Chapter 16 & Living Lesson 49

“Misidentified Characteristic”

"For God is not a God of disorder
but of peace and order.”
—1 Corinthians 14:33

Erin Audio ☊

This week I’d like to talk about something that we have just accepted as being correct, but it’s so far from the truth. A belief that contradicts our identity as a child of God. We know we are made in the image of God and this means that many of our characteristics originate from our Father when we were adopted into the family of God. Then later, more characteristics emerge when we married into His family—becoming the Son’s bride no less! Making ourselves ready as His bride, we take on even more characteristics, mannerisms, and personality traits that prove Who our Father is and Who our Husband is. 

Sadly, however, there is one characteristic that has been twisted to mean something disgraceful! A widely accepted concept of a good character trait that became a sort of disease—labeled in such a way that it’s utterly disgusting when you stop to think about it. Today it’s time to rid ourselves from all such “misidentified characteristics” that are not only God-given characteristics but what should be embraced. Let’s see if you can guess my “disorder.” 

This morning as I was emptying my dishwasher, I opened the cupboard and noticed several boxes of my favorite coffee (it’s actually a mixture of mushrooms plus coffee that I’ve enjoyed drinking for years). Two boxes were facing the opposite way, so I began to rearrange them. But then I hesitated, began, then hesitated again, then smiled, then embracing the truth, I carefully and methodically turned them to face the same way as the others! Beaming, I made sure to tap each box to the back and tapped them again, on each side, to line them up ever so neatly. Now my boxes are perfectly displayed. 

I also like to keep to a specific routine as I go about my day. I enjoy setting up a clear path as I do each thing— along with set times to do them. As a worker@home I am free to set my daily schedule exactly the way He leads or I can ignore whatever I’d planned to do if He says to. “I will go before you, and make the crooked path straight.”

My guess is that you’ve figured out what my “misidentified characteristic” is and what the world has accepted as OCD or even worse, anal. (So sorry, please excuse my vulgarity!!) If you Google OCD it has lists of “symptoms” followed by “treatments” and “medications” to take to rid us of this disease, this "disorder."

A disorder?!?! Why?!?! When our Father is a God of perfect order

to be continued...

Next week we will be exploring this truth: Is perfection and wanting order in our lives a disorder or is that a lie, an oxymoron that actually contradicts the Truth and His Word?

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2 thoughts on “wLL 49 “Misidentified Characteristic””

  1. I believe it can a wrong thing if allowed to run rampant. I am currently living with someone who has OCD and it has grown to the point of us having to move out because of it. Kitchen towels hung the wrong way, a dirty spoon left in the sink. basically outrageous OCD issues. I however am a very neat and tidy person and I think it’s a good thing, especially in our younger generation. but not if it causes us to sin and hurt others to keep it. Letting go when it causes us to sin is important

  2. “I will go before you and make the [a]rough places smooth;
    I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.” Isaiah 45:2

    I once was told that I wasn´t organized enough, and did not pay enough attention to details, and that pierced my heart! Why, because even though I was trying my best it seems not enough! There were always unforgivable mistakes in the things I was doing!
    Then my shattered season came, and the Lord spoke to my heart most kindly and gently: ” I made you like this, you are not supposed to be perfect I am!
    My mistakes and my lack help me remember who is perfect and the Only One who can help me in my imperfections!
    My self-worth is defined by what He believes I am and how He molds me to become the best version of me!
    We must always just ask Him how He sees us, and to allow His word to transform our mind and lives to be more like Him!
    Our true identity lies only in Him!
    My sweet bride, do not believe the lies of the enemy! Lies that had been saying to you in years! Lies that people close to you have said! You are loved, cherished, forgiven, wanted, and designed in an unique way for His glory!

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