If it is His appointed time

Hello beautiful brides,

I just want to share a short praise this morning about how my Heavenly Husband is working in my situation. It might not be huge things that are happening, but He is working and I can just rest and be still.

During the custody case Kevin (fh)  wanted me to move to their town so we can follow a 50/50 custody plan, but I told him that I will give it to the Lord (my Husband) and if it is His will, He will make it happen. Nothing came of it, last year it was brought up again and once again I gave it to my HH, but there was no available townhouses in the time period I had to either renew or cancel this rental contract. But I was at peace knowing this is my Husband showing me it is not yet the appointed time.

I trust my Husband with this situation, and I asked Him that if it is His will and His appointed time, He will provide a house and moving will be light and easy. Well yesterday I received an email and a phone call from Kevin, almost begging me to reconsider moving there so I can help with the children in the afternoons by fetching them from school in the afternoons and help them with schoolwork until he finishes work, then he will pick them up. I once again told him if it is the Lord’s will, it will happen, it’s not up to me. But Kevin asked me if he can start looking for a townhouse, and I was agreeable, knowing that the final decision is with my HH.

I am at peace no matter what happens, if I must stay where I am now, I am totally fine with it, because then I know I have more time alone with my Husband, just the two of us. If it is His appointed time and I must move to that town to be there for my children and see them daily, then I am also at peace with that and yes, I do want to be there for my children and be closer to them, but in my flesh I do not want to stay in the same town as Kevin and the OW, but I am just following and trusting my Husband regarding everything that happens and His plan.

9 thoughts on “If it is His appointed time”

  1. Wow thank you for sharing this wonderful praise report dear Adina, I am sitting here with a huge smile because of what God is doing and I for sure now His plan is perfect.

  2. Wow my dear Adina, if this is His plan He will truly make a way!! His is our WayMaker!!
    I canÂŽt wait to hear what will happen!!

    1. Yes Isabella, its amazing how He turns situations around, we can just be still and wait for His plan to unfold.

  3. I absolutely love how at peace you are resting in and trusting your HH. Beautiful.

    Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
    make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Him, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. H132021

    1. Thank you for that beautiful verse Hope!!
      When we become His bride we have peace that surpasses all understanding, no matter what happens around us!

  4. I prefer to keep my gentle and quiet spirit and just read what everyone else has to say and also leave hearts to just about everything all of you say but today i felt it was important to say something. it might be God moves you to live closer and i hope with all my heart that happens to you. for me the exact opposite happened when my fh and the ow took my children for their long weekend and never brought them back. i had full custody in the divorce but the only way would be to steal them back or trust God to show me that He their true Father had them. Just a few days later but it seemed like months or a year i was invited to live abroad for free. i didn’t have the plane fare but even that was paid for when i got the exact about of money from someone i didn’t really know.
    Where i wanted to be was live closer to my children, what my Husband did was to steal me away to become closer to Him instead. I just wanted to encourage you that either way He answers you will be blessed.

    1. Leah, thank you for your comment, all comments are precious! Yes sometimes He wants us alone with Him for a season to live as His bride, sometimes its hard because of what we have to leave behind, but He gives us peace that surpasses all understanding. With our children we can rest in the fact that He is their HF and their best protection, He loves them so much and we can rest in Him because of that. And applying the principles in all situations, like www and a gentle and quiet spirit, PLUS being His bride, turns situations around, He has a beautiful plan for us, we must just wait for His appointed time.

  5. Reading your PR made me think about that peace that only He is able to give, because in our strength we are not. You know, your PR would be perfect to be added to the Living Lesson 21 Sleeping in the Storms, because stay still and calm when we face a tribulation like the one you have, it is not that easy, particularly because as a mom you would probably decide staying closer to your kids instead of waiting for his wisdom to show you what is the best for all of you. You have encouraged me a lot today with this.

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