20 thoughts on “wLL 77 “Bitter or Better””

  1. Thanks Erin for sharing what your Husband wanted you to share with us.. the very 1st time l felt bitter was when l found about my Husbands adultery… feeling bitter is probably one if the worst feelings you can feel… dwelling on what was done to you… forgiveness played a huge role in me not being bitter anymore and helped me be better but only with His help was l able to…

    My dad suffered his whole life with bitterness towards his brothers and sisters so l totally relate to what you share in the podcast… I just knew l did not want to live my life like that…

    You mentioned l… it’s rooted in pride… We need to be humble in order to overcome bitterness.. in order to forgive and love 💖 it’s so true if we don’t look to Him and find out how He wants us to handle the situation.. if we don’t go to Him and ask Him to help us.. the bitterness wont go away.. and we wont do better… but when we humble ourselves He lifts us up đŸ™ŒđŸŸ

    With Him and His love 💖 for us we can get rid of our bitterness and be better!!

        1. Great. I actually saw it while uploading a video myself. FYI this comment is pending, so just be sure you check to make sure your posts are getting posted. OH I believe I know why, you have NO profile picture, so more than likely, you are simply a subscriber. For us to move everyone up, everyone needs a profile picture showing.

        2. Atarah don’t forget to upload your profile picture. That’s the only way we can find you in a sea of registers users, so we can move commenters up to an AUTHOR status, and not have to approve your posted praise đŸ™ŒđŸ» and comments 💭

          1. I have tried numerously to upload my picture using my pc and mobile and it’s the same one I use for hope at last and encouraging women blog so I know it is the correct sizing and type.. I click upload and it says profile updated but it does not update it…

  2. Dear Erin, I am so much encouraged and I love the wisdom you speak with. I for sure want to become better and I know there is some stuff that make me bitter and our Heavenly Husband wants to turn it around and use it for the good, because I am sitting here at work and I was thinking I would rather comment on the posts but off course I have to work and here is your podcast so I can work and listen and I know my bitterness is still standing between me and my HH, because my HH has been so busy with me.

    1. Podcasts are great for that very reason, Janine—just listening while doing those mundane tasks.
      PodCASTING fishing with His net. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+4%3A19&version=NASB;NLT;CEV;ERV;TLB
      Also, as I’ve been ministering to my sister, since you, too are my sister
      I keep telling her “Darling, you don’t need to TRY to be better, that’s your Husband’s job. Your job is just to love Him because the closer you are to Him, the more you will begin changing…” the same goes for ALL of us.

      1. Thank you for this reminder:

        “Darling, you don’t need to TRY to be better, that’s your Husband’s job. Your job is just to love Him because the closer you are to Him, the more you will begin changing

  3. I loved where you said that in order for the bitterness to be taken away is for brokenness to happen. Just before you said that I was wondering why I was not bitter and then I remembered it was because I was broken when I came here. I did not have time to get bitter and then you said the same thing. 🙂 Of course just Him!
    I was bitter for a very long after my mother passed away, it just got worse over the years and it took breaking me for me to get rid of all that bitterness. He changed my heart so much but of course every day there are things that He brings to light that He is working on in my heart and life. What a wonderful Living Lesson!!!!

  4. I love this lesson Erin and also that it’s a podcast. Looking back I can see how the result of alot of things I went through was bitterness. I can see how much He has changed me and instead I can come out better now. I will say that sometimes it’s not easy and I fail but I am still a work in progress. I can recognize it now when the bitterness wants to take root. I’ve learned that the more I spend time with Him, the more I’m filled with fruits of the spirit instead of the flesh.
    I love that you say that sometimes we need to come to the end of ourselves and that’s really what happened with me. I had so much pride and I was so self centered. The end of me was the beginning of Him! Thank you Erin for this lesson ❀

  5. This was such a timely message but I love my Husband because He knows when I need to hear something and learn from it. I was just my Lord to help me deal with this bitterness and unforgiveness and this message was a good reminder to talk to Him about it. It reminded me how bitterness can affect all aspects of our life. Our HH wants better for us and I look forward to seeing how He works on my heart and how He works on those that need it. Thank you Erin for this lesson.

    1. Cathy, you are so right. We need to go to him continually to keep our hearts pure, because there are so many things that can trigger previously forgiven hurts.
      The more time we spend with him alone, quietly and feel his love flowing through us the more it cleanses our hearts so we are able to give love and not need love from anyone because our hearts are overflowing with his love 💗 .

  6. I enjoyed very much this Podcast living lesson.😍 This brought to my mind that when I came so broken to the ministry, I was praying over and over for my heart to be free of bitterness. I grew up listening to my mum®s bitterness every time my Dad®s name came up in a conversation and I felt so bad about it for so many years, that I did not want to become that kind of person. I am sure He needs to continue working in my heart to stay in the better line and not the bitter one. And as Erin said it:
    Forgiveness, what a powerful spiritual weapon to heal.

    1. Poppy, I’m still hoping and praying that you will begin the journey of HHM from your childhood due to your parent’s divorce.

      PS don’t forget to upload your profile picture. That’s the only way we can find you in a sea of registers users, so we can move commenters up to an AUTHOR status, and not have to approve your posted praise đŸ™ŒđŸ» and comments 💭

  7. FYI
    There are several of you who are not showing profile pictures and soooo many on a few blogs I continually need to approve so there must be a plugin issue. Normally it’s due to two plugins that aren’t compatible and interfere with each other or it needs updating.
    Thank you for your prayers đŸ™đŸ» and patience đŸ€— as we SSG for Him to lead us to discover the reason for this.
    Ahhh one â˜đŸ» thing He reminded me of was each Ministry blog having a hostess who can help navigate new registered users who do comment or post Praise đŸ™ŒđŸ» THANK YOU DARLING 💗
    Let me sit quietly to hear His plan for this.

    1. Thank you for your prayers and patience once again. There’s still things that my husband is showing me due to this issue. (Remember, when we have any sort of a crisis or problem our Husband wants to show us some thing not just solve the problem itself).
      So our web team is in discussion about having a Hostess, and once each has had the opportunity to speak to her husband, we will no doubt posted as a praise.
      Specifically you, Atarah, I discovered you had two profiles, so you must have been logging in with a different profile. I’m thankful you drew our attention to this and it could be why God allowed it. But do check with your husband to make sure that you pressed into him before trying to fix it yourself. It’s so easy to do because the truth is we are human and it’s human nature. đŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ€—

  8. Thank you Erin for sharing what He guided you, in short He knows what we need, there is no doubt that holding resentments and bitterness has to do with a lack of forgiveness, which means that we feel that someone owes us something. My Beloved teaches me that bitterness is a prison for ourselves that does not let us live in freedom and abundance, nor see clearly that He is the one created to cover each of our expectations and needs ❀.

    1. EXACTLY they OWE us. But no amount of apologies or money or even prison time (for crimes) EVER can make it right in our mind or heart. ONLY HE can not just fill the void but cause it to overflow. Not just heal the wound or the break but make it stronger at the fracture—our ability to use it to minister.

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