Chapter 1
Living Lesson 1
âWhatever She Does,
She Prospersâ
"That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither
And whatever they do prospers."
â Psalm 1:3
PortuguĂȘs âąÂ Español
The foundation of Living an Abundant Life, once you have a personal relationship with the Lord, are learning to live by God's principlesâ life's roadmap.
The first step is to tap into this astonishing and outrageous promise from God found in the very first Psalm. Read the entire verse, but pay close attention to the bolded portion.
Psalm 1
1 How blessed is the man who
does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
This Life Principle says that if we will SIMPLY meditate on His law, and do so because we delight ourselves in it, He promises that in whatever we do we WILL prosper!
But how, exactly, can this principle EASILY be carried out?
The way I went about it back in 1991 (the year the Lord first put in my heart God's desire to restore my marriage) when I discovered this principle, was to begin using index cards, 3x5 cards, and I wrote down every verse that I wanted to read to renew my mind and to strengthen me spiritually. I wrote many verses on one card and kept adding to them. I kept them with me at all times and pulled them out when I felt myself slipping into fear. I never had to try to memorize them, but very soon I found that they were "feeding" my soul. When I needed them my mind would find them, and my heart would say them over and over again.
He [Jesus] answered and said, "It is written, ' MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.'"Â Matthew 4:4
However, if you are not currently in a state of desperation as I was, the easiest method is to put your "target" or "key" verses right next to your bed. Read them FIRST when you wake up, and also AGAIN right before you go to sleep at nightâin other wordsâmeditating on them day and night! You can also link them on your phone or computer to Biblegateway, so you can read and listenâmaking His Word, His promises stick!
This was the wisdom the Lord gave to my teenage son when we discussed this Life Principle. All young men and women want to prosper, but there are no real guarantees given by the world. Only God is faithful and is our assurance! My son began meditating day and night while everyone watched his life prosper!
GET STARTED right now! Write this key verse Psalm 1 on an index card OR copy and paste them into an email or another document. Read them on your phone or print the verses off. Let the Lord lead you, which will be the next Living Lesson!

 Quick 1-minute read
Kathleen in MĂ©xico: The first time I had contact with the 3x5 cards was when I entered university, it was so difficult for me to memorize so much information, but now I understand that it was the spirit who guided me to make these cards daily, first I started to write them and read them, I learned one per day and each day I added a new one and reviewed the previous one, so at the end of the month, I knew everything, I didn't have to study long hours and try to learn everything with a single intention, but every day I reviewed them and they stayed stored in my memory,
My beloved has brought this to my memory, showing me the path to follow with all the beautiful promises he has given me, meditating on them day and night, it is just reading them, as the lesson tells us, mentioning it in my mind or out loud and if I do not remember it completely, take it out again, as I did in college and read it again, and so every morning I add another and the next day another and another.
Thanks for reminding me đ
Unleashing the TRUTH
C’est merveilleux de savoir que dans le chaos, il y a un espoir et cet espoir se trouve dans la parole de Dieu, la loi de l’Eternel. Elle est gratuite et pleine de vie. Je choisis aujourd’hui par sa grĂące de m’attacher Ă cette parole, cette loi pour vivre les promesses qui s’y attachent.
Merci Jésus Christ mon sauveur et désormais mon Seigneur
It is wonderful to know that in chaos there is hope, and that hope is found in the word of God, the law of the Lord. It is free and full of life. I choose today by his grace to cling to this word, this law to live the promises attached to it.
Thank you Jesus Christ my savior and now my Lord
I declared and claimed Psalm 1 over my life because this is one of God’s promises to fulfil to those who walk according to His Word. If we live to what the Lord require us to do, His blessings and prosperity will be upon us, in every area of our lives.
Whereas wisdom, healing, protection, provision, salvation and restoration, God will plant in us to feed our souls and our spirits. but also in the sense that it nourishes our relationship with Christ.
Thank you Lord for Your Word
Louvado Seja o Senhor! Vou colocar em prĂĄtica esse princĂpio, para que eu possa prosperar. Escrevendo em um caderno e atĂ© mesmo salvando no meu bloco de notas no celular. Quero meditar todos os dias. Porque o Senhor diz ” Nem sĂł de pĂŁo viverĂĄ o homem. Mas de toda palavra que sai da boca de Deus. Mateus 4:4″
Praise the Lord! I will put this principle into practice, so that I can prosper. Writing in a notebook and even saving it to my notepad on my phone. I want to meditate every day. Because the Lord says, “Man shall not live by bread alone. But of every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4”
Gods word is a balm to the soul. Whenever l find myself getting really busy or l did not read the word or get into his word l feel lost. Gods word l have come to realise is what keeps me at peace đ Its an added bonus that when we meditate on his word day and night that we will prosper. That is a wonderful promise to us.
I feel so blessed that l have been given His beautiful word to live my life by. Life gets tough, theres temptations, it never easy to travel down that narrow road but when l get off track, when l lose control of the steering wheel and veer of the road. He is my anchor that steers me back.
Psalm 1 says that we must meditate on Gods word day and night. Its something that l really want to do đ l struggle with becoming distracted but more and more l desperately want to grow close to my dear precious HH and l ask that HE would help me to draw closer to Him. I know that meditating on His word will help me draw closer to Him â€ïž