4 thoughts on “Finding the Abundant Life Chapter 1 “What is the Abundant Life?””

  1. What a wonderful surprise what a treat!! Liora, thank you so much. I absolutely loved your video lesson and I do plan to come back next week for chapter 2.
    May I ask a favor? Can you share more about what you have come through? I have heard through many other ministers about your testimony, that you came through a multi organ transplant, but I would love to hear it directly from you – – just hearing it raw and real and fresh from your own mouth.
    The reason I ask is because I believe there are countless women who face health issues, and knowing how you’ve come through and you are living the abundant life, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually resulting in being highly anointed BECAUSE OF what you’ve come through.
    There are just so many you could inspire and encourage to do as you’ve done— tap into the Source, the Source that you discovered along your abundant life journey… Maybe you discovered your true Husband through this reading and journaling this book, but probably through many different opportunities, your love, your husband, provided for you in order that you could minister to other women.
    There’s no doubt that you will speak to your husband about this and that he will lead you and guide you, and I know what you… Ministering through you so that we can bring more good news to the women we’re ministering to.
    I personally plan to share your lessons with my younger sister who is also facing frightening health concerns, who is open to listening to me, and who has for many years relied on just One– – my Husband, my Maker.
    I will wait in anticipation and make sure I’m signed up for this blog to get the alerts.
    Thank you, thank you again Liora.

  2. Gracias Liora, Grace Erin, y Gracias a todas las que se toman el tiempo para compartir, yo hace un año me enferme gravemente de Covid decían que tendría 5 días de vida según el médico, pero Dios dijo que no y me dio la fuerza para respirar, para levantarme, yo me estaba ahogando porque el Covid me comio los pulmones, me querían entubar pero yo no quise y no lo hicieron, poco a poco con muchas oraciones de muchas personas y yo que me dispuse en las manos de mi Amado y le dije yo no tengo fuerzas para orar pero se que tu tienes cuidado de mi, y en las noches las enfermeras me despertaban y me decian no puedes dormir porque dejas de respirar, y luego venian unas personas que creo eran angeles y me hablaban y me decian yo vine para que duermas, y se ponian mis cables y se acostaban al lado mio y era de la unica forma que podia dormir, en las mañanas cuando le preguntaba a los doctores quien había estado conmigo ellos me decían nadie estubo aquí, y cuando deceaba comer algo se lo pedia a mi EC y el mandaba a alguien a darmelo, porque estube aislada en un cuarto pero el estubo conmigo siempre, me decia cada cosa que debia de hacer para salir de ese lugar y me ha tomado un tiempo estar bien, pero ha sido porque mi amado a usado este tiempo para bendecirme de muchas maneras, un ejemplo es que yo siempre pense que si dejaba de trabajar no podríamos sobrevivir, y después de esto mi EC puso en el corazón de mi ET el encargarse de pagar, y mi amado de que el lo tenga, gracias a todos estos libros que me han ayudado a estar mas cerca de mi amado conocerlos mas, hoy amo mas a todos y es un proceso de cambio y aprendizaje constantemente, he aprendido a minimizar mis gastos grandemente y nada me ha faltado, no tengo palabras para agradecer tanto tanto quien soy hoy, como mi amado me ha hecho una nueva criatura, me ha tomado mucho tiempo, pero agradezco cada dia, antes vivía con dolor en mi corazón hoy gracias a conocer tanta verdad, soy libre de ese dolor aterrador en mi alma, sigo aprendiendo, pero muy muy agradecida de todo esto, y de lo que mi amado EC ha hecho y hará en mi. ❤️

  3. Thank you so much for your beautiful testimony Yuliett, I am so happy that you chose to trust Him even when the doctors said there was no hope! It is amazing what only He can do when we surrender. He has the last say and He is so faithful to carry us through even the most difficult and seemingly hopeless situations. That’s when our Husband likes to show up and show out so that everyone knows it was He who did it, He gets all the glory! When I was going through my health crisis, I was in the critical care unit in the hospital many times. The dr’s told my family that there was no hope on several occasions, that there was nothing they could do for me anymore and to plan a funeral. They were right, they couldn’t do anything anymore, but He could! He brought me through time after time and never left my side. Even if I was experiencing physical pain and suffering at the time, He always gave me a peace in my heart and I knew I was going to be okay no matter what happened because I had Him (and by the way He did heal me from the pain and suffering, I just had to pick up my cross and follow). Our Heavenly Husband just wants us to trust Him in everything, for us to know that only He can love us and take care of us the way that He does! Thank you again for your praise Yuliett and I’m excited to read more comments and praises from you!

  4. It’s really great to see your Abundant Life Video 💖 up on the blog Liora and what a tremendous blessing it already is 🙌🏾 l always knew it woukd be!!!! 🤗

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