I would never miss out on a party

“I have learned the secret of being content… ” Phil 4:12

We were invited to my friends 50th birthday. A formal affair at a really nice venue.

When we received the invite eh said that he did not want to go because he didnt have formal clothes. My feeling was at 1st was that l really wanted to go and l started to argue.. But then l suddenly felt like by arguing about it and feeling that way l was not being a good bride to my Husband, neither was l being agreeable.

Eh explained that he did not have the finances at that time to go buy new outfits. As l thought about it l realised l would just be adding added pressure by trying trying to purchase outfits and we received the invite 3 days before the function.

As l reflected this morning l realised that my Husband has made me so content and He is MORE than enough for me and makes me happy. I don’t feel like missed out at all. And instead of getting ready and going to the party l journaled and read a new lesson and a novel centred around forgiveness. I had a peaceful evening. There was a time l would have felt upset to miss a party or a get together.

I am thankful that He changed my heart and has made me content ❤️💓♥️

2 thoughts on “I would never miss out on a party”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Atarah, this is so beautiful what you did instead. And it is really only our Darling Lord that can change us. I never want that time of parties back, I love the time I have now with my Darling Lord and rather reading the resources on RMI and doing the lessons. Our Darling Lord is really enough.

  2. lovely that He showed you the truth and you were able to let go and enjoy that time regardless of the pretty party! only He can take you to that place of perfect contentment! praises praises!

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