Happy birthday : A week of surprises

ALL my trials have gotten insanely hard,
I'm a stay-at-home mom living with my inlaws and within the past couple of days I'm
-facing divorce again (signed papers & agreed to all my EH (earthly husband) terms which include no child support and split custody)
-EH moved out in secret with AW while I was home ( his parents helped him)

nonetheless, I know ALL THIS IS WORKING FOR OUR GOOD (Romans 8:28)and my HF (Heavenly Father) has been with me every step of the way. I'm grateful because the harder the trials have been the easier it is to forgive, get in His presence be quiet and allow Him to fight the battles that I would normally suit up for. (E1414)
He's blessed me in so many ways and allowed me to be a blessing to others. In despair, He had me call my earthly father. The funny thing is I argued with my HF about it.
(during this season He had me stop talking to everyone.)

So I replied to my HF :

Me: “I can't call my dad I erased ALL my contacts so I wouldn't be tempted to reach out besides I don't want to mess up and tell anyone anything I'm going through”

He replied

HF: “My grace is sufficient”(2C129)

so I submitted it even though I didn't understand found my dads # and gave him a call

In The conversation with my earthly father: I was honest and able to talk about my faith. I said I didn't need any help I was just a little down because my Heavenly Husband kept telling me that he has a “surprise for me “but in this season It feels like less of a surprise party and more like everyone's forgotten my birthday.

My dad laughed and was just as surprised as I was that I said “Birthday” because Immediately a notification came up in my phone of a cash app from him that said: 🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (My birthday is in January )

Isn't that wild that my earthly father used those exact words? He ended the call by telling me to continue to be obedient to my Heavenly Father because clearly, he hasn't forgotten my birthday or the surprises he has for me.

7 thoughts on “Happy birthday : A week of surprises”

  1. Alisea WOW 🤩 I’m in complete awe of your testimony and the ease of how you presented so much in such a short powerful way!! It was raw and real and transparent reminding me of the first couple of chapters of https://loveatlast.org/hhm/
    Grasping and embracing the truth, and presenting just exactly the concept most are unable to understand (because it takes obeying by faith and then understanding follows) that once your mind was renewed when your Husband asked you to do what was contrary—you again obeyed —which is the MAIN principle so few ever realize in their journey. You are experiencing and are on your Abundant Life Journey so 🙏🏻 please tell me you will answer the call to be an Abundant Life Coach https://rmiou.com/courses/abundant-life-coach/ and you’ve registered as an RMIOU Student.
    I’d love to encourage Adina to rally brides like you, especially you, to minister with her, which begins by simply posting your praise and testimonies and becoming familiar with the resources so you can offer them in reply to the comments of struggling brides who need encouragement and to be coached along their journeys.
    You don’t need to take any RMIOU course first because you’re ready now but the wider and stronger your foundation the more you will be able to learn to minister with your Beloved using only HIS WORD and PRINCIPLES.
    Adina, am I right or am I right? haha 😂

    1. O yes Erin, I would love it if Alisea would answer the call and come in to post praises and comments and/ or enrolling in the Abundant Life Coach course.

    2. I would absolutely love to answer the call and help encourage other brides I haven’t registered yet but I will as soon as I get home. I’ve actually been sharing all the principles with everyone I meet. My journey looked so different than other brides because I had to let go of all technology a couple times and just learn to hear my (HH & HF’s voice) for myself so I ordered all the books, and wrote in my journal (I’m a paper and pen kind of gal) . I would love to take the courses offered to become a coach. I felt like I wasn’t qualified to because my online journals haven’t been as consistent because I’m so used to writing things in my personal journal. I am always willing to embrace a new way of doing things to grow. I’m looking forward to this next level and with all this extra time on my hands I’ll have plenty of time to put more effort in consistent online posts.

  2. Wow Alisea reading your praise I’m amazed at the start of your praise and then the ending… I mean to start off reading your praise you mention your in law who you are staying with who aided eh in moving to aw… sounds pretty dismal to me but then you go on to share your conversation with your HH… and just HOW HE LED YOU…. Now that is discerning HIS VOICE. And you have given us a really good insight into understanding this!!! And then to end off like that… I mean??? it can’t be explained can it??? Only our Beloved works in such mysterious and wonderful ways!! I’m so thankful for His provision for you and reading this I am absolutely sure He is not done and that we will be hearing much more from you and I cant wait to have the front row seat to the unfolding of your journey with Him!!!!!!!!

    1. He blows my mind everyday 💕💕 we’ll grab your popcorn it’s show time ! Our HH is doing a new thing ✨

  3. Alisea, you shared so many principles in this short but powerful praise, from facing divorce by agreeing, surrendering and trusting your HH to being sensitive to His guidance. At the beginning of the praise my heart wanted to break for what you went through, but the way your praise ended with the surprise He gave you…WOW!
    Alisea, please talk to your Heavenly Husband about The Abundant Life Coach course and/or ministering through posting praises and placing comments and working through the Abundant Life Courses. I really feel like you have a lot to share to help encourage other brides.

    1. My HH said that he would send opportunities to me and I wouldn’t have to go looking for them. I’ve been seeking him for my next steps I didn’t realize it would lead me back to the same ministry that aided in bringing me close to him.

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