Wondering if I Did the Right Thing

♕ Today's Promise: “Speak kindly to Jerusalem; and call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” Isaiah 10:2

~ Yvonne in South Africa

☊ PRAISE from Yvonne

Dear Brides. Come and read how she started to rebuild the temple on His foundation. What powerful testimonies this book has for us to show that with Him nothing is impossible.

The verse that double for her sins, really resonated with me today. These last few weeks He has shown me how He has already given me double for my sin in more than one instance. The one I want to share today, is what He has shown me about my children.

When I found the Lord as my Heavenly Husband, I could see how I neglected to love my children the way He needs me to love them the first few years of their lives. I of course loved them but probably more like the world would while the TV was on in the background and I hardly sat and really spent time with them.

But now He has given me DOUBLE for my sins because I am able to home-school my children and spend so much time with them. Our relationship is closer than ever. Thank you my dearest Husband!

Just these last few weeks something happened with the children and their stepbrother and mother and as a family we would usually just keep the peace, but this time the kids revealed things to me that I did not know was going on and I am not sure, but I believe that He led me to reveal it to the their father.

After I did, I of course felt guilty and started wondering if I did the right thing. Love covers all and so many other things, but once I did this lesson ["Rebuild the Temple"], I realized that if it was not from Him, then He will bless me double for my sins.

Dear Brides, can you believe it? Double for your sins! No, of course as the author says, it does not mean we should willfully sin, but it is a comfort to know that if we do make a mistake He is there to help us and bless us if we run to Him.

“Speak kindly to Jerusalem; and call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” Isaiah 10:2

Our Afrikaans’ Ministry Pastor and RMI's Ministry Director
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