Not In Your Own Strength

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." E6:12

When I read Chapter 3, Living The Abundant Life, I learned the following:

  • Do not to go against the wave, but work with the wave - riding the wave of adversity. Do not resist evil and no matter how impossible it seems, remember our precious Lord makes it possible.
  • Don't try to do it in your own strength. If you can do something on your own, it's in the flesh, because without Him we really can't do anything and I don't know about you, but without Him I don't want to do anything. If we need the help of the Holy Spirit, then it is definitely from our precious Lord.
  • Only our precious Lord can give us the life that so many of us long for, only He can break the vicious cycle of longing for love in a person. By having an intimate relationship with our precious Lord, you will learn what true joy is, a joy and peace that only our precious Lord can give. Remember it's all about the Lord and He deserves all the glory.

Precious dearest bride remember you can't do it in your own strength.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." P3:5-6

12 thoughts on “Not In Your Own Strength”

  1. THANK YOU JANINE!! This was short and sweet and a wonderful shot of encouragement in the 8 min l have before l drop the kids off at school 😅😂 thank you because this morning l was speaking to our Beloved about how things just seem so much easier when l speak to Him about all my struggles. You touched on a few things that confirmed a few things He has been speaking to me about. And also riding the wave of adversity something that was said to my daughter that l am giving to my Love while l ride that wave 🙌🥰😍❤️

    1. Thank you precious Atarah, isn’t it so much easier when we take everything to our Darling Lord, I didn’t always, and sometimes I still have to admit I didn’t give it over the first time and then I have admit I just can’t do it on my own and then any way give up and give it over to my Darling Lord and wow it’s then when I get the peace that surpasses all understanding. But my Darling is taking me on a journey learning to give it over the first time.

  2. Thank you Janine, to not resist evil and turn the other cheek is certainly not easy, and takes a lot of trust and faith, but once we can embrace this principle, we will be amazed to see how He works on our behalf.

    I used to run far away from adversity, making sure I was “protected” against what came against me, but it was all done in the flesh, no protection at all and the outcome was never what I hoped for. But my Beloved brought me so far on this journey, and through Him I can ride the wave of adversity, not in my own strength, but with His strength that is perfected in my weakness.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, yes it is only with our Darling Lord that we can ride the wave of adversity.

  3. Beste Janine,

    bedankt voor het delen van dit hoofdstuk😍. Lang heb ik geworsteld om te begrijpen hoe ik met de vele golven van beproevingen mee moet gaan. Het heeft mij vele tranen gekost. Maar gelukkig heeft Hij stap voor stap laten zien dat Hij voor mij alles oplost om tevens mijn tranen te drogen zodat ik de overwinning kon zien🙏🏾. Ik hoef niks anders te doen dan te vertrouwen op zijn beloftes. Nu door diverse stormen heen te zijn gegaan privé en op mijn werk, laat Hij mijn vijanden zelfs vrienden met mij worden.

    ‘Maar Ik zeg u: Heb uw vijanden lief; zegen hen die u vervloeken; doe goed aan hen die u haten; en bid voor hen die u beledigen en u vervolgen’ (Mattheüs 5:43–44).
    Dear Janine,

    thanks for sharing this chapter😍. For a long time I have struggled to understand how to ride the many waves of trials. It cost me many tears. But fortunately He showed step by step that He solved everything for me and also dried my tears so that I could see the victory🙏🏾. I don’t have to do anything but trust His promises. Now that I have gone through several storms in my private life and at work, He even allows my enemies to become friends with me.

    ““You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” M5:43-44

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Kristine, isn’t He just the Best Ever and yes He is there to solve everything for us, we just have to give over.

  4. Thank you dear Janine for sharing.
    I had a tendency to not want to pay attention to difficult things, and so I failed to take advantage of opportunities to “surf” the wave of adversity that takes me closer to my Beloved. But now I’ve learned that what I need is to be connected to the Source that is my Beloved, snuggled up with Him, and that I don’t need to worry, because then, whatever the situation, I will know that it is He who protects me.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Marta, I too failed so many times to take advantage of opportunities to ride the wave of adversity. But how wonderful that He is our protection and I am forever grateful how my Darling Lord is teaching me now not to go against the wave of adversity.

  5. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
    Thank you for sharing sweet Janine, only if we abide in Him, can we ride the waves and enjoy the ride!!
    Spending time with Our Beloved changes the way we see our challenges! Praise Him we are strong in Him!!

    1. Yes precious Isabella, only if we abide in Him because without Him we really can’t do anything.

  6. gracias mi querida por compartir, justo esto estamos estudiando un grupo de compañeras que nos reunimos cada lunes (ahora también lo haremos los viernes) en la noche, cerca de mi casa.
    Estudiamos en esta semana el capitulo 5 del libro Una mujer sabia, y leímos esto y gracias a mi amado que nos enseña a cada una de nosotras y nos hace abrazar la adversidad.

    Thank you my dear for sharing, this is exactly what a group of colleagues and I are studying who meet every Monday (now we will also do it on Fridays) at night, near my house.
    This week we studied chapter 5 of the book A Wise Woman, and we read this and thank my Beloved who teaches each of us and makes us embrace adversity.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Nelly. Our Darling Lord is the Best ever and it is really so wonderful how He teaches us in all His love.

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