Let the Journey begin!

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”  Isaiah 43:2

wLL 37 “Spiritual Maturity”

Reading this Living Lesson opened my eyes to understand that when I trust I grow! I am not meant to focus on what´s ahead because I might not be ready but He is! He is not taken by surprise, and my relationship with Him will only grow for His glory and my joy and peace!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the road I traveled this year was filled with potholes, unexpected twists and turns, and detours. With the start of the new season, many elements of the journey remain the same, with the promise that the voyage will soon become easier.

However, it is likely that as I maneuver through this next season, I may go through high waters of despair and hopelessness, rivers of sadness and grief, and the fire of pain and sickness.

But the promise He gave me when I did this lesson opened my eyes, to take note of the language:

  1. WHEN you pass through the waters…
  2. WHEN you pass through the rivers…
  3. WHEN you walk through the fire…

What is the common theme? My Beloved was showing me that it is not IF but WHEN.

This passage is a warning and a promise. Our Beloved Heavenly Husband is telling us that we will go through some really hard circumstances, but the promise is:

  • we will NOT be overwhelmed
  • we will NOT be burned
  • we will NOT be consumed

And the best part is, that we will grow with Him! We will become spiritually mature!

Let us hold fast to these promises from Our Beloved. We may get wet from treading through some deep waters, we may smell like smoke as we walk through a fire that we didn’t expect.

But Our Heavenly Husband is with us through it all.

He will NEVER leave you or forsake you.

So, let the journey begin…

Let´s grow in our walk of faith!


8 thoughts on “Let the Journey begin!”

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful promise precious Isabella, what a beautiful reminder my Darling gave me now, because years ago, after getting divorced and feeling so hopeless, He gave me this beautiful promise and He for sure kept His word!
    Thank you, you put it so beautiful precious Isabella, yes lets grow in our walk of faith, because He really will never ever leave us, our lives are a testimony of that fact!

    1. Yes, my dear Janine. We have become living proof of His transforming work in our lives!
      This promise made me understand that no matter what I face I am never alone and that because I chose Him, I am a victor!

  2. Isabella, thank you for sharing this beautiful lesson and what you took from it. Your words have touched my heart and given me hope for when the “when’s” happens. You are correct that we can grow spiritually through our trials. When we trust in God and rely on His strength, we can grow from our struggles stronger and more mature in our faith.

    1. Yes, Hope. This is a journey of continual growth! This is a broken world, but now we found the fountain of life and hope! That is priceless, because now no matter what lies ahead, we can only look up to Our Beloved!

  3. Isabella thanks for sharing I love how you explained what you learned, I identify myself with hte ups and downs and mainly how HE has provided and protected me and grew my faith in HIM. and Also learned to enjoy more and more my time with HIm.

    1. Yes Jewel, our precious time with Him makes all the difference! My house tone is set by the way my day starts! If I wake up early and spend time praising, singing, and reading His Word my live changes, but if not my flesh pops up!
      We are on a journey of a lifetime!

  4. Thank you my dear Isabella for sharing, as we mature spiritually we go through trails differently, because we know we have our Husband who is with is through every trail, that is His promise to us, and we can rest in that.

    1. Oh yes, my dear Adina. This promise was a huge eye-opener because more than ever I understand that we will always have trouble but now because we are so deeply loved and cherished we have peace and enjoy a different outcome!

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