Finding the Abundant Life – Chapter 5 🎤📖

Hello beautiful brides, I am Adina in South Africa and today I want to share what I have learned from Chapter 5 “It’s SO Worth the Wait”

My Husband have been placing it in my heart to share something about “waiting” for a couple of days now, how amazing that today’s chapter is about “WAITING”

When we receive a promise from the Lord, something we are believing Him for, we wanted it yesterday, today or we might be willing to wait until tomorrow 😁.

BUT nothing is changing, our situations stay the same, or it gets worse, what we believe Him for seems more and more impossible. And we get to a point where we lose hope, give up and even worse, stop believing or believe it’s not His will for us, that He doesn’t love or care for us. What He promised us is only reserved for others and not for us. And in the end we miss our promise.

Understanding why we have to wait for our promise can also help us to go through the waiting period. If we receive our promise to early, we will not be able to deal with it because we are emotionally and spiritually not ready to receive it. There is a planned purpose in the waiting, it is in the waiting that He transforms us and prepares us for our promise, just like Joseph, Moses and Esther.

Another reason we have to wait is for the timing to be right and for us to be at the right place. Everything He orchestrates behind the scenes will come together at the right time to reveal His plan and for His glory.
I myself have been in the waiting season for a couple of years now, and it was only through my worst trail, the custody battle, where I was able to completely surrender everything to Him, and where I was able to find rest in Him, believing that everything that happens, is pieces of a beautiful picture that He is working on behind the scenes. Once I was able to reach this place of surrender and rest, I started to enjoy my waiting season, finding peace and joy in the wait.

Yes, we may have to wait for all your promises to be fulfilled, but He designed a waiting room suited specifically for each one of us. And while we are in this specially designed waiting room, we can experience joy and peace that surpasses all understanding, we do not have to suffer through the waiting.

He says in Habakkuk: “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, WAIT for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.”

Please also listen to Janine's praise, what she shares encouraged me so much during the custody battle, knowing He is working on a beautiful picture for us: DON’T BELIEVE THE LIES OF THE ENEMY


6 thoughts on “Finding the Abundant Life – Chapter 5 🎤📖”

  1. Yes its not easy to wait when we are trusting for something or we want to see a change in certain areas of our lives, just today I was speaking to my Beloved telling Him I would love to see my family serving Him and working in His kingdom and my EH paying his tithes, this is a desire of my heart. Reading this adina I’m encouraged knowing that I am in a waiting room specially designed for me while I wait for the fulfilment He will bring. It’s so nice tho to sit in this waiting room with Him and talk to Him about the dreams and desires of our hearts 🙂

    1. Yes Atarah we can enjoy the wait with Him, we can find peace and joy in Him while He is working everything out!

  2. And I absolutely LOVE that scripture your shared its such an amazing promise we can hide in our hearts!

  3. It is worth it to wait!!!! It is so hard, but there is a huge blessing if we learn to wait and trust!! In those moments we need to rememeber how He has blessed us in the past so we can be bless in the future!!

    1. Absolutely Isabella, it is so important to count our blessings one by one every day, especially while we wait to help us to remember His goodness in the past!

  4. Dear Adina, thanking you for sharing, a lot of struggle with the wait but we learn so much in the waiting period and He is never late. And when I look bavk it was in all the waiting periods that my HH worked on me.

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