the river of death.’ J331418
I praise my Heavenly Husband for creating that analogy for us, because through the testimony of Churchill and Eisenhower, today we can benefit from the wisdom He wanted to show us. His plans are undoubtedly bigger, and we might not understand why what we lived or wrote today is necessary, but He can use it for His purposes, as in this case. I like to think that perhaps in a few years from now many women can be blessed with what we have written about our Husband at this time in history.
It makes a lot of sense to me that He tells us to make our headquarters in the Rock, because only in HIM are we safe and find the Peace we need in the midst of war, only He is powerful and great to face our adversaries, who are not of flesh and blood but hosts of evil in the heavenly places, that is why the wisest thing is to hide in the Rock, hide in His heart and remain there in that safe place, while He faces them and gives us victory.
I can see that the moments of silence and stillness (which for me is the time to be in Your presence) that He calls us to have the purpose of preparing our hearts for the situations that we will face soon, and from what I know of Him, I know that He helps us to be ready for those moments and many times He even gives us clues of what is about to happen so that it does not take us by surprise. I thank Him for all the times that I prepare myself to face moments of war and of course for that moment in which I prepare myself to face the pandemic with the Peace and faith that He gave me, because it helped me get through it and gave me victory!