Chapter 24 & Living Lesson 57

“Taste the Spices”
“O taste and see that the Lord is good;
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!”
—Psalm 34:8

Erin Audio ☊

Last week we ended our LL with how as His own, we’re meant to wake up and unwrap the day as His perfectly selected gift to us. This week I’d like to ask you…

Isn’t He just the Best?!?!? The absolute BEST?!?!? 

I always feel this way and trust you do too but then sometimes He does something that’s just so incredibly sweet and thoughtful and special that your heart feels like it could burst. You find yourself with a goofy “I’m in love” smile. Oh, isn’t this just a dream to live like this?!?!? He is “...far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” (Ephesians 3:20 The Message) Right?!

This past weekend is just the sort of sweet, thoughtful and special blessing I’m talking about. Since I’m living north, He’d told me before I moved that once a month I would drive back to where I was living so I could continue going to my same hairdresser (who uses organic products and who loves listening to everything that’s happening in the ministry)—along with a few other ways He loves to pamper me. They’re simple things, but nonetheless are so endearing.

As I was driving back up north, realizing I still had that goofy “I’m in love” smile radiating from my face, I kept thanking Him, running through each and every single event in my mind. Then He asked me if I “loved” “everything?”—triggering a flood of events I’d forgotten about. It’s then when I remembered some pretty difficult opposition while on my “perfect” weekend—far different from the beautiful flow that I’d been enjoying. I again smiled and without hesitation said, “Yes!! All of it! Even those bumps in the road made it all the more special as You brought me through, under or around them!” And that’s when I heard Him say, “Yes, these are the spices” and I had to pause, to think, trying to absorb the truth in what He’d just said. Then, remembered this verse I’ve always loved so much... 

"O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!" Psalm 34:8

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!" NLT

Isn’t that so true? That if everything always ran smoothly that our lives would become bland and flavorless? Also true is that when there are too many spices, maybe excessively spicy, all you can taste is the spiciness. Very true, too, is that some people can’t stand any sort of spice in their foods, while others crave spiciness. 

Even though I enjoy a bit of spicy zest in my life to enhance the enjoyment, I can’t say I crave an outrageously spicy life. I’m a pretty mild sort of person. That’s why when my life takes on various trials He lovingly brings me though, so many people (especially people who really know me) are amazed. My siblings know me and my life leaves them completely puzzled—especially my brother, the father of Monica and Lila (who you may have read about in the Salvation Story “Teen Suicide Prevented.”

Next week I’m excited to share more specifically how my spiced life catches the eyes of people like my brother…

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4 thoughts on “wLL 57 “Taste the Spices””

  1. What a wonderful analogy! I love the idea of being squeezed and having His oil poured over us as the dross drips out of us slowly. the pressing makes new wine and the old wine is being squeezed out. how wonderful how beautiful is He!!!

  2. “O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8

    I love spices!! Being raised near the coast made me appreciate all kinds of spices and colors to make food appealing both to the eyes and taste! What a wonderful comparison to our life journey with Our Beloved! Through every single challenge that I face, He looks directly at my face to have a special encounter with me!
    WOW!!! So powerful to know that the creator of Heaven and Earth is looking for my heart!
    My life has been very “spicy”, but now being more mature, I understand that every single spice was meant for my good and growth in the Lord!
    A good opportunity to show who is for and with me!
    When we encounter our Beloved, we change. And because He lives in us and we live in Him, encountering Him is easily accessible!
    Our experiences as human beings are largely received through our senses! Our Beloved keeps showing us how much He loves us through every single battle we face!
    I love the “spices” now because I know who is for me! And my heart is filled with love and hope, and surrender!
    It’s one thing to know about our Beloved. It’s quite another to hear His voice. But my dear brides, seeing Him and encountering Him takes it to a whole new level. And it is in this experience, that places in our hearts that have never been able to be touched any other way, will be healed!

    I got His perspective now like I have never got before, I know and love Him in a new way, and I receive His love like never before. And just like our ancestors in the Bible, this truth is changing my life!

    My sweet friend, our lives are full of spicy trials, but each one of them is taking us a step closer to experiencing a love and care that we have never experienced before!
    Take the first step to enjoy something new: HIS EVERLASTING CARE AND LOVE FOR YOU!

  3. Woow, this beautiful lesson has completely captivated me. This morning, I woke up with a deep happiness in my heart. Two days later, a severe migraine prevented me from continuing my lessons. You know this lazy animal, I was totally in slow motion. However, the funniest thing was that it rained all these two days … and today, the clouds appeared.

    Part of the song time of my life …
    Now, I’ve had the time of my life
    No, I never felt like this before
    Yes, it’s the truth
    And I owe it all to you
    ‘Cause I’ve had the time of my life
    And I owe it all to you

    It was to be able to spend time with my darling singing love songs, but also to be able to play with my 3-year-old son because he’s so active that I didn’t know how to play with him, and for 1 hour we played hide-and-seek building houses.

    these are wonderful moments that I don’t want to lose with my darling.

  4. ‘Ah, that you would kiss me with the kisses of your mouth… Your love is better than wine! The fragrance of your perfume is pleasant; your name is a sweet-smelling balm. No wonder the maidens love you! Draw me after you! Make haste! Take me, O king, to your chamber! Let us rejoice and delight together; we will celebrate your caresses more than wine. There is more than enough reason to love you! ‘ C124

    I think when this journey began I was so terrified of the trials and all the unknown, I never imagined that the trials were actually “spices” that gave flavor to my life, it is something difficult to believe when we have not experienced it, but it is certainly beautiful to go through those difficult and stormy moments with our Heavenly Husband.

    After the restoration of my marriage I went through a long period of tranquility – without many trials -, I read the testimonies of praise from the brides and longed to experience again all that emotion and that spice when I saw my Heavenly Husband appear in my life again as my Savior, as the Groom who rescues His beloved from every danger… in fact it is something that I really enjoy seeing when I watch a romantic series, whenever the groom appears to rescue his beloved I feel on cloud nine!!! And now as my heart tends to His, those scenes make me remember that He is and HAS been that groom for me, then I am filled with indescribable joy because I know that I am Loved in that unique and wonderful way!!

    I recently went through a trial that led me to curl up in His arms, and I can say that there is nothing more precious than having that time with Him. Feeling that HE restores my soul, my heart, that HE eliminates the lies and deceptions that my emotions bring me, that HE speaks the truth to me, comforts me and lifts me up, NO ONE can do that for me, only in HIM have I found such security and incomparable love. It is when I have crossed the valley of shadow and death by His side that I can see how exciting it is and be thankful for the trials and for those moments that allow me to experience His love in all its splendor.

    For many years I was saying “I miss going through trials to see my Husband part the Red Sea for me” and now that I have gone through trials I just raise my arms in praise and rejoice for experiencing His love and protection in those moments. He is the one who gives flavor to my life!!

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