💗A Beautiful Picture

This morning's Streams in the Desert devotional was such a beautiful reminder that our worst trails, the events that we thought would break us, are actually part of our Heavenly Husbands beautiful plan for our lives. Everything that happened to us, everything He allowed in our lives serves a purpose, nothing that happens in our lifes are by accident, everything is part of His design, His plan, the masterpiece He is working on behind the scenes to be revealed at His appointed time. We can just be still and know that He is God.

April 17April 17

The hand of the Lord has done this. (Job 12:9)

A number of years ago the most magnificent diamond in the history of the world was found in an African mine. It was then presented to the king of England to embellish his crown of state. The king sent it to Amsterdam to be cut by an expert stonecutter. Can you imagine what he did with it?

He took this gem of priceless value and cut a notch in it. Then he struck it one hard time with his hammer, and the majestic jewel fell into his hand, broken in two. What recklessness! What wastefulness! What criminal carelessness!

Actually, that is not the case at all. For you see, that one blow with the hammer had been studied and planned for days, and even weeks. Drawings and models had been made of the gem. Its quality, defects, and possible lines along which it would split had all been studied to the smallest detail. And the man to whom it was entrusted was one of the most skilled stonecutters in the world.

Now do you believe that blow was a mistake? No, it was the capstone and the culmination of the stonecutter’s skill. When he struck that blow, he did the one thing that would bring that gem to its most perfect shape, radiance, and jeweled splendor. The blow that seemed to be the ruin of the majestic precious stone was actually its perfect redemption, for from the halves were fashioned two magnificent gems. Only the skilled eye of the expert stonecutter could have seen the beauty of two diamonds hidden in the rough, uncut stone as it came from the mine.

Sometimes, in the same way, God lets a stinging blow fall on your life. You bleed, feeling the pain, and your soul cries out in agony. At first you think the blow is an appalling mistake. But it is not, for you are the most precious jewel in the world to God. And He is the most skilled stonecutter in the universe.

Someday you are to be a jewel adorning the crown of the King. As you lie in His hand now, He knows just how to deal with you. Not one blow will be permitted to fall on your apprehensive soul except what the love of God allows. And you may be assured that from the depths of the experience, you will see untold blessings, and spiritual enrichment you have never before imagined. J. H. M.

In one of George MacDonald’s books, one of the characters makes this bitter statement: “I wonder why God made me. I certainly don’t see any purpose in it!” Another of the characters responds, “Perhaps you don’t see any purpose yet, but then, He isn’t finished making you. And besides, you are arguing with the process.”

If people would only believe they are still in the process of creation, submit to the Maker, allowing Him to handle them as the potter handles clay, and yield themselves in one shining, deliberate action to the turning of His wheel, they would soon find themselves able to welcome every pressure from His hand on them, even if it results in pain. And sometimes they should not only believe but also have God’s purpose in sight: “bringing many sons to glory” (Heb. 2:10).

Not a single blow can hit,

Till the God of love sees fit.

5 thoughts on “💗A Beautiful Picture”

  1. Dear Adina, this is so beautiful and so true. Not it my wildest dreams at that time in the middle of pain, I would have thought that the pain had a purpose, but now I can for sure say it did have a purpose and our wonderful God knows what He is doing.

    1. I agree Janine, I also could not see any purpose in the midst of my brokenness and pain, but when I grabbed on to Him, He pulled me out and now I understand how all these things we go through serves a purpose and is part of His plan.

  2. Thank you Adina, I wanted to post on the Streams on the Desert in EW this morning, because the verse really touched my heart as well as this part:

    “Sometimes, in the same way, God lets a stinging blow fall on your life. You bleed, feeling the pain, and your soul cries out in agony. At first you think the blow is an appalling mistake. But it is not, for you are the most precious jewel in the world to God. And He is the most skilled stonecutter in the universe.
    Someday you are to be a jewel adorning the crown of the King. As you lie in His hand now, He knows just how to deal with you. Not one blow will be permitted to fall on your apprehensive soul except what the love of God allows. And you may be assured that from the depths of the experience, you will see untold blessings, and spiritual enrichment you have never before imagined. J. H. M.”

    Just knowing that He is the one that allows this, is everywhere in His word. The truth of it can be difficult in the fact that we know that He allows for bad things to happen to us, but there is such a freedom in this as well, knowing that He has it all under control. So as with everything, you can choose to be angry because He allowed it to happen or you can rest in Him knowing that He allowed it to happen and that He will bring about something great!!!

    1. Yes Yvonne, that part also touched me so much this morning, just being able to rest in the fact that He allowed it to create something beautiful from what seems to be total destruction, just like the diamond was broken in two in order to create two magnificent diamonds instead of just one flawed diamond. It is difficult to understand when we are drowning in sorrow and pain from that stinging blow, but once we grab on to Him and recognize His hand in it and allow Him to do His perfect work in us, we start to see the beauty in the journey.

  3. I really needed to read this today!! Last week was hard, with several blows to our lives, but the Lord will make something beautifulout of our pain and the sun is already shinning again!!! đŸŒ·

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