Do We Still Have The đŸ™đŸ» Prayer Team?

We were recently asked if we still have the đŸ™đŸ»Prayer Team.

Here is what Erin shared about the đŸ™đŸ» Prayer Team:

"The prayer team was built on a MailChimp newsletter, and reports. We are currently letting go of one and let go of another. But we do need to make sure that prayers are prayed for so JOIN US in trusting Him to will show us His plan."


6 thoughts on “Do We Still Have The đŸ™đŸ» Prayer Team?”

  1. Thanks for posting this Adina to shed some light on this 💗 l will definitely join in seeking Him about it and ask Him what is His plan 🙏

  2. Adina when the Prayer Request wufoo form moves to WPFORM can you see a list from the backend? if prayer team members were an author, for example, might they be able to log into the website to pray?

    The other very easy and light method would be creating a PRAYER@ Gmail account and give the Prayer Team “delegated access” OH and I just envisioned that once prayed for the Prayer Team member could move it to her folder 📂—beginning with signing up to cover one day per week. Let’s see what our MD Yvonne thinks đŸ™đŸ» with a few other details I’ll VN to explain to her.

    1. HLM back here because of the prayer requests received
      The Prayer request gmail sounds very light and easy, then the request can be forwarded to that office and the ladies who belongs to the team can access the request.

      As HLM there will be two forms:
      -One to subscribe to the prayer team and to get access to the gmail
      -Prayer Request form that will go to the prayer request gmail, a copy to the user and RRR?

  3. Hi Erin, the requests form will go to the email specified in the settings, you can see entries like with the Wufoo forms, but will SSG to see if those entries can be exported in a way or given access to. The gmail idea sounds like a solution đŸ™đŸ»

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