A Long Overdue Testimony…

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." R12:11

As I was sitting with my Darling, asking Him to lead me, because in no way I want to shame my dad, but I knew it was a long overdue testimony that I had to share.

I grew up with a mum and dad giving us the best that they could. My dad didn't have a good childhood, so my my dad would drink over weekends and it later became every day. I had prayed many times that my dad would just stop drinking.

My parents lost their jobs (but I believe that was all part of our Darling Lord's plan for my parents to retire). So November 2023 my parents moved to South Africa and we moved in together. 

I still prayed that my dad would stop drinking but this time I really had to let it go and give it over to my Darling and trust Him, because He knew why He was allowing it and when it was going to stop. And I have to admit my mouth was always very very big in the past when my dad would drink, so my Darling was also working on me to respect my dad no matter what, so if my dad would drink I would go up to my room and spend time with my Darling.

It was two weeks after we had moved in together, when my dad had a stroke the Monday morning. I am sitting with tears here, because it would be so easy to tell you about the damage my dad still has because of the stroke (which by the way our Darling Lord is busy healing, because He is the best Healer ever), but I am not going to do that, because I have to share a huge testimony!!!

My dad stopped drinking and is living a very healthy life now and has even lost over 20kg's and says he will never ever go back to that life of drinking. The enemy intended to harm us, but our Darling Lord turned the whole situation around for good, isn't He just the Best! Our Darling Lord healed my dad of drinking.

So precious bride I want to encourage you to never stop praying, to let go and give it over to our Darling Lord and to trust Him.

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." 1J5:14

14 thoughts on “A Long Overdue Testimony…”

  1. Thank you Janine yes you are right this testimony is long overdue and must be shared because l need this encouragement 🙏l also grew up with a dad that drinks over weekends and its tough on a family. My dad still drinks and he is getting very old now. We dont live in the same town and l haven’t seen my dad in years. Its tough having a conversation with my dad because he has a lot of unforgiveness and speaks badly about everyone. That being said it does not mean that our Beloved is not working in my dad and turning his heart of stone into a heart of flesh because thats the type of business He is into 🎉 so l am going to praise Him for that instead of focusing on how difficult it is to communicate with my dad 🙌

    Thank you for coming to share l am so happy for what He has done and continues to do in your dads life. He definitely used your dads stroke for GOOD HE is AMAZING 🙌 and He will complete the good work HE started of healing your dad of the stroke completely 🥳🙌

    “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” https://biblehub.com/philippians/1-6.htm

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Atarah, I will be praying for your dad and our Darling Lord that is the best Healer ever will also turn your dad’s life around, because that is just Who He is. I look forward to the testimony that you are too going to come and share precious Atarah.

  2. Dear Janine, our Beloved is so good, so, so, good! He took a tragedy and turned it around for good! I also grew up with a dad who drank over weekends, then later my mom also started to drink. They both passed away without being cured from this addiction. It breaks my heart to just think about it. Because of the destruction my brother and I had to live through as children due to this, we do not drink. Our Beloved really worked in our lives and stepped into both our lives to rely on Him through everything, and not turn to any substances to deal with life.

    1. Dear precious Adina I am so sorry for what you and your brother went through as children, but our Darling Lord is the Best ever, because too there came good out of your lives, because now you and your brother don’t drink. Our Darling Lord is really so so good!

  3. Janine Thank you for your Testimony, you know, although I do not want to dishonor my father, I have also suffered the ravages of alcoholism since I was a child. And even I also fell into this, causing a lot of pain to my husband and my daughters, but thanks to my Heavenly Husband and everything that has happened in my marriage, he made me see my mistakes and helped me leave him, now My Beloved Husband knows that one One of my greatest desires is to see my dad and my brothers free from all ties, I know that He is working on that because He promised me that if I believed in Him my whole family would be saved💗

    1. Dear precious Esperanza while reading your comment my Darling reminded me immediately of this verse: “God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?” N23:19 https://biblehub.com/numbers/23-19.htm
      And I know and believe our Darling Lord is going to change your dad and brother’s lives and I look forward to the testimony you are also going to come and share.
      And thank you for sharing, I am so grateful for our Darling Lord’s grace in our lives and that He is the One that changes us, isn’t He just so Awesome!!!

  4. This is a precious precious testimony! how wonderful and a great reminder of how our Love really is in the business of changing hearts and bringing freedom to the captive.

    1. Yes precious Rasa our Darling Lord is really in the business of changing hearts.
      “The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live.” D30:6 https://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/30-6.htm

  5. Isto foi muito necessário para o meu dia de hoje. Uau!

    Quanta alegria minha querida. Fiquei tão feliz em ver nosso Senhor surpreendendo 🥹💝

    Ele é incrível sempre

    This was much needed for my day. Wow!

    What joy, my dear. I was so happy to see our Lord surprising 🥹💝

    He’s amazing every time

  6. I just cone from the Encourager and this is so powerful and exciting. We must pray and live by faith knowing that our Beloved will fulfill His promises He is mighty to save, and heal. No darkness can prevail when He enters our lives! Our prayer surpases time! They become eternal and are powerful to save and heal. Thank you for sharing your blessing

  7. Janine querida que o Amado possa conceder bencaos grandiosas na sua vida por dedicar seu tempo para escrever esse relatório que foi tao encorajador para mim. Que o Amado possa conceder a cura completa ao seu pai, que sua semana seja maravilhosa!

    Janine, dear to the Beloved may bestow great blessings on your life for taking the time to write this report that was so encouraging to me. May the Beloved grant complete healing to your father, may your week be wonderful!

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