Chapter 8 & Living Lesson 41

“Remind Me”

“Your mind will be clear, free from fear..”
—Proverbs 3:24

Erin Audio 

Last week I shared a sample of my conversations with my HH and encouraged you to have a similar conversation, asking Him to remind you to submit a praise report (did you remember?). This week I’d like to share how I have a lovely habit of letting my HH remind me of endless lists I have a tendency to create in my mind, which also burdens me and robs me of peaceful sleep.

Last night, like most nights, I woke up thinking about ALL the things I needed to get done. 

Years ago I read how the sleep “experts” would suggest having a notepad and pencil next to the bed to jot these thoughts down. Once the list was transferred to paper, the mind could rest and sleep would resume naturally. 

Today I suppose the sleep “experts” would suggest doing the same thing on a smartphone. I’m not sure what the “experts” are saying because I learned that no “expert” in any field can come close to the Expert, our HH, who knows all things, who I can simply Ask. The greatest part, too, is just hearing His voice soothes, comforts and reassures me so I am able to relax. 

Remember that I mentioned last week, when we simply need to ask? Well, now try asking Him to remind you of things you need to get done. Something like this:

“Darling, can You remind me to... (fill in what you want to remember to do)?
“Yes, of course, My Love.”

There are times I don’t think of asking Him until I have a long mental list of what I want to remember to do and I begin to fret. But the moment I do ask Him to remind me, I trust He’s keeping the list for me and my burden lifts ensuring a peaceful and restful sleep. Try doing this and enjoy that blissful sleep that is just part of the abundant life He so longs for us to enjoy.

Proverbs 3:24 “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet."

“Your mind will be clear, free from fear; when you lie down to rest, you will be refreshed by sweet sleep.” The Voice 

It doesn’t need to be fear that “your mind will be clear and free from” but from everything that is burdensome. And even if I remain awake for longer than I’d like, I snuggle into the thought that this is uninterrupted time with my Beloved. So I’m far from stressed that I can’t fall asleep because I’d love to talk all night with my Lover, wouldn’t you?!

Another part of the blessing of this Living Lesson is that not only does He remind me of things I asked Him to remind me of in the middle of the night—but He reminds me at the perfect time! I notice so often it’s the appointed time for that task to be done, which doesn’t interrupt the flow of the day that He has planned for me. 

If that were not enough, sometimes He doesn’t remind me of things I would have added to one of my many 2Do Lists. Why? It’s because, so very often, He takes care of it. So my effort would have been either useless or it would have interfered with a much better solution. His plan! 

Let me ask Him to remind me of an example to help you understand this concept a bit better that I’ll share in next week’s Living Lesson.

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3 thoughts on “wLL 41 “Remind Me””

  1. I identify with Erin in the thousands of “to-do” lists that seem endless in my mind… I think it’s one of the thoughts I have the most throughout the day “Oh, I have to do… ” What makes the matter more burdensome for me is that I tend to procrastinate and leave things for “a better time” and I tell myself “I have to remember…” then I set a reminder on my calendar or my cell phone, the problem is that I set it for the time that I think I can do it and I don’t ask HIM when? (that’s my first mistake, trusting in MY own understanding. Thanks to my Husband for bringing it to light).

    Now that I read this lesson I realize that He even gives me the grace to do that which comes to my memory or that He will remind us at the right time when we ask Him. I often find there are days when I have the grace to do things I did NOT plan to do that day, it happens to me with the design of a logo, or with tasks on web pages that suddenly I feel with ALL the desire to complete no matter what, the same with many household tasks and it is as if my sweet Treasure gave me the ability to do them not only well but in record time.

    My Husband has helped me a lot to not procrastinate, I have to praise Him for the progress, it has been a very nice journey to learn to do things when they come to my mind or when they enter before I would literally sink into “panic” because most of the time I did not know what to do or what to say and I felt so overwhelmed because I was learning to trust in Him and to listen to His voice that I was trapped in fear, but He helped me and I have made a lot of progress, now I can move forward and trust in His guidance without living in fear and condemnation. I love this verse that comes to mind and that was my medicine to stop procrastinating: “Every effort is worth it, but those who talk but do not act end up in poverty.” Proverbs 14:23 TLA

  2. This lesson reminds me of the different notebooks I have with so many tasks to do at home, pending repairs so I don’t forget and the things I want to buy like some furniture for the house and many times I forget what I have to do or in which notebook I wrote it or on what page and even where I kept the notebook but he always reminded me and guided me to write a list and stick it in a visible place for when I need it. I add and cross it out.

    There were times when they asked me for help with certain things on the computer, things I had never done, that I didn’t know about, and he always reminded me of something similar that I had already done to generate a solution. Later, I was amazed with myself, but it was he who gave me those ideas. Without him, I am nothing and I can’t do anything, but with him, I can do everything. He always reminds me, not only of tasks, but of all the great things that he has done in my life since long before this journey. He reminds me that he was always present and has always loved me.

    Dear ones, let us talk to him and instead of remembering only the bad things that hurted us, let us ask him to remind us of all his greatness and love in our lives, all that he wants us to remember.

  3. For years I have had a list of chores I need to do in my kitchen. When I noticed that my head was full of all the things I had to do, I would write down even the smallest tasks on the list.
    My ex-husband always hated the list lying around.
    My Beloved Heavenly Husband has been teaching me for a while now to live closer to Him and to ask Him throughout the day what I need to do so that I do not get in the way of His plan for my life. He is teaching me more and more to let go of my own plans and my list. Just this past week I threw away my last list and He told me that I just had to trust Him because I had too many things in the house that I wanted to do. I have to be honest, I have been tempted a few times to quickly write something down, but He stopped me and told me that He will remind me of things in His time.

    Dear Brides, it gives me wonderful peace when we pass our list on to Him. He will remind us of our ‘to do’ tasks in His perfect time. When you let Him take the lead, your life will flow smoothly and you will no longer experience stress.

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