aLIVE 🎧 LL76 “Do Nothing“

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Enjoy wLL 76 here “Do Nothing“


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4 thoughts on “aLIVE 🎧 LL76 “Do Nothing“”

  1. Thank you Erin. Another timely lesson from Him. With me being so far away from Him I now feel like that pruned vine. Cut down short almost to the stump. It also reminds me growing up we had the biggest hail storm that I have ever seen in my life and my mom loved her flower bed and this hail really as big as golf balls struck them all down. Not a flower left. My mom was very sad only to see a few weeks later they started to bloom again, the biggest flowers she ever had in her garden.
    Trying things in my own strenght left a mess and apart from Him, my Love, I can do nothing. I don’t want to even try anymore. It is too exhausting.

  2. Thank you Erin for sharing this lesson that soothed my heart that day. It’s fantastic to renew our minds in this truth that only He can and has the power to resolve things, we can’t do anything and are nothing without Him in our lives.
    I was an anxious person, I feared bad news, and in recent weeks I have seen my health a little weak, but now I trust completely in His actions, because I know that everything works together for the good of those who love Him, and that not a single thing falls apart. leaf without His permission, and I learned that everything is done by Him and in His time.
    Ah my Beloved, thank you for being with me!

  3. Thank you, Erin, for sharing this lesson. It is comforting to know we can just give up and surrender anything to our Husband when we start to struggle in the flesh or lean on our own understanding. Apart from Him we are nothing and our efforts will be in vain. His strength is perfected in our weakness, and we have the assurance that if we call on Him, He will answer us. I have faced many situations where I just cried out to Him that I cannot do it, like the custody case, but every time when I come to a place of surrender, He just took over and I reached the other side of the trail through His strength, not my own.

  4. Gracias por esta leccion.Me recordo que cuando hice las cosas con mis fuerzas, hice todo mal o mas bien destrui todo lo que El me habia dado.
    Y se que ahora Nada puedo hacer sin El, ya no quiero hacer nada bajo mi entendimiento solo lo que El desee realizar en mi vida.
    Ya no puedo ni deseo separarme de Su Presencia porque se que solo en El puedo ser hecha nueva y ser esa vid que de el fruto para el cual mi Esposo me elija.

    Thank you for this lesson. It reminded me that when I did things with my strength, I did everything wrong or rather I destroyed everything He had given me.
    And I know that now I can do nothing without Him, I no longer want to do anything under my understanding, only what He wants to do in my life.
    I can no longer and do not wish to separate myself from His Presence because I know that only in Him can I be made new and be that vine that bears the fruit for which my Husband chooses me.

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