Chapter 20 & Living Lesson 53

“Living with Unending Mercies”
Part 2

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end.”
—Lamentations 3:22 

Erin Audio ☊

Do you remember when I shared how, laughably, on the third day of living up north, just as I woke up and while having our morning coffee together, I began to blurt out my true feelings to Him? I told you that when I began telling Him that where we (He and I) were living was not making me happy and how our conversation went something like this:

“I hate everything.” 


“Well, maybe not everything…”

What happened next was that my focus changed course, and I immediately began listing each thing I really liked about where we were living, beginning with the “valet trash.” Wives assume their husbands will take out the trash, but as we know, few do. My HH wanted to make sure that even though I would be riddled with “various trials,” He would make sure to show me just what it meant to have Him as my Husband—with something small but important to me.

Before moving here, I read that the building had “valet trash” and had to look it up. I’d never heard of it, but it’s simply a way for extremely large apartment buildings to keep their hallways and elevators clean by having a service that comes to pick it up each evening when you simply place a (provided for) wastebasket outside your door. And by 7:30, it’s emptied—just like a perfect Husband would do for His bride! It was His way of showing me, each and every night, when I heard it being emptied that He is the absolute BEST and most perfect Husband any bride could ever want, need or live for!!

The main thing I want you to notice, however, is that I (as His bride) am far—often miles—from being perfect. And amazingly, wonderfully, incredibly He still loves me... No, He adores me!!! Trust me to say too, He loves and adores you just as much and don’t you ever let the lies of the enemy tell you anything remotely different!

It’s almost like everything about being a bride to our Bridegroom is the exact opposite of being a wife to a husband. Rather than being a woman who completes the imperfect man—our Bridegroom completes us—His imperfect bride!!! Now that’s something to shout Amen and Hallelujah about, right?!?! The more imperfect we are, the more perfect He is.

What’s amazing, too, is that living with unending mercies, “unmerited favor,” begins to naturally perfect us!! We don’t remain wicked or nasty or complaining (as I was on my third day here hahaha). Instead, without any real effort, each day, as I began to acknowledge all the many lovely things that He made sure He gave me here, I began to love living here more and more. So much so that just as I began to tear up each time, I felt my heart would burst while living in paradise (when I lived south of where I am living now and appears I will be moving back to), I could never have imagined I’d feel like that here! But I shouldn’t be that surprised, right? How well I know and have lived these Promises—and I hope you do too!!

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” Ephesians 3:20 

“Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He WAITS on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him.” Isaiah 30:18

Do you long for Him? Do you long to cuddle up on your sofa or cozy chair with your cup of coffee or tea each morning just to talk to Him as you begin your day? Or is He “waiting on high” to show you compassion because you’re still begging for mercy and crying for forgiveness at His feet? Do you not see the basket of His fruits, spiritual fruits, waiting for you at His breakfast table—all prepared for you to feast on—each and every single morning?

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning...” Lamentations 3:22-23

Please don’t break my heart; don’t break His heart by telling me you’re still living like a dog, searching for crumbs falling from the Master’s table!! Matthew 15:27 Stop now and cuddle with Him. Snuggle close. Let Him complete you, and watch your heart and life transform!!

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Unleashing the TRUTH

4 thoughts on “wLL 53 “Living with Unending Mercies” Part 2”

  1. oh I don’t want to be searching for crumbs from His table!!! I want to be in His arms and allowing Him to whisper tender loving mercies in my ear as He carries me to His chamber!
    Song of Solomon 1:4 Take me away with you—let us hurry! Let the king bring me into his chambers. 🖤

  2. “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” Ephesians 3:20

    One revolutionary truth stands out to me about My Beloved: He identifies with me.
    “The more imperfect we are, the more perfect He is.” This part of the LL shed new light on my relationship with Him!
    I just have to come to Him, with my struggles, fears, and mistakes! He knows it all!! He truly knows me and cares about how I feel!
    This astounds and comforts me. It shows My Beloved´s secure identity, His love for us, His practicality, His interest in mere humanity. It also proves His relevance to our everyday activities and struggles. Because He understands and knows our weaknesses, He identifies with us.
    I am not meant to be perfect I must only surrender!
    This is changing my life every single moment!
    Absorbing the truth of how deeply I am loved how my struggles keep pointing to Him and what He will do for me!
    I wasn´t created to be a robot, I have my own set of feelings and thoughts and He knows this too well and keeps looking for me to show how much He cares and how much He will do if I allow Him to!

    My imperfections only point to His perfection!
    I am allowed to feel and speak to Him about everything and He will remind me about the truth: I am loved!

    My sweet friend, be honest to the Only One that truly loves you and understand you!! His love is perfect and will change your life forever!! We are covered by His mercies every day!!
    Today is going to be a great day!

  3. Quel belle eloge en ce dimanche matin vraiment il est merveilleux.

    Et ca me donne envie de chanter ce chant tu es capable de faire au dela de ce qu’imagine
    What a beautiful eulogy on this Sunday morning, it really is wonderful.

    And it makes me want to sing this song, you are capable of doing beyond what is imagined

  4. “Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams and ten thousand rivers of oil? Should I give him my firstborn as payment for my guilt? Should I give him the fruit of my womb as payment for my sin?” The LORD has already told you what is right and what he wants from you: to be righteous, to love faithfully, and to live humbly with your God. M68

    Personally, the mercy of my Beloved is what attracts me the most to Him. I believe that it is one of the most powerful ways in which I feel the full weight of His love for me. It is right there when I make mistakes and receive His forgiveness, comfort, encouragement and love that I feel completely loved. Naturally, the desire to do everything His way comes upon me as a response to His goodness. Learning that He does not want me to live my whole life at His feet (as if I were defeated), but to enjoy Him, His company and His way of complementing me when I fail, sets me free and fills me with indescribable joy. I am far from being perfect, far from being the woman I am supposed to be and in the midst of all that I feel happy and freed from the pressure of having to be one. I understand that it is not my job but His to perfect and complete me and that all He wants from me is not sacrifices but my heart and sincere love for Him.

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