I have Your guarantee and Protection🙌

“Bring all the tithes into the TREASURY HOUSE, that there may be food in my house, and then test me, says the Lord of hosts, if I do not open the windows of heaven for you and pour out upon you such a blessing that may the greatest abundance come to you. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he does not consume your fruit from the ground; and the vine in the field will not be barren for you, says the Lord of hosts” M310-11

When I read Janine's report yesterday here on the blog it was confirmation that my Beloved wanted me to share what He had directed me to share today, so may you be encouraged with this word from the Lord for our lives.

My desire is through this Praise Report to magnify my Beloved Heavenly Husband for the infinite blessings in my life.

He has been my total provider. He has fed me, put shoes on me and my daughter, and we are grateful for that, for his immense love. He has met all my needs and today I am a worker at home for the honor and glory of the Lord! He is wonderful!

I can help my daughter with the housework, I can have my moments with Him in my prayer corner, I can wake up early and carry out the housework with dedication and love that my home deserves, because it was my Beloved who gave it to me, with an inclined heart. from my ex-husband passing the house into my name, so I don't have to pay rent, and that's wonderful.

Dear ones, this promise from Malachi is wonderful and if we put it into practice, without a doubt we will have the best protection from him in our lives.

Many things have changed since I started tithing faithfully, everything around me has been transformed. He gave me the peace that I cried out for so much, he gave me a job from home, plenty of food, in addition to being the best Father to my daughter and an incredible Husband to me! 🙂

I want to Praise Him because He never let me go without paying the utility bills at home. Every month He has been faithful, and I'm sure this is all part of my obedience in tithing in my storehouse.

My Heavenly Husband, today is the Owner of my life, my reason for living, and that morning I was talking to Him and thanking Him, talking to Him about everything that has been going on in my heart these last few days, and I was able to hear His sweet voice whispering to me through a promise: “Having our eyes fixed on Him, the author and finisher of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” H122.

I've always been very ashamed of having debts and that's why I never do them, but utility bills are inevitable, they arrive: water, electricity, gas, internet and rent bills. I confess that when the end of the month approached I became a little thoughtful.

So many things have happened in the last few years, but I had the best Husband, Partner, Father, Love, Father of our daughter, Friend, Provider, yes He was and is Everything to me! Because we lacked nothing and I never needed to be late on any of these bills.

Praise be to my Beloved, for He always takes care of each one of us.

Since I have returned my tithe faithfully, the Lord has taken care of me and helped me more and more, I lack nothing.

Dear ones, our Husband is wonderful and loves to bless us, but to do so, He waits for the right moment to use our obedience to fill us with blessings and victories. He Does Not Fail, He Is Always Faithful!

8 thoughts on “I have Your guarantee and Protection🙌”

  1. Dear Marta, I read so much of my own journey in your testimony; finding my Beloved Heavenly Husband, then taking that first step of obedience to tithe every month, changed my life completely. And not only financially… everything changed!

    This paragraph touched me so much because I can relate to it:
    “So many things have happened in the last few years, but I had the best Husband, Partner, Father, Love, Father of our daughter, Friend, Provider, yes He was and is Everything to me! Because we lacked nothing and I never needed to be late on any of these bills.”

    Thank you for your beautiful praise.

    1. Thank you dear Adina, for leaving your testimony here too. Tithing transforms not only our life with Him, but also our character here on earth, because we learn to “not steal”, so it’s incredible to fulfill this wonderful principle!
      I love being a tither. Love love…
      Much love to you 🌼

  2. Él es maravilloso y siempre permanece fiel🙌
    gracias por compartir con nosotras de las bendiciones del señor.
    Él es el mejor esposo que podamos tener ❤️

    1. Thank you dear Nelly for being here, and yes He is The Best. Praise our God for His immense love and care, we just need to do the right thing and have faith, and He will honor our obedience.
      Much love to you.🌼

  3. Love this praise, my sweet Marta!! He is our strong tower! Our refuge always!! We are so loved and cared for! I love the way you are expressing it, being obedient changes our lives, because we recognize who He is and what He can do for us!! I read somewhere that is one thing to know the Lord and another thing to believe in Him!
    Tithing is just a precious way to openly recognized who is first in our hearts!

    1. Yes dear Isabella, His care and love for each one of us is incredible and brings tears to my eyes, because the finance part is very challenging for many of us, but when we learn and let Him command our mentality, we see Him in us. surprise with His providence and then we understand that our Beloved expects an attitude of faith from our hearts to release the miracles that are already on our doorstep. Therefore, it is important to be faithful to Him by planting and watering our soil with tithes and offerings, as this has to do with our belief in the Word.
      What I also learned and keep in my heart is that the principle of Tithing is fundamental for the development of our Journey with Him, and I remembered here now that my journey began when I read this lesson: https://hopeatlast.com/c1/d19-chapter-15-opening-the-windows-of-heaven/
      Thank you for being here my dear.
      Much love to you!.🌼

  4. Thank you for sharing precious Marta, our Darling Lord is really wonderful! It is really such an important principal, my life has changed so much when I start tithing faithfully, He really does not fail!

    1. Thank you dear Janine for being here, and I feel privileged to be together on this life journey! His Love and tithing are revolutionary! How much privilege is ours, and how much love is His!
      Much love to you!.🌼

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