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Chapter 10 & Living Lesson 83
“What Should I Say?”
“Do not worry about what to say or
How to say it.
At that time,
You will be given what to say,”
—Matthew 10:19
YouTube Podcast “What Should I Say“
This Living Lesson entitled, What should I say? has so much packed into that one simple question that we should be asking our Precious every time we need to respond, or in my case, what I should say during a scheduled podcast.
In many ways, it’s very much like “He Leads Me.” It's just so simple, and that's why I was really excited to record this podcast after experiencing simply asking. I was so grateful the moment I woke up that there were tears in my eyes because I remembered what He had done the day before when I asked Him, “What should I say?” This immense burden just lifted off of me—it was so remarkable, and I became so excited to pass this living lesson on to you.
It's a lesson that you and I need to live all the time. Quite honestly, I do, but I don't think I've ever recorded anything or even shared this wonderful, wonderful little secret. So, let me set the stage for you. Again, I’m asking Him, “What should I say?” because I have to say it very discreetly,
Currently, I’m on a continual vacation in Orlando, Florida, and have no home to return to. In other words, I live at a resort near Disney. And because I'm in such a popular destination, I've been blessed to have my children coming down with my grandchildren, doing Disney. But living here also attracts people I haven't heard from in many years. And that's what happened. I believe it began a month ago when I got a text from a distant relative on Facebook Messenger. She said that she and her husband were going to be flying into Orlando, and they were going to be renting a car to visit her husband's father, who she hadn't seen in 30 years.
Of course, I was thrilled about the reunion, but when she said she hoped she could see me when she was here, I was not as thrilled. I had met her husband many years before, decades before when they first got married.
So anyway, at that point, I said to my Husband, “What should I say?” And in those few words, my mind went wild, “What do You want me to do? What is Your plan? How do You want this to play out?” There are so many details about this one event, and yet, it's so simple when you just give it all to your very capable Husband.
Hopefully, you have developed a personal relationship and opened your heart to have a heavenly Husband. Since almost every woman has been forsaken and rejected. Since we’ve all been hurt, the pain stops once you're His. He'll come and just fill that void and heal your heart. Then, as the perfect Husband, He’ll become your source for everything. He'll take you to a safe place, protect you, guide you, lead you, and take care of everything. It's absolutely the most wonderful experience that any woman could ever experience—the best ever of anything that could happen to you in your life.
What I love is that this relationship is available to every woman. That's why living these lessons and then sharing these lessons with women you know will easily introduce them to Someone who can change their lives. That's what I hope these living lessons will do for you and what you will do with them— reach out and help other women by sharing a living lesson. So, with that said, let me get back to what I heard Him say, something I heard in my head.
What He answers when I ask, "What should I say?" is usually just a phrase or something that I can't get out of my head. Since I don't want my plan, each time I hear this phrase, I just let it go. I pose the question, and then I let it go, and usually, I'll distract myself with something else because if not, I lean to my own understanding.
So, when I asked, "What do You want me to say?" without my emotions connected, I heard Him and typed out, “Yeah, that would be great. Love to see you. How wonderful that your husband is meeting up with his father after so many years!” It was not what I wanted to say! I wanted my Husband to give me an excuse not to meet. But when I was close to complaining, He reminded me that I’d done far more stressful things, things He's asked me to do, so as a lovesick bride, how could I foolishly argue or question His plan?
Over the next few days, we had several other conversations, but each time, I asked Him the same question: “What do you want me to say?” Like not having a car. I texted her, “I'll get an Uber to meet up with you. Do you want me to meet you at your airport or the hotel?" She kindly offered to come to my resort—when my miracle and why I woke up teary-eyed all began to transpire.
Just when I was going to relax for the evening, having connected with her earlier in the day, I left my final text, “Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
That's when I saw a text from her on my phone, and what jumped out was the word "COVID" in all caps. So I opened it up, and she went on to explain that she and her husband were just getting over COVID-19. They were given the okay, the green light to be able to fly. However, she said, "If you prefer not to meet, of course, this might be better for everyone." She went on to say, "We already made arrangements to come back at the same time next year to visit my father-in-law again."
Understandably, I had all sorts of thoughts, as you do when you’re leaning on your own understanding. What does He want to do? Because I wanted to get out of it. And though, as sweet as it might have been to meet up, it was going to be difficult. By the time everything they'd planned was done, like getting their rental car, checking into the hotel where they would be staying, and also having to leave so early the next morning it wasn't attainable. Nevertheless, I just knew that my Husband had it under control, and whatever He wanted me to do was all I wanted.
So, I said, “What do You want me to say?” And I heard, “Let it go.” So I let it go. I closed my phone and turned on something to distract me because I never wanted to “lean to my own understanding.” I just wanted to hear from Him.
Dear bride, if you practice this in everything you do, whether it's: "What should I fix for dinner? What should I wear?” Then do what you believe you hear and let Him lead you to pick out exactly the right outfit He chooses for you and what to make for dinner, you will be prepared for the difficult situations that pop up in your life.
As a matter of fact, can I take a short detour? Just the day before, I had “leaned to my own understanding” and decided to wear something pink. Yet, when I took time to ask, He led me to pick something black. And I thought, “What?” But I laid it out, and that’s when He reminded me, or I saw it on the calendar, that I was getting my hair colored. I never wear anything with any color because, unfortunately, I have had some things ruined by hair dye, and it's not the stylist's fault. So I wore black.
Dear Reader, He knows everything. Everything. Everything. And here's the other amazing thing—if you lean to your own understanding and you mess up, it's fine. He still adores you. He is not upset with you one little bit. And if you ask, He'll doubly bless you. You don't have to weep. You don't have to beat yourself up. You don't have to lay at His feet.
Even if you were in rebellion, you can just go to Him and say, “I want You to be my everything. You're everything to me. I want to be everything to You.”
Just by being around Him, the more you acknowledge Him, the more you talk to Him, the more you spend time together as a couple, and the more you will know that what I say and the way I live is true.
Begin by having your morning coffee with Him, like I do every morning. I'm just so excited to wake up every morning because I know I'm going to spend all day with Him—even throughout the night. If I wake up, I'm just happy because I'm with Somebody I absolutely adore and who adores me. That's why we love Him because He first loved us, right?
Now getting back to this living lesson, all of a sudden I kept hearing a phrase and I couldn't concentrate on what I was watching, even though I was really enjoying what I was watching. But I kept hearing this phrase, which was like, “Taking a rain check.”
Now, I know that because English may not be your first language so let me explain that sometimes a store will give you a “rain check” when you go to buy something in a store if they don't have it. They give you a “rain check,” meaning you can return to the store and purchase the item when it comes in.
So that's what I kept hearing. So I opened Messenger and listened to Him carefully while I typed out what I was supposed to say, and I sent it. Then I just closed my phone because whatever reaction, whether good or bad—it has nothing to do with me because I wasn't the one who said it. It was my Husband who said it—He was the one.
This means that you don't have to worry in anticipation of anyone's reaction. Maybe you're not like me, but I get so concerned about how someone will react. It’s in my nature to want to please people because I do want to do the right thing and the enemy knows it. But now I can relax.
A short time later, my Husband said, “Go ahead and look. " Of course, she was very gracious and replied that she couldn't wait to see me next year. And that was it. We stayed close friends on Facebook, and I had to say, I was beyond relieved.
I had just gone through a very big tax situation for the ministry—something you're supposed to have an attorney and an accountant do for you. Yet, we have neither because we have Him. He uses fools like us who will just trust Him to lead us and know what to say and do. God says, "Don't trust in mankind. Trust in the Lord." And those whose trust is in the Lord will be blessed.
For decades after becoming a nonprofit, I chose to do ministry taxes. Even though it's so complicated, and the IRS assumes you're using an attorney and an accountant, we don't. Instead, every year, He just does this most amazing, fantastic work with a fool like me. But, I confess that so often, in anticipation, I wonder, “Can it get done? Will it get done? With the tax laws always changing, I honestly have no business doing this, nor whoever He's called to help me to do it."
This year, however, I had no concerns, no worries. Our accounting team that He put together actually laughed through it, and we did it! We kept saying, “How is this possible?” But here's the funny thing that my Husband told me last night. He said, “Do you realize that you're more relieved from being excused from this one little get-together, this one visit than you were about doing the annual taxes when you have no clue what most of it means or what you're doing?"
All I can say is that I’m so grateful to live this abundant life, and I want you to live it, too!
I want you to take any part of each living lesson and just talk to Him about helping you put it into your life, living the lesson. Don't try to do it on your own. That's where you start. For example, in this lesson, say something like, “I want to do this. Just remind me every time I'm supposed to answer a text so I can practice living this for everything I do.”
Don't wait until you really need to know how— like this situation for me or maybe even something bigger like I do annually with nonprofit taxes. You have to practice it all the time. Why not include your Husband in every one of your text replies, whether difficult or not? Don’t wait until you’re at a scary place where it becomes laborious or a weight or a burden is crushing you. Practice every day, all day. Remember, His yoke is easy; His burden is light.
He doesn't want difficulties for His bride. He wants us to have fun, connect with Him, and practice living lessons constantly so we feel like the pictures on the covers of the living lesson books.
Let's encourage other women to live like this and have a Husband who adores them. Because when you're living like this, and you're happy, it's going to attract the attention of so many women who are suffering, and that’s when we can introduce them to the Husband they never knew that they had or wanted and that they definitely needed.
Days after I finished this wLL, I was bombarded, literally attacked to my core to make me want to recant what I said, "I'm just so excited to wake up every morning because I know I'm going to spend all day with Him—even throughout the night. If I wake up, I'm just happy because I'm with Somebody I absolutely adore and who adores me. That's why we love Him because He first loved us, right?" And yet, I knew where the attack was coming from and why. Most importantly, I knew it would stop.
Part of this has to do with an upcoming Living Lesson I'm still learning, "Perfected in Weakness." So when the weakness isn't derived from illness, then there will be something else.
Lastly, even though I hear this threatening warning that I am a fool to share this truth with you, the enemy forgets I'm already a fool. I'm also tremendously lovesick, and though it was almost like delirium, He was always, always next to me with love and comfort, making it worth it all. For those who might run thinking it's not all a bed of roses being His bride, I'd still stick around until He captures your heart. What the world offers is misery, remember?
Read PRAISE that Encouraging Women post on our Encourager about having a Heavenly Father #HF.
Unleashing the TRUTH
It has been life changing for me to learn through the Living Lesson that I can ask our Beloved Lord what I should say, what I should do or even what I should wear. With this Living Lesson I was reminded of what Erin does after she poses the question, she lets it go, because she does not want to lean on her own understanding and she then distracts herself. Wow I love this and realize now if I ask a question to my Beloved Lord, I keep on pondering on the question and that is when it get’s easy to lean on my own understanding and make a mistake. And after making a mistake I do beat myself up saying how could I have heard wrong, but with this Living Lesson I was reminded that when we mess it up, He still adores us and He is not one bit upset with us and if we ask He will bless us double for our mistakes, and this is His love for us.
I needed this life lesson so badly! Thank you Erin for not holding back and having the humility to endure and refuse self-pity. I think one of the biggest challenges we have is learning to listen to the Lord, I constantly tell my Husband —and yesterday was one of those days—, where I told him that I would love to just listen to Him as a real flesh and blood person, so clearly and audibly, the thing is that I usually doubt if I am listening to Him or if it is my thoughts…. So reading this lesson is His clear answer to me, I just have to TRUST and walk in faith, take steps in the darkness, like the lesson I recently read “Going Astray” I need to be willing to go astray to learn to distinguish His voice. The funny thing is that what you shared is exactly what I have done, I ask, I let go and wait and when I would do something suddenly almost on impulse I would feel guilty because I thought I should have waited to listen first, now I understand that He guides me and of course the guilt does not come from Him. I feel like I can move forward in my life with the confidence that He will guide me and take care of me, He loves me so much that even when I forget to ask, He will be there for me because He knows that I want to follow Him. If we –being bad– take care of our children even if they don’t ask us, how much more will He do for us?