This week I’d like to share this verse that most of you might know well…
“You [God] have removed my acquaintances far from me; You have made me an object of loathing to them; I am shut up and cannot go out.” Psalm 88:8
You might be familiar with this verse when we introduced it in our Marriage Encouragement. For the most part, it’s the first two portions of this principle we’ve focused on, but just recently the last portion, “I am shut up and cannot go out” is what kept going round and round in my head. And this is the living lesson I’m excited to share with you this week!!
Last week, I shared how I complained about where I was living. Once over this hurdle or coming up out of this valley, He wonderfully brought me to another valley. For days and days, and then weeks—either the weather or something else prevented me from getting outside the tiny apartment I am residing in. This continued and it wasn’t until it happened again when I just began laughing about it. That’s when I had my “Aha” moment—I realized He didn’t want me to go out. He was doing something. Something I had no clue about.
So the next day, with this new understanding— I chose not to go out—even though the weather and opportunity to go out was in my favor. It happened when I chose not to go out, when I stopped fighting the opposition, is when IT happened. That’s when I had the most amazing BREAKTHROUGHS I’ve had in years!! There’s no other reason why it happened on that very day—the day I chose to remain “shut up” and chose “not to go out” that conquered the opposition that I felt had been coming against me.
Asking Him to explain, He reminded me about the author John Bunyan, who I heard was told he could leave and walk out of the jail as a free man at any time if he simply promised to stop preaching. They even left his jail cell unlocked hoping he would do so. Instead, he chose to remain locked up, unable to go out and while locked up wrote the allegory Pilgrim’s Progress!
The next person He reminded me of was Job who struggled to make sense and get away from all that he was going through. For 42 long chapters in the Book of Job, we witness all he struggled with, primarily opposition he was facing in his life. Yet it’s not until his “Aha” moment when he says, “no purpose of Yours can be thwarted,” that we read about his breakthrough, “the Lord restored the fortunes of Job.”
My HH wanted to show me that when I realized that He was doing something and then I simply chose to stay shut up and not go out—that spiritually I was able to overcome all the opposition that was preventing so many of these breakthroughs that had remained idle, in a spiritually pending state.
Did you know “Aha” moments are in Scripture?
“May those who try to catch me off guard, those who look at me and say, ‘Aha, we’ve trapped you,’ be caught in their own shame instead.” Psalm 40:15 Isn’t it wonderful as His bride we no longer need to live in our own shame? We can instead laugh about it with the same good humor as God enjoys a good laugh...
“He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them.” Psalm 2:4 He never scoffs or mocks us, as His bride we enjoy laughing at ourselves because we are so confident and comfortable in His love for us!
So many of our brides, I believe, may have thought that being “shut up” with Him, not allowing them to “go out” would be when they would fall to their knees, heartbroken, entirely sure that they were being punished. Here are just a few of His promises to help debunk and expose the lie to this way of thinking...
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
“…being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, ‘I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.’ ” Hebrews 13:5
“…without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6
Are you being shut up, not able to go out, not able to move forward? It’s time to join Him in a good laugh (Psalm 2:4) and then choose to remain comfortably snuggled alone with Him.
While you wait for next week's Living Lesson, ask Him to reveal an Aha moment, a moment in your life when it was almost like the lights were turned on in a dark room.
Unleashing the TRUTH
If you or a loved one begins sneezing, or coughing, or running a fever. When you hear the enemy shouting in your head “You have it!” Remember, it’s a Lie, do NOT agree with the enemy, agree with GOD and He says,
“A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you." Psalm 91:7
“They replied, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved [spared], and your entire household.’” Acts 16:31 TLB
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 What is His purpose?
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive” Genesis 50:20—spiritually alive, your family and others will witness your calmness, witness you caring for others, and they will want what you have!
“And who knows whether you have not attained royalty [as His bride] for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
"For IF you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Your People from another place and you and your Father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

⏰ Quick 3-minute read
Jewel in Honduras: Today while I was re-reading this lesson I realized that I had not kept my journal and thank God for everything He has taught me when I re-read it because I realized that He prepares us for everything and He was teaching me something else. When Erin mentions the Covid part, I remember that here they did not put us in quarantine but rather they alternated our work days and I would have panic attacks every time I heard that someone I knew was dying, I thought about my parents and what could happen because I was coming and going. But during this time I began to seek more from the Lord, I spoke to Him a lot and every time I felt attacked or nervous, I would sing a song that I know and like a lot, "Peace, be still" (Calm!!) It is an order that THE LORD gave to the storm, as His word says, and I would remain at peace, my nerves would calm down.
Another part that opened my eyes was when she mentioned, “when I chose not to leave, when I stopped fighting against the opposition, that’s when it happened” and His word that says, “No purpose of yours can be thwarted.” Because everything He planned came to pass when I stopped trying to do it in my own strength and left it all in His hands, and what He accomplishes without my help has always amazed me. She also reminded me that no force armed against me prospers, because I simply have HIM with me, and when we are alone with Him and we don’t get in His way we see the wonders He does in our lives.
He also repeated Psalm 91:7 a lot.
“Though a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, it will not come near you.” Psalm 91:7 And as I read this promise today, I liked it because it reminded me that He has never left me nor will He leave me alone, no matter what I go through.
Hebrews 13:5—
“…content with what they have, because He himself has said: 'I will never leave you nor forsake you"
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” Ecclesiastes 3:1
As we move to the other side of the country and I am learning daily to be an excellent homemaker, the Lord brought to a season of staying home! That is right, waiting inside my own home! My tiny space of heaven! The first months were hard, and even though I had a huge peace of land to walk by every day, I felt like in prison! Because my house is my workplace for everything and I just wanted to breathe! Our Beloved took our car away and forced us to enjoy our time as a family.
We loved trips to the beach, relatives, parks, mountain tops, and rivers, but all were gone, and the kids were fuzzing because staying home every day was boring!
As the lesson teaches, He put us here to bloom, so after a few days of nagging and feeling stressed out, He led us to enjoy this season with books, crafts, and board games!!
Cooking and baking became our forte!
The Lord works in mysterious ways, and we ended up experiencing a season of great joy
I think God filled up our hearts with the joy that didn’t come from our circumstances. When the difficulties began, we started praying Ecclesiastes 5:20 together in our prayer time: “They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart.” This is what God did; He kept us occupied with gladness of heart.!
During challenging times, I ask the Lord to strengthen us and help us bloom where we’re planted. Make the most out of our life no matter where we find ourselves. We opened our hands to the Lord and released everything to Him.
¡Our Beloved can be trusted. Take His yoke upon you and learn from Him so you can be ready for your calling that is to come!
Dear friends, let go of what you think it should look like and embrace what it is. Enjoy the gift of the day and relax into it. When we invite Our Beloved into each day, He can make it holy. The wonder of watching ants on the sidewalk in front of your house can be every bit as exhilarating as the view from a mountaintop. You can still contemplate the wonders of God from your kitchen sink. A trip to the local ice cream store can be just as tasty and fun as picking fresh cilantro from your garden!
Enjoy staying home with Him!
Quelle belle lecon… Je ne sors pas beaucoup je prefere rester avec mon bien-aimé a suivre mes cours tranquillement, faire de la peinture avec lui, ecouter les chansons d’amour, fairz la cuisine avec lui… Ensuite me détendre avec lui…etre seul avec lui et la meilleur des choses que je puisse vivre..
What a beautiful lesson… I don’t go out much, I prefer to stay with my beloved to follow my lessons quietly, paint with him, listen to love songs, cook with him… Then relax with him… being alone with him is the best thing I can experience.
“The Lord directs a man’s steps and sets him on the path that pleases him. Even if he falls, he will not be left behind, for the Lord holds him by the hand.” S372324
I think that in my life I have needed that “aha” moment to be able to understand and patiently endure the discomforts that come along the way. When I understand or reflect and remember that God does not let things happen just because, but that He always has a purpose and when that purpose is clear in my heart, which is when that “aha” moment occurs, I feel comforted, I feel that I understand where everything is going and what I should be doing during the wait. In my journey of restoring health, my aha moment was understanding that my Husband was treating my heart first, eliminating pride in order to heal my skin, so I could move forward with Him knowing His purpose and aligning myself with it. This helps me understand that in every “long wait” He has something to work on in me or in others, and that I can cooperate with Him in prayer, affirming my faith and remaining expectant, since He never fails. Instead of fighting in opposition to what my Husband is doing or allowing to happen, I need to agree with His plan and “drink the cup of suffering” just as He taught me and with all that it entails for HIM—and us—to drink that cup of suffering!!